< Nehemiæ 9 >

1 In die autem vigesimoquarto mensis huius convenerunt filii Israel in ieiunio et in saccis, et humus super eos.
and in/on/with day twenty and four to/for month [the] this to gather son: descendant/people Israel in/on/with fast and in/on/with sackcloth and land: soil upon them
2 Et separatum est semen filiorum Israel ab omni filio alienigena: et steterunt, et confitebantur peccata sua, et iniquitates patrum suorum.
and to separate seed: children Israel from all son: type of foreign and to stand: stand and to give thanks upon sin their and iniquity: crime father their
3 Et consurrexerunt ad standum: et legerunt in volumine Legis Domini Dei sui, quater in die, et quater confitebantur: et adorabant Dominum Deum suum.
and to arise: establish upon post their and to call: read out in/on/with scroll: book instruction LORD God their fourth [the] day and fourth to give thanks and to bow to/for LORD God their
4 Surrexerunt autem super gradum Levitarum Iosue, et Bani, et Cedmihel, Sabania, Bonni, Sarebias, Bani, et Chanani: et clamaverunt voce magna ad Dominum Deum suum.
and to arise: establish upon ascent [the] Levi Jeshua and Bani Kadmiel Shebaniah Bunni Sherebiah Bani Chenani and to cry out in/on/with voice great: large to(wards) LORD God their
5 Et dixerunt Levitæ Iosue, et Cedmihel, Bonni, Hasebnia, Serebia, Odaia, Sebnia, Phathathia: Surgite, benedicite Domino Deo vestro ab æterno usque in æternum: et benedicant nomini gloriæ tuæ excelso in omni benedictione et laude.
and to say [the] Levi Jeshua and Kadmiel Bani Hashabneiah Sherebiah Hodiah Shebaniah Pethahiah to arise: establish to bless [obj] LORD God your from [the] forever: enduring till [the] forever: enduring and to bless name glory your and to exalt upon all blessing and praise
6 Tu ipse, Domine, solus, tu fecisti cælum, et cælum cælorum, et omnem exercitum eorum: terram, et universa quæ in ea sunt: maria, et omnia quæ in eis sunt: et tu vivificas omnia hæc, et exercitus cæli te adorat.
you(m. s.) he/she/it LORD to/for alone you (you(m. s.) *Q(K)*) to make [obj] [the] heaven heaven [the] heaven and all army their [the] land: country/planet and all which upon her [the] sea and all which in/on/with them and you(m. s.) to live [obj] all their and army [the] heaven to/for you to bow
7 Tu ipse, Domine Deus, qui elegisti Abram, et eduxisti eum de igne Chaldæorum, et posuisti nomen eius Abraham.
you(m. s.) he/she/it LORD [the] God which to choose in/on/with Abram and to come out: send him from Ur Chaldea and to set: name name his Abraham
8 Et invenisti cor eius fidele coram te: et percussisti cum eo fœdus ut dares ei Terram Chananæi, Hethæi, et Amorrhæi, et Pherezæi, et Iebusæi, et Gergesæi, ut dares semini eius: et implesti verba tua, quoniam iustus es.
and to find [obj] heart his be faithful to/for face: before your and to cut: make(covenant) with him [the] covenant to/for to give: give [obj] land: country/planet [the] Canaanite [the] Hittite [the] Amorite and [the] Perizzite and [the] Jebusite and [the] Girgashite to/for to give: give to/for seed: children his and to arise: establish [obj] word: promised your for righteous you(m. s.)
