< Micha Propheta 1 >

1 Verbum Domini, quod factum est ad Michæam Morasthiten, in diebus Ioathan, Achaz, et Ezechiæ regum Iuda: quod vidit super Samariam, et Ierusalem.
word LORD which to be to(wards) Micah [the] Moreshethite in/on/with day Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah king Judah which to see upon Samaria and Jerusalem
2 Audite populi omnes, et attendat terra, et plenitudo eius: et sit Dominus Deus vobis in testem, Dominus de templo sancto suo.
to hear: hear people all their to listen land: country/planet and fullness her and to be Lord YHWH/God in/on/with you to/for witness Lord from temple holiness his
3 Quia ecce Dominus egredietur de loco suo: et descendet, et calcabit super excelsa terræ.
for behold LORD to come out: come from place his and to go down and to tread upon (high place *Q(k)*) land: country/planet
4 Et consumentur montes subtus eum: et valles scindentur sicut cera a facie ignis, et sicut aquæ, quæ decurrunt in præceps.
and to melt [the] mountain: mount underneath: under him and [the] valley to break up/open like/as wax from face: before [the] fire like/as water to pour in/on/with descent
5 In scelere Iacob omne istud, et in peccatis domus Israel. quod scelus Iacob? nonne Samaria? et quæ excelsa Iudæ? nonne Ierusalem?
in/on/with transgression Jacob all this and in/on/with sin house: household Israel who? transgression Jacob not Samaria and who? high place Judah not Jerusalem
6 et ponam Samariam quasi acervum lapidum in agro cum plantatur vinea: et detraham in vallem lapides eius, et fundamenta eius revelabo.
and to set: make Samaria to/for ruin [the] land: country to/for plantation vineyard and to pour to/for valley stone her and foundation her to reveal: uncover
7 Et omnia sculptilia eius concidentur, et omnes mercedes eius comburentur igne, et omnia idola eius ponam in perditionem: quia de mercedibus meretricis congregata sunt, et usque ad mercedem meretricis revertentur.
and all idol her to crush and all wages her to burn in/on/with fire and all idol her to set: make devastation for from wages to fornicate to gather and till wages to fornicate to return: return
8 Super hoc plangam, et ululabo: vadam spoliatus, et nudus: faciam planctum velut draconum, et luctum quasi struthionum.
upon this to mourn and to wail to go: went (barefoot *Q(K)*) and naked to make mourning like/as jackal and mourning like/as daughter ostrich
9 Quia desperata est plaga eius, quia venit usque ad Iudam, tetigit portam populi mei usque ad Ierusalem.
for be incurable wound her for to come (in): come till Judah to touch till gate people my till Jerusalem
10 In Geth nolite annunciare, lacrymis ne ploretis, in domo Pulveris pulvere vos conspergite.
in/on/with Gath not to tell to weep not to weep in/on/with Beth-le-aphrah Beth-le-aphrah dust (to wallow *Q(K)*)
11 Et transite vobis habitatio, Pulchra, confusa ignominia: non est egressa quæ habitat in exitu: planctum Domus vicina accipiet ex vobis, quæ stetit sibimet.
to pass to/for you to dwell Shaphir nakedness shame not to come out: come to dwell Zaanan mourning Beth-ezel Beth-ezel to take: take from you support his
12 Quia infirmata est in bonum, quæ habitat in amaritudinibus: quia descendit malum a Domino in portam Ierusalem.
for to twist: anticipate to/for good to dwell Maroth for to go down bad: evil from with LORD to/for gate Jerusalem
13 Tumultus quadrigæ stuporis habitanti Lachis: principium peccati est filiæ Sion, quia in te inventa sunt scelera Israel.
to bind [the] chariot to/for steed to dwell Lachish first: beginning sin he/she/it to/for daughter Zion for in/on/with you to find transgression Israel
14 Propterea dabit emissarios super hereditatem Geth: domus Mendacii in deceptionem regibus Israel.
to/for so to give: give parting gift upon Moresheth-gath Moresheth-gath house: home Achzib to/for deceptive to/for king Israel
15 Adhuc heredem adducam tibi quæ habitas in Maresa: usque ad Odollam veniet gloria Israel.
still [the] to possess: take to come (in): bring to/for you to dwell Mareshah till (Adullam *L(abh)*) to come (in): come glory Israel
16 Decalvare, et tondere super filios deliciarum tuarum: dilata calvitium tuum sicut aquila: quoniam captivi ducti sunt ex te.
to make bald and to shear upon son: child luxury your to enlarge bald spot your like/as eagle for to reveal: remove from you

< Micha Propheta 1 >