< Habacuc Propheta 1 >

1 Onus, quod vidit Habacuc propheta.
This is the message that Habakkuk saw in vision.
2 Usquequo Domine clamabo, et non exaudies? vociferabor ad te vim patiens, et non salvabis?
Lord, how long do I have to cry out for help and you don't listen? I cry out, “Violence!” but you don't save us from it.
3 Quare ostendisti mihi iniquitatem, et laborem, videre prædam, et iniustitiam contra me? et factum est iudicium, et contradictio potentior.
Why do you force me to see this wickedness and suffering? Why do you just observe such destruction and violence? Arguments and fighting happen right in front of me!
4 Propter hoc lacerata est lex, et non pervenit usque ad finem iudicium: quia impius prævalet adversus iustum, propterea egreditur iudicium perversum.
As a result the law is paralyzed, and justice never wins. The wicked crowd out those who do right so that the course of justice is perverted.
5 Aspicite in gentibus, et videte: admiramini, et obstupescite: quia opus factum est in diebus vestris, quod nemo credet cum narrabitur.
Look around at the nations, watch and be surprised and amazed. Something is going to happen in your time that you wouldn't believe even if you were told.
6 Quia ecce ego suscitabo Chaldæos, gentem amaram et velocem, ambulantem super latitudinem terræ, ut possideat tabernacula non sua.
Watch! I am raising up the Babylonians, a cruel and brutal people who will march across the world to seize other lands.
7 Horribilis, et terribilis est: ex semetipsa iudicium, et onus eius egredietur.
They are fearsome and terrifying, and so proud of themselves that they set their own rules.
8 Leviores pardis equi eius, et velociores lupis vespertinis: et diffundentur equites eius: equites namque eius de longe venient, volabunt quasi aquila festinans ad comedendum.
Their horses are faster than leopards and fiercer than hungry wolves. Their cavalry charges, racing in from far away. Like eagles, they swoop down to eat their prey.
9 Omnes ad prædam venient, facies eorum ventus urens: et congregabit quasi arenam, captivitatem.
Here they come, all intent on violence. Their armies advance in frontal assault as rapidly as the desert wind, capturing so many prisoners they are like sand.
10 Et ipse de regibus triumphabit, et tyranni ridiculi eius erunt: ipse super omnem munitionem ridebit, et comportabit aggerem, et capiet eam.
They mock kings and scoff at rulers. They laugh in scorn at fortresses—they pile up earth ramps and capture them.
11 Tunc mutabitur spiritus, et pertransibit; et corruet: hæc est fortitudo eius dei sui.
Then they sweep on by like the wind and are gone. They are guilty because their own strength is their god.
12 Numquid non tu a principio Domine Deus meus, sancte meus, et non moriemur? Domine in iudicium posuisti eum: et fortem ut corriperes, fundasti eum.
Haven't you existed from eternity past? You are Lord my God, my Holy One, you do not die. Lord, you appointed them to execute judgment; God our Rock, you sent them to punish us.
13 Mundi sunt oculi tui, ne videas malum, et respicere ad iniquitatem non poteris. Quare respicis super iniqua agentes, et taces devorante impio iustiorem se?
Your eyes are too pure to look upon evil; you cannot stand the sight of wrong. So why do you put up with untrustworthy people? Why are you silent when the wicked destroy those who do less evil than they do?
14 Et facies homines quasi pisces maris, et quasi reptile non habens principem.
You make people become like fish in the sea, or like crawling insects, that have no ruler.
15 Totum in hamo sublevavit, traxit illud in sagena sua, et congregavit in rete suum. Super hoc lætabitur et exultabit.
They drag everyone up with hooks, they pull them out with nets, catching them in dragnets. Then they happily celebrate.
16 Propterea immolabit sagenæ suæ, et sacrificabit reti suo: quia in ipsis incrassata est pars eius, et cibus eius electus.
They worship their nets as if they were gods, making sacrifices and burning incense to them, because by their nets they live in luxury, eating rich food.
17 Propter hoc ergo expandit sagenam suam, et semper interficere gentes non parcet.
Will they keep on unsheathing their swords forever, killing nations without mercy?

< Habacuc Propheta 1 >