9 Et vidisti afflictionem patrum nostrorum in Ægypto: clamoremque eorum audisti super Mare rubrum.
and to see: see [obj] affliction father our in/on/with Egypt and [obj] outcry their to hear: hear upon sea Red (Sea)
10 Et dedisti signa atque portenta in Pharaone, et in universis servis eius, et in omni populo terræ illius: cognovisti enim quia superbe egerant contra eos: et fecisti tibi nomen, sicut et in hac die.
and to give: make sign: miraculous and wonder in/on/with Pharaoh and in/on/with all servant/slave his and in/on/with all people land: country/planet his for to know for to boil upon them and to make to/for you name like/as [the] day [the] this
11 Et mare divisisti ante eos, et transierunt per medium maris in sicco: persecutores autem eorum proiecisti in profundum, quasi lapidem in aquas validas.
and [the] sea to break up/open to/for face: before their and to pass in/on/with midst [the] sea in/on/with dry land and [obj] to pursue them to throw in/on/with depth like stone in/on/with water strong
12 Et in columna nubis ductor eorum fuisti per diem, et in columna ignis per noctem, ut appareret eis via, per quam ingrediebantur.
and in/on/with pillar cloud to lead them by day and in/on/with pillar fire night to/for to light to/for them [obj] [the] way: road which to go: went in/on/with her
13 Ad montem quoque Sinai descendisti, et locutus es cum eis de cælo, et dedisti eis iudicia recta, et legem veritatis, ceremonias, et præcepta bona:
and upon mountain: mount Sinai to go down and to speak: speak with them from heaven and to give: give to/for them justice: judgement upright and instruction truth: certain statute: decree and commandment pleasant
14 et Sabbatum sanctificatum tuum ostendisti eis, et mandata, et ceremonias, et legem præcepisti eis in manu Moysi servi tui.
and [obj] Sabbath holiness your to know to/for them and commandment and statute: decree and instruction to command to/for them in/on/with hand: by Moses servant/slave your
15 Panem quoque de cælo dedisti eis in fame eorum, et aquam de petra eduxisti eis sitientibus, et dixisti eis ut ingrederentur et possiderent terram, super quam levasti manum tuam ut traderes eis.
and food: bread from heaven to give: give to/for them to/for famine their and water from crag to come out: issue to/for them to/for thirst their and to say to/for them to/for to come (in): come to/for to possess: take [obj] [the] land: country/planet which to lift: vow [obj] hand: vow your to/for to give: give to/for them
16 Ipsi vero et patres nostri superbe egerunt, et induraverunt cervices suas, et non audierunt mandata tua.
and they(masc.) and father our to boil and to harden [obj] neck their and not to hear: obey to(wards) commandment your
17 Et noluerunt audire, et non sunt recordati mirabilium tuorum quæ feceras eis. Et induraverunt cervices suas, et dederunt caput ut converterentur ad servitutem suam, quasi per contentionem. Tu autem Deus propitius, clemens, et misericors, longanimis, et multæ miserationis, non dereliquisti eos,
and to refuse to/for to hear: obey and not to remember to wonder your which to make: do with them and to harden [obj] neck their and to give: put head: leader to/for to return: return to/for slavery their in/on/with rebellion their and you(m. s.) god forgiveness gracious and compassionate slow face: anger and many (kindness *Q(K)*) and not to leave: forsake them
18 et quidem cum fecissent sibi vitulum conflatilem, et dixissent: Iste est deus tuus, qui eduxit te de Ægypto: feceruntque blasphemias magnas.
also for to make to/for them calf liquid and to say this God your which to ascend: establish you from Egypt and to make: do contempt great: large
19 Tu autem in misericordiis tuis multis non dimisisti eos in deserto: columna nubis non recessit ab eis per diem ut duceret eos in viam, et columna ignis per noctem ut ostenderet eis iter per quod ingrederentur.
and you(m. s.) in/on/with compassion your [the] many not to leave: forsake them in/on/with wilderness [obj] pillar [the] cloud not to turn aside: depart from upon them in/on/with day their to/for to lead them in/on/with [the] way: road and [obj] pillar [the] fire in/on/with night to/for to light to/for them and [obj] [the] way: road which to go: went in/on/with her
20 Et Spiritum tuum bonum dedisti qui doceret eos, et manna tuum non prohibuisti ab ore eorum, et aquam dedisti eis in siti.
