< Liber Numeri 34 >

1 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
and to speak: speak LORD to(wards) Moses to/for to say
2 Præcipe filiis Israel, et dices ad eos: Cum ingressi fueritis Terram Chanaan, et in possessionem vobis sorte ceciderit, his finibus terminabitur.
to command [obj] son: descendant/people Israel and to say to(wards) them for you(m. p.) to come (in): come to(wards) [the] land: country/planet Canaan this [the] land: country/planet which to fall: allot to/for you in/on/with inheritance land: country/planet Canaan to/for border her
3 Pars meridiana incipiet a solitudine Sin, quæ est iuxta Edom: et habebit terminos contra Orientem mare salsissimum.
and to be to/for you side south from wilderness Zin upon hand: to Edom and to be to/for you border: boundary south from end sea [the] Salt (Sea) east [to]
4 Qui circuibunt australem plagam per ascensum Scorpionis, ita ut transeant in Senna, et perveniant a meridie usque ad Cadesbarne, unde egredientur confinia ad villam nomine Adar, et tendent usque ad Asemona.
and to turn: turn to/for you [the] border: boundary from south to/for Akrabbim Akrabbim and to pass Zin [to] (and to be *Q(K)*) outgoing his from south to/for Kadesh-barnea Kadesh-barnea and to come out: extends Hazar-addar Hazar-addar and to pass Azmon [to]
5 Ibitque per gyrum terminus ab Asemona usque ad Torrentem Ægypti, et maris magni littore finietur.
and to turn: turn [the] border: boundary from Azmon Brook [to] (Brook of) Egypt and to be outgoing his [the] sea [to]
6 Plaga autem occidentalis a mari magno incipiet, et ipso fine claudetur.
and border: boundary sea: west and to be to/for you [the] sea [the] Great (Sea) and border: boundary this to be to/for you border: boundary sea: west
7 Porro ad septentrionalem plagam a mari magno termini incipient, pervenientes usque ad montem altissimum,
and this to be to/for you border: boundary north from [the] sea [the] Great (Sea) to mark to/for you (Mount) Hor [the] mountain: mount
8 a quo venient in Emath usque ad terminos Sedada:
from (Mount) Hor [the] mountain: mount to mark Lebo-(Hamath) Hamath and to be outgoing [the] border: boundary Zedad [to]
9 ibuntque confinia usque ad Zephrona, et villam Enan. Hi erunt termini in parte Aquilonis.
and to come out: extends [the] border: boundary Ziphron [to] and to be outgoing his Hazar-enan Hazar-enan this to be to/for you border: boundary north
10 Inde metabuntur fines contra orientalem plagam de villa Enan usque Sephama,
and to mark to/for you to/for border: boundary east [to] from Hazar-enan Hazar-enan Shepham [to]
11 et de Sephama descendent termini in Rebla contra fontem Daphnim: inde pervenient contra Orientem ad mare Cenereth,
and to go down [the] border: boundary from Shepham [the] Riblah from front: east to/for Ain and to go down [the] border: boundary and to strike upon shoulder sea (Sea of) Chinnereth east [to]
12 et tendent usque ad Iordanem, et ad ultimum salsissimo claudentur mari. Hanc habebitis Terram per fines suos in circuitu.
and to go down [the] border: boundary [the] Jordan [to] and to be outgoing his sea [the] Salt (Sea) this to be to/for you [the] land: country/planet to/for border her around
13 Præcepitque Moyses filiis Israel, dicens: Hæc erit Terra, quam possidebitis sorte, et quam iussit Dominus dari novem tribubus, et dimidiæ tribui.
and to command Moses [obj] son: descendant/people Israel to/for to say this [the] land: country/planet which to inherit [obj] her in/on/with allotted which to command LORD to/for to give: give to/for nine [the] tribe and half [the] tribe
14 Tribus enim filiorum Ruben per familias suas, et tribus filiorum Gad iuxta cognationum numerum, media quoque tribus Manasse,
for to take: recieve tribe son: descendant/people [the] Reubenite to/for house: household father their and tribe son: descendant/people [the] Gad to/for house: household father their and half tribe Manasseh to take: recieve inheritance their
15 id est, duæ semis tribus, acceperunt partem suam trans Iordanem contra Iericho ad orientalem plagam.
two [the] tribe and half [the] tribe to take: recieve inheritance their from side: beyond to/for Jordan Jericho east [to] east [to]
16 Et ait Dominus ad Moysen:
and to speak: speak LORD to(wards) Moses to/for to say
17 Hæc sunt nomina virorum, qui Terram vobis divident, Eleazar sacerdos, et Iosue filius Nun,
these name [the] human which to inherit to/for you [obj] [the] land: country/planet Eleazar [the] priest and Joshua son: child Nun
18 et singuli principes de tribubus singulis,
and leader one leader one from tribe to take: take to/for to inherit [obj] [the] land: country/planet
19 quorum ista sunt vocabula: De tribu Iuda, Caleb filius Iephone.
and these name [the] human to/for tribe Judah Caleb son: child Jephunneh
20 De tribu Simeon, Samuel filius Ammiud.
and to/for tribe son: descendant/people Simeon Shemuel son: child Ammihud
21 De tribu Beniamin, Elidad filius Chaselon.
to/for tribe Benjamin Elidad son: child Chislon
22 De tribu filiorum Dan, Bocci filius Iogli.
and to/for tribe son: descendant/people Dan leader Bukki son: child Jogli
23 Filiorum Ioseph de tribu Manasse, Hanniel filius Ephod.
to/for son: descendant/people Joseph to/for tribe son: descendant/people Manasseh leader Hanniel son: child Ephod
24 De tribu Ephraim, Camuel filius Sephthan.
and to/for tribe son: descendant/people Ephraim leader Kemuel son: child Shiphtan
25 De tribu Zabulon, Elisaphan filius Pharnach.
and to/for tribe son: descendant/people Zebulun leader Elizaphan son: child Parnach
26 De tribu Issachar, dux Phaltiel filius Ozan.
and to/for tribe son: descendant/people Issachar leader Paltiel son: child Azzan
27 De tribu Aser, Ahiud filius Salomi.
and to/for tribe son: descendant/people Asher leader Ahihud son: child Shelomi
28 De tribu Nephthali, Phedael filius Ammiud.
and to/for tribe son: descendant/people Naphtali leader Pedahel son: child Ammihud
29 Hi sunt, quibus præcepit Dominus ut dividerent filiis Israel Terram Chanaan.
these which to command LORD to/for to inherit [obj] son: descendant/people Israel in/on/with land: country/planet Canaan

< Liber Numeri 34 >