< Job 18 >

1 Respondens autem Baldad Suhites, dixit:
Forsothe Baldach Suythes answeride, and seide,
2 Usque ad quem finem verba iactabitis? intelligite prius, et sic loquamur.
`Til to what ende schalt thou booste with wordis? Vndurstonde thou first, and so speke we.
3 Quare reputati sumus ut iumenta, et sorduimus coram vobis?
Whi ben we arettid as beestis, and han we be foule bifor thee?
4 Qui perdis animam tuam in furore tuo, numquid propter te derelinquetur terra, et transferentur rupes de loco suo?
What leesist thou thi soule in thi woodnes? Whether the erthe schal be forsakun `for thee, and hard stoonys schulen be borun ouer fro her place?
5 Nonne lux impii extinguetur, nec splendebit flamma ignis eius?
Whethir the liyt of a wickid man schal not be quenchid; and the flawme of his fier schal not schyne?
6 Lux obtenebrescet in tabernaculo illius, et lucerna, quæ super eum est, extinguetur.
Liyt schal wexe derke in his tabernacle; and the lanterne, which is on hym, schal be quenchid.
7 Arctabuntur gressus virtutis eius, et præcipitabit eum consilium suum.
The steppis of his vertu schulen be maad streit; and his counsel schal caste hym doun.
8 Immisit enim in rete pedes suos, et in maculis eius ambulat.
For he hath sent hise feet in to a net; and he goith in the meschis therof.
9 Tenebitur planta illius laqueo, et exardescet contra eum sitis.
His foot schal be holdun with a snare; and thirst schal brenne out ayens hym.
10 Abscondita est in terra pedica eius, et decipula illius super semitam.
The foot trappe of hym is hid in the erthe, and his snare on the path.
11 Undique terrebunt eum formidines, et involvent pedes eius.
Dredis schulen make hym aferd on ech side, and schulen biwlappe hise feet.
12 Attenuetur fame robur eius, et inedia invadat costas illius.
His strengthe be maad feble bi hungur; and pouert asaile hise ribbis.
13 Devoret pulchritudinem cutis eius, consumat brachia illius primogenita mors.
Deuoure it the fairnesse of his skyn; the firste gendrid deth waste hise armes.
14 Avellatur de tabernaculo suo fiducia eius, et calcet super eum, quasi rex, interitus.
His trist be takun awei fro his tabernacle; and perischyng, as a kyng, aboue trede on hym.
15 Habitent in tabernaculo illius socii eius, qui non est, aspergatur in tabernaculo eius sulphur.
The felowis of hym that is not, dwelle in his tabernacle; brymston be spreynt in his tabernacle.
16 Deorsum radices eius siccentur, sursum autem atteratur messis eius.
The rootis of hym be maad drie bynethe; sotheli his ripe corn be al to-brokun aboue.
17 Memoria illius pereat de terra, et non celebretur nomen eius in plateis.
His mynde perische fro the erthe; and his name be not maad solempne in stretis.
18 Expellet eum de luce in tenebras, et de orbe transferet eum.
He schal put hym out fro `liyt in to derknessis; and he schal bere hym ouer fro the world.
19 Non erit semen eius, neque progenies in populo suo, nec ullæ reliquiæ in regionibus eius.
Nethir his seed nether kynrede schal be in his puple, nether ony relifs in hise cuntreis.
20 In die eius stupebunt novissimi, et primos invadet horror.
The laste men schulen wondre in hise daies; and hidousnesse schal asaile the firste men.
21 Hæc sunt ergo tabernacula iniqui, et iste locus eius, qui ignorat Deum.
Therfor these ben the tabernaclis of a wickid man; and this is the place of hym, that knowith not God.

< Job 18 >