< Nehemiæ 6 >
1 Factum est autem, cum audisset Sanaballat, et Tobias, et Gossem Arabs, et ceteri inimici nostri, quod ædificassem ego murum, et non esset in ipso residua interruptio (usque ad tempus autem illud valvas non posueram in portis)
And when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies heard that I had built the wall, and that there were no more breaches therein, (though at that time I had not set vp the doores vpon the gates)
2 miserunt Sanaballat, et Gossem ad me, dicentes: Veni, et percutiamus fœdus pariter in viculis in Campo Ono. Ipsi autem cogitabant ut facerent mihi malum.
Then sent Sanballat and Geshem vnto me, saying, Come thou that we may meete together in the villages in the plaine of Ono: and they thought to doe me euill.
3 Misi ergo ad eos nuncios, dicens: Opus grande ego facio, et non possum descendere: ne forte negligatur cum venero, et descendero ad vos.
Therefore I sent messengers vnto them, saying, I haue a great worke to doe, and I can not come downe: why should the worke cease, whiles I leaue it, and come downe to you?
4 Miserunt autem ad me secundum verbum hoc per quattuor vices: et respondi eis iuxta sermonem priorem.
Yet they sent vnto me foure times after this sort. And I answered them after the same maner.
5 Et misit ad me Sanaballat iuxta verbum prius quinta vice puerum suum, et epistolam habebat in manu sua scriptam hoc modo:
Then sent Sanballat his seruant after this sorte vnto me the fift time, with an open letter in his hand,
6 IN GENTIBUS auditum est, et Gossem dixit, quod tu et Iudæi cogitetis rebellare, et propterea ædifices murum, et levare te velis super eos regem: propter quam causam
Wherein was written, It is reported among the heathen, and Gashmu hath sayd it, that thou and the Iewes thinke to rebel, for the which cause thou buildest the wall and thou wilt bee their King according to these wordes.
7 et prophetas posueris, qui prædicent de te in Ierusalem, dicentes: Rex in Iudæa est. Auditurus est rex verba hæc: idcirco nunc veni, ut ineamus consilium pariter.
Thou hast also ordeyned the Prophets to preach of thee at Ierusalem, saying, There is a King in Iudah: and nowe according to these wordes it shall come to the Kings eares: come now therefore, and let vs take counsell together.
8 Et misi ad eos, dicens: Non est factum secundum verba hæc, quæ tu loqueris: de corde enim tuo tu componis hæc.
Then I sent vnto him, saying, It is not done according to these wordes that thou sayest: for thou feynest them of thine owne heart.
9 Omnes enim hi terrebant nos, cogitantes quod cessarent manus nostræ ab opere, et quiesceremus. Quam ob causam magis confortavi manus meas:
For all they afrayed vs, saying, Their handes shalbe weakened from the worke, and it shall not be done: nowe therefore incourage thou me.
10 et ingressus sum domum Semaiæ filii Dalaiæ filii Metabeel secreto. Qui ait: Tractemus nobiscum in domo Dei in medio templi, et claudamus portas ædis: quia venturi sunt ut interficiant te, et nocte venturi sunt ad occidendum te.
And I came to the house of Shemaiah the sonne of Delaiah the sonne of Mehetabeel, and he was shut vp, and he said, Let vs come together into the house of God in the middes of the Temple, and shut the doores of the Temple: for they will come to slay thee: yea, in the night will they come to kill thee.
11 Et dixi: Num quisquam similis mei fugit? Et quis ut ego ingredietur templum, et vivet? Non ingrediar.
Then I said, Should such a man as I, flee? Who is he, being as I am, that would go into the Temple to liue? I will not goe in.
12 Et intellexi quod Deus non misisset eum, sed quasi vaticinans locutus esset ad me, et Tobias, et Sanaballat conduxissent eum.
And loe, I perceiued, that God had not sent him, but that he pronounced this prophecie against me: for Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him.
13 Acceperat enim pretium, ut territus facerem, et peccarem, et haberent malum, quod exprobrarent mihi.
Therefore was he hyred, that I might be afrayde, and doe thus, and sinne, and that they might haue an euill report that they might reproche me.
14 Memento mei Domine pro Tobia et Sanaballat, iuxta opera eorum talia: sed et Noadiæ prophetæ, et ceterorum prophetarum, qui terrebant me.
My God, remember thou Tobiah, and Sanballat according vnto these their workes, and Noadiah the Prophetesse also, and the rest of the Prophets that would haue put me in feare.
15 Completus est autem murus vigesimoquinto die mensis Elul, quinquaginta duobus diebus.
Notwithstanding the wall was finished on the fiue and twentieth day of Elul, in two and fiftie dayes.
16 Factum est ergo cum audissent omnes inimici nostri, ut timerent universæ gentes, quæ erant in circuitu nostro, et conciderent intra semetipsos, et scirent quod a Deo factum esset opus hoc.
And when all our enemies heard thereof, euen all the heathen that were about vs, they were afraid, and their courage failed them: for they knew, that this worke was wrought by our God.
17 Sed et in diebus illis multæ optimatum Iudæorum epistolæ mittebantur ad Tobiam, et a Tobia veniebant ad eos.
And in these dayes were there many of the princes of Iudah, whose letters went vnto Tobiah, and those of Tobiah came vnto them.
18 Multi enim erant in Iudæa habentes iuramentum eius, quia gener erat Secheniæ filii Area, et Iohanan filius eius acceperat filiam Mosollam filii Barachiæ:
For there were many in Iudah, that were sworne vnto him: for he was the sonne in lawe of Shechaniah, the sonne of Arah: and his sonne Iehonathan had the daughter of Meshullam, the sonne of Berechiah.
19 sed et laudabant eum coram me, et verba mea nunciabant ei: et Tobias mittebat epistolas ut terreret me.
Yea, they spake in his praise before me, and tolde him my wordes, and Tobiah sent letters to put me in feare.