< Psalmorum 78 >
1 Intellectus Asaph. Attendite popule meus legem meam: inclinate aurem vestram in verba oris mei.
The lernyng of Asaph. Mi puple, perseyue ye my lawe; bowe youre eere in to the wordis of my mouth.
2 Aperiam in parabolis os meum: loquar propositiones ab initio.
I schal opene my mouth in parablis; Y schal speke perfite resouns fro the bigynnyng.
3 Quanta audivimus et cognovimus ea: et patres nostri narraverunt nobis.
Hou grete thingis han we herd, aud we han knowe tho; and oure fadris. telden to vs.
4 Non sunt occultata a filiis eorum, in generatione altera. Narrantes laudes Domini, et virtutes eius, et mirabilia eius quæ fecit.
Tho ben not hid fro the sones of hem; in anothir generacioun. And thei telden the heriyngis of the Lord, and the vertues of hym; and hise merueilis, whyche he dide.
5 Et suscitavit testimonium in Iacob: et legem posuit in Israel. Quanta mandavit patribus nostris nota facere ea filiis suis:
And he reiside witnessyng in Jacob; and he settide lawe in Israel. Hou grete thingis comaundide he to oure fadris, to make tho knowun to her sones;
6 ut cognoscat generatio altera. Filii qui nascentur, et exurgent, et narrabunt filiis suis,
that another generacioun knowe. Sones, that schulen be born, and schulen rise vp; schulen telle out to her sones.
7 Ut ponant in Deo spem suam, et non obliviscantur operum Dei: et mandata eius exquirant.
That thei sette her hope in God, and foryete not the werkis of God; and that thei seke hise comaundementis.
8 Ne fiant sicut patres eorum: generatio prava et exasperans. Generatio, quæ non direxit cor suum: et non est creditus cum Deo spiritus eius.
Lest thei be maad a schrewid generacioun; and terrynge to wraththe, as the fadris of hem. A generacioun that dresside not his herte; and his spirit was not bileued with God.
9 Filii Ephrem intendentes et mittentes arcum: conversi sunt in die belli.
The sones of Effraym, bendinge a bouwe and sendynge arowis; weren turned in the dai of batel.
10 Non custodierunt testamentum Dei, et in lege eius noluerunt ambulare.
Thei kepten not the testament of God; and thei nolden go in his lawe.
11 Et obliti sunt benefactorum eius, et mirabilium eius quæ ostendit eis.
And thei foryaten hise benefices; and hise merueils, whiche he schewide to hem.
12 Coram patribus eorum fecit mirabilia in terra Ægypti, in campo Taneos.
He dide merueils bifore the fadris of hem in the loond of Egipt; in the feeld of Taphneos.
13 Interrupit mare, et perduxit eos: et statuit aquas quasi in utre.
He brak the see, and ledde hem thorou; and he ordeynede the watris as in a bouge.
14 Et deduxit eos in nube diei: et tota nocte in illuminatione ignis.
And he ledde hem forth in a cloude of the dai; and al niyt in the liytnyng of fier.
15 Interrupit petram in eremo: et adaquavit eos velut in abysso multa.
He brak a stoon in deseert; and he yaf watir to hem as in a myche depthe.
16 Et eduxit aquam de petra: et deduxit tamquam flumina aquas.
And he ledde watir out of the stoon; and he ledde forth watris as floodis.
17 Et apposuerunt adhuc peccare ei: in iram excitaverunt Excelsum in inaquoso.
And thei `leiden to yit to do synne ayens hym; thei excitiden hiye God in to ire, in a place with out water.
18 Et tentaverunt Deum in cordibus suis: ut peterent escas animabus suis.
And thei temptiden God in her hertis; that thei axiden meetis to her lyues.
19 Et male locuti sunt de Deo: dixerunt: Numquid poterit Deus parare mensam in deserto?
And thei spaken yuel of God; thei seiden, Whether God may make redi a bord in desert?
20 Quoniam percussit petram, et fluxerunt aquæ, et torrentes inundaverunt. Numquid et panem poterit dare, aut parare mensam populo suo?
For he smoot a stoon, and watris flowiden; and streemys yeden out in aboundaunce. Whether also he may yyue breed; ether make redi a bord to his puple?
21 Ideo audivit Dominus, et distulit: et ignis accensus est in Iacob, et ira ascendit in Israel:
Therfor the Lord herde, and delaiede; and fier was kindelid in Jacob, and the ire of God stiede on Israel.
22 Quia non crediderunt in Deo, nec speraverunt in salutari eius:
For thei bileueden not in God; nether hopiden in his heelthe.
23 Et mandavit nubibus desuper, et ianuas cæli aperuit.
And he comaundide to the cloudis aboue; and he openyde the yatis of heuene.