and spirit your [the] pleasant to give: give to/for be prudent them and manna your not to withhold from lip their and water to give: give to/for them to/for thirst their
21 Quadraginta annis pavisti eos in deserto, nihilque eis defuit: vestimenta eorum non inveteraverunt, et pedes eorum non sunt attriti.
and forty year to sustain them in/on/with wilderness not to lack garment their not to become old and foot their not to swell
22 Et dedisti eis regna, et populos, et partitus es eis sortes: et possederunt terram Sehon, et terram regis Hesebon, et terram Og regis Basan.
and to give: give to/for them kingdom and people and to divide them to/for side and to possess: take [obj] land: country/planet Sihon and [obj] land: country/planet king Heshbon and [obj] land: country/planet Og king [the] Bashan
23 Et multiplicasti filios eorum sicut stellas cæli, et adduxisti eos ad terram, de qua dixeras patribus eorum ut ingrederentur et possiderent.
and son: child their to multiply like/as star [the] heaven and to come (in): bring them to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to say to/for father their to/for to come (in): come to/for to possess: take
24 Et venerunt filii, et possederunt terram, et humiliasti coram eis habitatores terræ Chananæos, et dedisti eos in manu eorum et reges eorum et populos terræ ut facerent eis sicut placebant illis.
and to come (in): come [the] son: descendant/people and to possess: take [obj] [the] land: country/planet and be humble to/for face: before their [obj] to dwell [the] land: country/planet [the] Canaanite and to give: give them in/on/with hand: power their and [obj] king their and [obj] people [the] land: country/planet to/for to make: do in/on/with them like/as acceptance their
25 Ceperunt itaque urbes munitas et humum pinguem, et possederunt domos plenas cunctis bonis: cisternas ab aliis fabricatas, vineas, et oliveta, et ligna pomifera multa: et comederunt, et saturati sunt, et impinguati sunt, et abundaverunt deliciis in bonitate tua magna.
and to capture city to gather/restrain/fortify and land: soil rich and to possess: take house: home full all goodness pit to hew vineyard and olive and tree food to/for abundance and to eat and to satisfy and to grow fat and to luxuriate in/on/with goodness your [the] great: large
26 Provocaverunt autem te ad iracundiam, et recesserunt a te, et proiecerunt legem tuam post terga sua: et prophetas tuos occiderunt, qui contestabantur eos ut reverterentur ad te: feceruntque blasphemias grandes.
and to rebel and to rebel in/on/with you and to throw [obj] instruction your after the back their and [obj] prophet your to kill which to testify in/on/with them to/for to return: repent them to(wards) you and to make contempt great: large
27 Et dedisti eos in manu hostium suorum, et afflixerunt eos. Et in tempore tribulationis suæ clamaverunt ad te, et tu de cælo audisti, et secundum miserationes tuas multas dedisti eis salvatores, qui salvarent eos de manu hostium suorum.
and to give: give them in/on/with hand: power enemy their and be distressed to/for them and in/on/with time distress their to cry to(wards) you and you(m. s.) from heaven to hear: hear and like/as compassion your [the] many to give: give to/for them to save and to save them from hand: power enemy their
28 Cumque requievissent, reversi sunt ut facerent malum in conspectu tuo: et dereliquisti eos in manu inimicorum suorum, et possederunt eos. Conversique sunt, et clamaverunt ad te: tu autem de cælo exaudisti, et liberasti eos in misericordiis tuis, multis temporibus.
and like/as to rest to/for them to return: again to/for to make: do bad: evil to/for face: before your and to leave: forsake them in/on/with hand: power enemy their and to rule in/on/with them and to return: repent and to cry out you and you(m. s.) from heaven to hear: hear and to rescue them like/as compassion your many time
29 Et contestatus es eos ut reverterentur ad Legem tuam. Ipsi vero superbe egerunt, et non audierunt mandata tua, et in iudiciis tuis peccaverunt, quæ faciet homo, et vivet in eis: et dederunt humerum recedentem, et cervicem suam induraverunt, nec audierunt.
