< Job 40 >
1 Et adiecit Dominus, et locutus est ad Iob:
God continued speaking to Job.
2 Numquid qui contendit cum Deo, tam facile conquiescit? utique qui arguit Deum, debet respondere ei.
“Are you still going to fight with the Almighty and try to set him straight? Anyone who argues with God must give some answers.”
3 Respondens autem Iob Domino, dixit:
Job answered the Lord,
4 Qui leviter locutus sum, respondere quid possum? manum meam ponam super os meum.
“Me—I am nothing at all. I have no answers. I put my hand in front of my mouth.
5 Unum locutus sum, quod utinam non dixissem: et alterum, quibus ultra non addam.
I have already said far too much and I won't say anything more.”
6 Respondens autem Dominus Iob de turbine, dixit:
Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind,
7 Accinge sicut vir lumbos tuos: interrogabo te: et indica mihi.
“Prepare yourself, be strong, for I am going to question you, and you must answer me.
8 Numquid irritum facies iudicium meum: et condemnabis me, ut te iustificeris?
Are you really going to say my decisions are wrong? Are you going to condemn me so you can be right?
9 Et si habes brachium sicut Deus, et si voce simili tonas?
Are you as powerful as I am? Does your voice thunder like mine?
10 Circumda tibi decorem, et in sublime erigere, et esto gloriosus, et speciosis induere vestibus.
Why don't you dress yourself with majesty and dignity, and clothe yourself with glory and splendor!
11 Disperge superbos in furore tuo, et respiciens omnem arrogantem humilia.
Let loose your fierce anger. Humble the proud with a glance.
12 Respice cunctos superbos, et confunde eos, et contere impios in loco suo.
Bring down the proud with your gaze; tread the wicked underfoot right where they are.
13 Absconde eos in pulvere simul, et facies eorum demerge in foveam:
Bury them in the dust; lock them away in the grave.
14 Et ego confitebor quod salvare te possit dextera tua.
Then I will also agree that your own strength can save you.
15 Ecce, Behemoth, quem feci tecum, fœnum quasi bos comedet:
Consider Behemoth, a creature I made just like I made you. It eats grass like cattle.
16 Fortitudo eius in lumbis eius, et virtus illius in umbilico ventris eius.
Look at its powerful loins, the muscles of its belly.
17 Stringit caudam suam quasi cedrum, nervi testiculorum eius perplexi sunt.
It bends its tail like a cedar; its thigh sinews are strong.
18 Ossa eius velut fistulæ æris, cartilago illius quasi laminæ ferreæ.
Its bones are like bronze tubes; its limbs like iron rods.
19 Ipse est principium viarum Dei, qui fecit eum, applicabit gladium eius.
It is the most important example of what God can do; only the one who made it can approach it with a sword.
20 Huic montes herbas ferunt: omnes bestiæ agri ludent ibi.
The hills produce food for it, and all the wild animals play there.
21 Sub umbra dormit in secreto calami, et in locis humentibus.
It lies under the lotus; it hides in the reeds of the marsh.
22 Protegunt umbræ umbram eius, circumdabunt eum salices torrentis.
The lotus covers it with shade; the willow trees of the valley surround it.
23 Ecce, absorbebit fluvium, et non mirabitur: et habet fiduciam quod influat Iordanis in os eius.
Even if the river is in flood, it is not concerned; it remains calm when the Jordan river surges against it.
24 In oculis eius quasi hamo capiet eum, et in sudibus perforabit nares eius.
No one can catch it while it is watching, or pierce its nose with a noose.