< Isaiæ 28 >

1 Væ coronæ superbiæ, ebriis Ephraim, et flori decidenti, gloriæ exultationis eius, qui erant in vertice vallis pinguissimæ, errantes a vino.
woe! crown majesty drunken Ephraim and flower to wither beauty beauty his which upon head valley oil to smite wine
2 Ecce validus et fortis Dominus sicut impetus grandinis: turbo confringens, sicut impetus aquarum multarum inundantium, et emissarum super terram spatiosam.
behold strong and strong to/for Lord like/as storm hail storm destruction like/as storm water mighty to overflow to rest to/for land: country/planet in/on/with hand: power
3 Pedibus conculcabitur corona superbiæ ebriorum Ephraim.
in/on/with foot to trample crown majesty drunken Ephraim
4 Et erit flos decidens gloriæ exultationis eius, qui est super verticem vallis pinguium, quasi temporaneum ante maturitatem autumni: quod cum aspexerit videns, statim ut manu tenuerit, devorabit illud.
and to be flower to wither beauty beauty his which upon head valley oil like/as early fig in/on/with before summer which to see: see [the] to see: see [obj] her in/on/with still she in/on/with palm his to swallow up her
5 In die illa erit Dominus exercituum corona gloriæ, et sertum exultationis residuo populi sui:
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to be LORD Hosts to/for crown beauty and to/for diadem/doom beauty to/for remnant people his
6 et spiritus iudicii sedenti super iudicium, et fortitudo revertentibus de bello ad portam.
and to/for spirit justice to/for to dwell upon [the] justice: judgement and to/for might to return: return battle gate [to]
7 Verum hi quoque præ vino nescierunt, et præ ebrietate erraverunt: sacerdos et propheta nescierunt præ ebrietate, absorpti sunt a vino, erraverunt in ebrietate, nescierunt videntem, ignoraverunt iudicium.
and also these in/on/with wine to wander and in/on/with strong drink to go astray priest and prophet to wander in/on/with strong drink to swallow up from [the] wine to go astray from [the] strong drink to wander in/on/with vision to reel judgment
8 Omnes enim mensæ repletæ sunt vomitu sordiumque, ita ut non esset ultra locus.
for all table to fill vomit filth without place
9 Quem docebit scientiam? Et quem intelligere faciet auditum? Ablactatos a lacte, avulsos ab uberibus.
[obj] who? to show knowledge and [obj] who? to understand tidings to wean from milk ancient/taken from breast
10 Quia manda remanda, manda remanda, expecta reexpecta, expecta reexpecta, modicum ibi, modicum ibi.
for command to/for command command to/for command cord to/for cord cord to/for cord little there little there
11 In loquela enim labii, et lingua altera loquetur ad populum istum.
for in/on/with mocking lips and in/on/with tongue: language another to speak: speak to(wards) [the] people [the] this
12 Cui dixit: Hæc est requies mea, reficite lassum, et hoc est meum refrigerium: et noluerunt audire.
which to say to(wards) them this [the] resting to rest to/for faint and this [the] repose and not be willing to hear: hear
13 Et erit eis verbum Domini: Manda remanda, manda remanda, expecta reexspecta, expecta reexspecta, modicum ibi, modicum ibi: ut vadant, et cadant retrorsum, et conterantur, et illaqueentur, et capiantur.
and to be to/for them word LORD command to/for command command to/for command cord to/for cord cord to/for cord little there little there because to go: went and to stumble back and to break and to snare and to capture
14 Propter hoc audite verbum Domini viri illusores, qui dominamini super populum meum, qui est in Ierusalem.
to/for so to hear: hear word LORD human scorning to rule [the] people [the] this which in/on/with Jerusalem
15 Dixistis enim: Percussimus fœdus cum morte, et cum inferno fecimus pactum. Flagellum inundans cum transierit, non veniet super nos: quia posuimus mendacium spem nostram, et mendacio protecti sumus. (Sheol h7585)
for to say to cut: make(covenant) covenant with death and with hell: Sheol to make seer (whip *Q(K)*) to overflow for (to pass *Q(K)*) not to come (in): come us for to set: make lie refuge our and in/on/with deception to hide (Sheol h7585)
16 Idcirco hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego mittam in fundamentis Sion lapidem, lapidem probatum, angularem, pretiosum, in fundamento fundatum, qui crediderit, non festinet.