and to testify in/on/with them to/for to return: repent them to(wards) instruction your and they(masc.) to boil and not to hear: obey to/for commandment your and in/on/with justice: judgement your to sin in/on/with them which to make: do man and to live in/on/with them and to give: put shoulder to rebel and neck their to harden and not to hear: obey
30 Et protraxisti super eos annos multos, et contestatus es eos in Spiritu tuo per manum prophetarum tuorum: et non audierunt, et tradidisti eos in manu populorum terrarum.
and to draw upon them year many and to testify in/on/with them in/on/with spirit your in/on/with hand: by prophet your and not to listen and to give: give them in/on/with hand: power people [the] land: country/planet
31 In misericordiis autem tuis plurimis non fecisti eos in consumptionem, nec dereliquisti eos: quoniam Deus miserationum, et clemens es tu.
and in/on/with compassion your [the] many not to make them consumption and not to leave: forsake them for God gracious and compassionate you(m. s.)
32 Nunc itaque Deus noster magne, fortis, et terribilis, custodiens pactum et misericordiam, ne avertas a facie tua omnem laborem, qui invenit nos, reges nostros, et principes nostros, et sacerdotes nostros, et prophetas nostros, et patres nostros, et omnem populum tuum a diebus regis Assur usque in diem hanc.
and now God our [the] God [the] great: large [the] mighty man and [the] to fear: revere to keep: obey [the] covenant and [the] kindness not to diminish to/for face of your [obj] all [the] hardship which to find us to/for king our to/for ruler our and to/for priest our and to/for prophet our and to/for father our and to/for all people your from day king Assyria till [the] day [the] this
33 Et tu iustus es in omnibus, quæ venerunt super nos: quia veritatem fecisti, nos autem impie egimus.
and you(m. s.) righteous upon all [the] to come (in): come upon us for truth: faithful to make: do and we be wicked
34 Reges nostri, principes nostri, sacerdotes nostri, et patres nostri non fecerunt legem tuam, et non attenderunt mandata tua, et testimonia tua quæ testificatus es in eis.
and [obj] king our ruler our priest our and father our not to make: do instruction your and not to listen to(wards) commandment your and to/for testimony your which to testify in/on/with them
35 Et ipsi in regnis suis, et in bonitate tua multa, quam dederas eis, et in terra latissima et pingui, quam tradideras in conspectu eorum, non servierunt tibi, nec reversi sunt a studiis suis pessimis.
and they(masc.) in/on/with royalty their and in/on/with goodness your [the] many which to give: give to/for them and in/on/with land: country/planet [the] broad: wide and [the] rich which to give: put to/for face: before their not to serve: minister you and not to return: repent from deed their [the] bad: evil
36 Ecce nosipsi hodie servi sumus: et terra, quam dedisti patribus nostris ut comederent panem eius, et quæ bona sunt eius, et nosipsi servi sumus in ea.
behold we [the] day: today servant/slave and [the] land: country/planet which to give: give to/for father our to/for to eat [obj] fruit her and [obj] goodness her behold we servant/slave upon her
37 Et fruges eius multiplicantur regibus, quos posuisti super nos propter peccata nostra, et corporibus nostris dominantur, et iumentis nostris secundum voluntatem suam, et in tribulatione magna sumus.
and produce her to multiply to/for king which to give: put upon us in/on/with sin our and upon body our to rule and in/on/with animal our like/as acceptance their and in/on/with distress great: large we
38 Super omnibus ergo his nosipsi percutimus fœdus, et scribimus, et signant principes nostri, Levitæ nostri, et Sacerdotes nostri.
and in/on/with all this we to cut: make(covenant) sure and to write and upon [the] to seal ruler our Levi our priest our

< Nehemiæ 9 >