24 Et pluit illis manna ad manducandum, et panem cæli dedit eis.
And he reynede to hem manna for to eete; and he yaf to hem breed of heuene.
25 Panem angelorum manducavit homo: cibaria misit eis in abundantia.
Man eet the breed of aungels; he sent to hem meetis in aboundance.
26 Transtulit Austrum de cælo: et induxit in virtute sua Africum.
He turnede ouere the south wynde fro heuene; and he brouyte in bi his vertu the weste wynde.
27 Et pluit super eos sicut pulverem carnes, et sicut arenam maris volatilia pennata.
And he reynede fleischis as dust on hem; and `he reinede volatils fethered, as the grauel of the see.
28 Et ceciderunt in medio castrorum eorum: circa tabernacula eorum.
And tho felden doun in the myddis of her castels; aboute the tabernaclis of hem.
29 Et manducaverunt et saturati sunt nimis, et desiderium eorum attulit eis:
And thei eeten, and weren fillid greetli, and he brouyte her desire to hem;
30 non sunt fraudati a desiderio suo. Adhuc escæ eorum erant in ore ipsorum,
thei weren not defraudid of her desier. Yit her metis weren in her mouth;
31 et ira Dei ascendit super eos. Et occidit pingues eorum, et electos Israel impedivit.
and the ire of God stiede on hem. And he killide the fatte men of hem; and he lettide the chosene men of Israel.
32 In omnibus his peccaverunt adhuc: et non crediderunt in mirabilibus eius.
In alle these thingis thei synneden yit; and bileuede not in the merueils of God.
33 Et defecerunt in vanitate dies eorum: et anni eorum cum festinatione.
And the daies of hem failiden in vanytee; and the yeeris of hem faileden with haste.
34 Cum occideret eos, quærebant eum: et revertebantur, et diluculo veniebant ad eum.
Whanne he killide hem, thei souyten hym; and turneden ayen, and eerli thei camen to hym.
35 Et rememorati sunt quia Deus adiutor est eorum: et Deus excelsus redemptor eorum est.
And thei bithouyten, that God is the helper of hem; and `the hiy God is the ayenbier of hem.
36 Et dilexerunt eum in ore suo, et lingua sua mentiti sunt ei:
And thei loueden hym in her mouth; and with her tunge thei lieden to hym.
37 Cor autem eorum non erat rectum cum eo: nec fideles habiti sunt in testamento eius.
Forsothe the herte of hem was not riytful with hym; nethir thei weren had feithful in his testament.
38 Ipse autem est misericors, et propitius fiet peccatis eorum: et non disperdet eos. Et abundavit ut averteret iram suam: et non accendit omnem iram suam:
But he is merciful, and he schal be maad merciful to the synnes of hem; and he schal not destrie hem. And he dide greetli, to turne awei his yre; and he kyndelide not al his ire.
39 Et recordatus est quia caro sunt: spiritus vadens, et non rediens.
And he bithouyte, that thei ben fleische; a spirit goynge, and not turnynge ayen.
40 Quoties exacerbaverunt eum in deserto, in iram concitaverunt eum in inaquoso?
Hou oft maden thei hym wrooth in desert; thei stireden hym in to ire in a place with out watir.
41 Et conversi sunt, et tentaverunt Deum: et Sanctum Israel exacerbaverunt.
And thei weren turned, and temptiden God; and thei wraththiden the hooli of Israel.
42 Non sunt recordati manus eius, die qua redemit eos de manu tribulantis,
Thei bithouyten not on his hond; in the dai in the which he ayen bouyte hem fro the hond of the trobler.
43 Sicut posuit in Ægypto signa sua, et prodigia sua in campo Taneos.
As he settide hise signes in Egipt; and hise grete wondris in the feeld of Taphneos.
44 Et convertit in sanguinem flumina eorum, et imbres eorum, ne biberent.
And he turnede the flodis of hem and the reynes of hem in to blood; that thei schulden not drynke.
45 Misit in eos cœnomyiam, et comedit eos: et ranam, et disperdidit eos.
He sente a fleisch flie in to hem, and it eet hem; and he sente a paddok, and it loste hem.
46 Et dedit ærugini fructus eorum: et labores eorum locustæ.
And he yaf the fruytis of hem to rust; and he yaf the trauels of hem to locustis.
47 Et occidit in grandine vineas eorum: et moros eorum in pruina.
And he killide the vynes of hem bi hail; and the moore trees of hem bi a frost.
48 Et tradidit grandini iumenta eorum: et possessionem eorum igni.
And he bitook the beestis of hem to hail; and the possessioun of hem to fier.
