< Psalmorum 142 >

1 Intellectus David, Cum esset in spelunca, oratio. Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi: voce mea ad Dominum deprecatus sum:
A maskil of David, when he was in the cave. A prayer. I call out to the Lord for help; pleading with the Lord for mercy.
2 Effundo in conspectu eius orationem meam, et tribulationem meam ante ipsum pronuncio.
I pour out my complaints before him; I tell him what's troubling me.
3 In deficiendo ex me spiritum meum, et tu cognovisti semitas meas. In via hac, qua ambulabam, absconderunt laqueum mihi.
When I'm totally discouraged, you know the direction I should take. But whichever way I go, people set traps for me.
4 Considerabam ad dexteram, et videbam: et non erat qui cognosceret me. Periit fuga a me, et non est qui requirat animam meam.
I look to my right for someone to support me—but no one pays me any attention. There's no safe place for me—no one cares about me at all.
5 Clamavi ad te Domine, dixi: Tu es spes mea, portio mea in terra viventium.
I cry out to you, Lord, for help, saying, “You are the one who keeps me safe; you are all I need in life.
6 Intende ad deprecationem meam: quia humiliatus sum nimis. Libera me a persequentibus me: quia confortati sunt super me.
Please listen to my sad cry, for I'm feeling very low. Please save me from those who are after me, for they're too strong for me.
7 Educ de custodia animam meam ad confitendum nomini tuo: me expectant iusti, donec retribuas mihi.
Release me from my prison so I can praise you for the person you are! Those who live right will gather round me because you have treated me so well.”

< Psalmorum 142 >