< Psalmorum 137 >

1 Psalmus David, Ieremiæ. Super flumina Babylonis, illic sedimus et flevimus: cum recordaremur Sion:
upon river Babylon there to dwell also to weep in/on/with to remember we [obj] Zion
2 In salicibus in medio eius, suspendimus organa nostra.
upon willow in/on/with midst her to hang lyre our
3 Quia illic interrogaverunt nos, qui captivos duxerunt nos, verba cantionum: Et qui abduxerunt nos: Hymnum cantate nobis de canticis Sion.
for there to ask us to take captive us word: because song and tormentor our joy to sing to/for us from song Zion
4 Quomodo cantabimus canticum Domini in terra aliena?
how? to sing [obj] song LORD upon land: soil foreign
5 Si oblitus fuero tui Ierusalem, oblivioni detur dextera mea.
if to forget you Jerusalem to forget right my
6 Adhæreat lingua mea faucibus meis, si non meminero tui: Si non proposuero Ierusalem, in principio lætitiæ meæ.
to cleave tongue my to/for palate my if not to remember you if not to ascend: establish [obj] Jerusalem upon head: top joy my
7 Memor esto Domine filiorum Edom, in die Ierusalem: Qui dicunt: Exinanite, exinanite usque ad fundamentum in ea.
to remember LORD to/for son: descendant/people Edom [obj] day Jerusalem [the] to say to uncover to uncover till [the] foundation in/on/with her
8 Filia Babylonis misera: beatus, qui retribuet tibi retributionem tuam, quam retribuisti nobis.
daughter Babylon [the] to ruin blessed which/that to complete to/for you [obj] recompense your which/that to wean to/for us
9 Beatus, qui tenebit, et allidet parvulos tuos ad petram.
blessed which/that to grasp and to shatter [obj] infant your to(wards) [the] crag

< Psalmorum 137 >