< Psalmorum 49 >

1 In finem, filiis Core Psalmus. Audite hæc omnes gentes: auribus percipite omnes, qui habitatis orbem:
to/for to conduct to/for son: descendant/people Korah melody to hear: hear this all [the] people to listen all to dwell lifetime/world
2 Quique terrigenæ, et filii hominum: simul in unum dives et pauper.
also son: descendant/people man also son: descendant/people man unitedness rich and needy
3 Os meum loquetur sapientiam: et meditatio cordis mei prudentiam.
lip my to speak: speak wisdom and meditation heart my understanding
4 Inclinabo in parabolam aurem meam: aperiam in psalterio propositionem meam.
to stretch to/for proverb ear my to open in/on/with lyre riddle my
5 Cur timebo in die mala? iniquitas calcanei mei circumdabit me:
to/for what? to fear in/on/with day bad: evil iniquity: crime heel my to turn: surround me
6 Qui confidunt in virtute sua: et in multitudine divitiarum suarum gloriantur.
[the] to trust upon strength: rich their and in/on/with abundance riches their to boast: boast
7 Frater non redimit, redimet homo: non dabit Deo placationem suam.
brother: compatriot not to ransom to ransom man: anyone not to give: give to/for God ransom his
8 Et pretium redemptionis animæ suæ: et laborabit in æternum,
and be precious redemption soul their and to cease to/for forever: enduring
9 et vivet adhuc in finem.
and to live still to/for perpetuity not to see: see [the] Pit: hell (questioned)
10 Non videbit interitum, cum viderit sapientes morientes: simul insipiens, et stultus peribunt. Et relinquent alienis divitias suas:
for to see: see wise to die unitedness fool and stupid to perish and to leave: forsake to/for another strength: rich their
11 et sepulchra eorum domus illorum in æternum. Tabernacula eorum in progenie, et progenie: vocaverunt nomina sua in terris suis.
entrails: inner parts their house: home their to/for forever: enduring tabernacle their to/for generation and generation to call: call by in/on/with name their upon land: soil
12 Et homo, cum in honore esset, non intellexit: comparatus est iumentis insipientibus, et similis factus est illis.
and man in/on/with preciousness not to lodge to liken like/as animal to cease
13 Hæc via illorum scandalum ipsis: et postea in ore suo complacebunt.
this way: conduct their loin to/for them and after them in/on/with lip: word their to accept (Selah)
14 Sicut oves in inferno positi sunt: mors depascet eos. Et dominabuntur eorum iusti in matutino: et auxilium eorum veterascet in inferno a gloria eorum. (Sheol h7585)
like/as flock to/for hell: Sheol to appoint death to pasture them and to rule in/on/with them upright to/for morning (and rock their *Q(K)*) to/for to become old hell: Sheol from elevation to/for him (Sheol h7585)
15 Verumtamen Deus redimet animam meam de manu inferi, cum acceperit me. (Sheol h7585)
surely God to ransom soul my from hand: power hell: Sheol for to take: recieve me (Selah) (Sheol h7585)
16 Ne timueris cum dives factus fuerit homo: et cum multiplicata fuerit gloria domus eius.
not to fear for to enrich man: anyone for to multiply glory house: home his
17 Quoniam cum interierit, non sumet omnia: neque descendet cum eo gloria eius.
for not in/on/with death his to take: take [the] all not to go down after him glory his
18 Quia anima eius in vita ipsius benedicetur: confitebitur tibi cum benefeceris ei.
for soul his in/on/with life his to bless and to give thanks you for be good to/for you
19 Introibit usque in progenies patrum suorum: et usque in æternum non videbit lumen.
to come (in): come till generation father his till perpetuity not to see: see light
20 Homo, cum in honore esset, non intellexit: comparatus est iumentis insipientibus, et similis factus est illis.
man in/on/with preciousness and not to understand to liken like/as animal to cease

< Psalmorum 49 >