to/for so thus to say Lord YHWH/God look! I to found in/on/with Zion stone stone testing corner precious foundation to found [the] be faithful not to hasten
17 Et ponam in pondere iudicium, et iustitiam in mensura: et subvertet grando spem mendacii: et protectionem aquæ inundabunt.
and to set: make justice to/for line and righteousness to/for level and to sweep away hail refuge lie and secrecy water to overflow
18 Et delebitur fœdus vestrum cum morte, et pactum vestrum cum inferno non stabit: flagellum inundans cum transierit, eritis ei in conculcationem. (Sheol h7585)
and to atone covenant your with death and vision your with hell: Sheol not to arise: establish whip to overflow for to pass and to be to/for him to/for trampling (Sheol h7585)
19 Quandocumque pertransierit, tollet vos: quoniam in mane diluculo pertransibit in die et in nocte, et tantummodo sola vexatio intellectum dabit auditui.
from sufficiency to pass he to take: take [obj] you for in/on/with morning in/on/with morning to pass in/on/with day and in/on/with night and to be except trembling to understand tidings
20 Coangustatum est enim stratum, ita ut alter decidat: et pallium breve utrumque operire non potest.
for be short [the] bed from to extend and [the] veil to constrain like/as to gather
21 Sicut enim in monte divisionum stabit Dominus: sicut in valle, quæ est in Gabaon, irascetur: ut faciat opus suum, alienum opus eius: ut operetur opus suum, peregrinum est opus eius ab eo.
for like/as mountain: mount (Mount) Perazim to arise: rise LORD like/as valley in/on/with Gibeon to tremble to/for to make: do deed his be a stranger deed his and to/for to serve: labour service: work his foreign service: work his
22 Et nunc nolite illudere, ne forte constringantur vincula vestra. Consummationem enim et abbreviationem audivi a Domino Deo exercituum super universam terram.
and now not to mock lest to strengthen: strengthen bond your for consumption and to decide to hear: hear from with Lord YHWH/God Hosts upon all [the] land: country/planet
23 Auribus percipite, et audite vocem meam, attendite, et audite eloquium meum.
to listen and to hear: hear voice my to listen and to hear: hear word my
24 Numquid tota die arabit arans ut serat, proscindet et sarriet humum suam?
all [the] day: daily to plow/plot [the] to plow/plot to/for to sow to open and to harrow land: soil his
25 Nonne cum adæquaverit faciem eius, seret gith, et cyminum sparget, et ponet triticum per ordinem, et hordeum, et milium, et viciam in finibus suis?
not if be like face: surface her and to scatter dill and cummin to scatter and to set: put wheat row and barley to appoint and rye border his
26 Et erudiet illum in iudicio: Deus suus docebit illum.
and to discipline him to/for justice God his to show him
27 Non enim in serris triturabitur gith, nec rota plaustri super cyminum circuibit: sed in virga excutietur gith et cyminum in baculo.
for not in/on/with sharp to tread dill and wheel cart upon cummin to turn: turn for in/on/with tribe: stick to beat dill and cummin in/on/with tribe: staff
28 Panis autem comminuetur: verum non in perpetuum triturans triturabit illum, neque vexabit eum rota plaustri, neque ungulis suis comminuet eum.
food: bread to crush for not to/for perpetuity to tread to tread him and to confuse wheel cart his and horse his not to crush him
29 Et hoc a Domino Deo exercituum exivit, ut mirabile faceret consilium, et magnificaret iustitiam.
also this from from with LORD Hosts to come out: come to wonder counsel to magnify wisdom

< Isaiæ 28 >