49 Misit in eos iram indignationis suæ: indignationem, et iram, et tribulationem: immissiones per angelos malos.
He sente in to hem the ire of his indignacioun; indignacioun, and ire, and tribulacioun, sendingis in bi iuel aungels.
50 Viam fecit semitæ iræ suæ, non pepercit a morte animabus eorum: et iumenta eorum in morte conclusit.
He made weie to the path of his ire, and he sparide not fro the deth of her lyues; and he closide togidere in deth the beestis of hem.
51 Et percussit omne primogenitum in terra Ægypti: primitias omnis laboris eorum in tabernaculis Cham.
And he smoot al the first gendrid thing in the lond of Egipt; the first fruytis of alle the trauel of hem in the tabernaclis of Cham.
52 Et abstulit sicut oves populum suum: et perduxit eos tamquam gregem in deserto.
And he took awei his puple as scheep; and he ledde hem forth as a flok in desert.
53 Et deduxit eos in spe, et non timuerunt: et inimicos eorum operuit mare.
And he ledde hem forth in hope, and thei dredden not; and the see hilide the enemyes of hem.
54 Et induxit eos in montem sanctificationis suæ, montem, quem acquisivit dextera eius. Et eiecit a facie eorum Gentes: et sorte divisit eis terram in funiculo distributionis.
And he brouyte hem in to the hil of his halewyng; in to the hil which his riythond gat. And he castide out hethene men fro the face of hem; and bi lot he departide to hem the lond in a cord of delyng.
55 Et habitare fecit in tabernaculis eorum tribus Israel.
And he made the lynagis of Israel to dwelle in the tabernaclis of hem.
56 Et tentaverunt, et exacerbaverunt Deum excelsum: et testimonia eius non custodierunt.
And thei temptiden, and wraththiden heiy God; and thei kepten not hise witnessyngis.
57 Et averterunt se, et non servaverunt pactum: quemadmodum patres eorum, conversi sunt in arcum pravum.
And thei turneden awei hem silf, and thei kepten not couenaunt; as her fadris weren turned in to a schrewid bouwe.
58 In iram concitaverunt eum in collibus suis: et in sculptilibus suis ad æmulationem eum provocaverunt.
Thei stiriden him in to ire in her litle hillis; and thei terriden hym to indignacioun of her grauen ymagis.
59 Audivit Deus, et sprevit: et ad nihilum redegit valde Israel.
God herde, and forsook; and brouyte to nouyt Israel greetli.
60 Et repulit tabernaculum Silo, tabernaculum suum, ubi habitavit in hominibus.
And he puttide awei the tabernacle of Sylo; his tabernacle where he dwellide among men.
61 Et tradidit in captivitatem virtutem eorum: et pulchritudinem eorum in manus inimici.
And he bitook the vertu of hem in to caitiftee; and the fairnesse of hem in to the hondis of the enemye.
62 Et conclusit in gladio populum suum: et hereditatem suam sprevit.
And he closide togidere his puple in swerd; and he dispiside his erytage.
63 Iuvenes eorum comedit ignis: et virgines eorum non sunt lamentatæ.
Fier eet the yonge men of hem; and the virgyns of hem weren not biweilid.
64 Sacerdotes eorum in gladio ceciderunt: et viduæ eorum non plorabantur.
The prestis of hem fellen doun bi swerd; and the widewis of hem weren not biwept.
65 Et excitatus est tamquam dormiens Dominus, tamquam potens crapulatus a vino.
And the Lord was reisid, as slepynge; as miyti greetli fillid of wiyn.
66 Et percussit inimicos suos in posteriora: opprobrium sempiternum dedit illis.
And he smoot hise enemyes on the hynderere partis; he yaf to hem euerlastyng schenschipe.
67 Et repulit tabernaculum Ioseph: et tribum Ephraim non elegit:
And he puttide awei the tabernacle of Joseph; and he chees not the lynage of Effraym.
68 Sed elegit tribum Iuda, montem Sion quem dilexit.
But he chees the lynage of Juda; he chees the hil of Syon, which he louede.
69 Et ædificavit sicut unicornium sanctificium suum in terra, quam fundavit in sæcula.
And he as an vnicorn bildide his hooli place; in the lond, which he foundide in to worldis.
70 Et elegit David servum suum, et sustulit eum de gregibus ovium: de post fœtantes accepit eum.
And he chees Dauid his seruaunt, and took hym vp fro the flockis of scheep; he took hym fro bihynde scheep with lambren.
71 Pascere Iacob servum suum, et Israel hereditatem suam:
To feed Jacob his seruaunt; and Israel his eritage.
72 Et pavit eos in innocentia cordis sui: et in intellectibus manuum suarum deduxit eos.
And he fedde hem in the innocens of his herte; and he ledde hem forth in the vndurstondyngis of his hondis.