< Psalmorum 61 >
1 In finem, In hymnis David. Exaudi Deus deprecationem meam: intende orationi meæ.
God, listen to me, and answer my prayer [DOU]!
2 A finibus terræ ad te clamavi: dum anxiaretur cor meum, in petra exaltasti me. Deduxisti me,
While I am discouraged and far from my home, I am calling out to you. Lead me to [the place that is like] a high rock [MET] on top of which I will be safe.
3 quia factus es spes mea: turris fortitudinis a facie inimici.
You have been my refuge; you have been [like] a strong tower [MET] [in which I am safe] from being attacked by my enemies.
4 Inhabitabo in tabernaculo tuo in sæcula: protegar in velamento alarum tuarum.
Allow me to live close to your temple all during my life [HYP]! Allow me to be safe [MET], [like a little bird is safe] under [its mother’s] wings.
5 Quoniam tu Deus meus exaudisti orationem meam: dedisti hereditatem timentibus nomen tuum.
God, you heard me when I solemnly promised [to give offerings to you]; you have given to me the blessings that belong to those who have an awesome respect for you [MTY].
6 Dies super dies regis adiicies: annos eius usque in diem generationis et generationis.
[I am] the king [of Israel]; [please] allow me to live [and rule] for many years, and allow my descendants to rule [also].
7 Permanet in æternum in conspectu Dei: misericordiam et veritatem eius quis requiret?
Allow us to rule forever while you observe us; watch over us while you faithfully love us and do for us what you promised.
8 Sic psalmum dicam nomini tuo in sæculum sæculi: ut reddam vota mea de die in diem.
If you do that, I will always sing to praise you [MTY] while I offer to you each day the sacrifices that I promised to give to you.