< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 5 >

1 Et tu fili hominis sume tibi gladium acutum, radentem pilos: et assumes eum, et duces per caput tuum, et per barbam tuam: et assumes tibi stateram ponderis, et divides eos.
“Son of man, go and shave your head and your beard using a sharp sword like a barber's razor. Then divide up the hair using a set of scales.
2 Tertiam partem igni combures in medio civitatis, iuxta completionem dierum obsidionis: et assumes tertiam partem, et concides gladio in circuitu eius: tertiam vero aliam disperges in ventum, et gladium nudabo post eos.
Once the days of the siege have finished, burn up one third of the hair inside the city; slash at another third with a sword around the city; and scatter another third in the wind. I will let loose a sword behind them to chase them.
3 Et sumes inde parvum numerum: et ligabis eos in summitate pallii tui.
Take just a few hairs and tuck them into the hem of your clothes.
4 Et ex eis rursum tolles, et proiicies eos in medio ignis, et combures eos igni: et ex eo egredietur ignis in omnem domum Israel.
Take some of these and toss them into the fire to burn them. A fire will spread from there to burn everyone in Israel.
5 Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ista est Ierusalem, in medio Gentium posui eam, et in circuitu eius terras.
This is what the Lord God says: This represents Jerusalem. I placed her right in the middle of the nations, surrounded by other countries.
6 Et contempsit iudicia mea, ut plus esset impia quam Gentes: et præcepta mea ultra quam terræ, quæ in circuitu eius sunt. Iudicia enim mea proiecerunt, et in præceptis meis non ambulaverunt.
But she rebelled against my rules, acting more wickedly than the nations, and she defied my regulations more than the countries surrounding her. Her people rejected my rules and refused to follow my regulations.
7 Idcirco hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quia superastis Gentes, quæ in circuitu vestro sunt, et in præceptis meis non ambulastis, et iudicia mea non fecistis, et iuxta iudicia Gentium, quæ in circuitu vestro sunt, non estis operati;
Consequently this is what the Lord God says: You have caused more trouble than the nations around you. You refused to follow my rules and keep my regulations. In fact you didn't even live up to the standards of the nations surrounding you.
8 Ideo hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ad te, et ipse ego faciam in medio tui iudicia in oculis Gentium.
So this is what the Lord God says: Watch out, because it's me who is condemning you, Jerusalem! I'm going to carry out my sentence against you while the other nations watch.
9 Et faciam in te quod non feci, et quibus similia ultra non faciam propter omnes abominationes tuas.
Because of all the disgusting things you've done, I'm going to do to you what I've never done before—and I won't ever do again.
10 Ideo patres comedent filios in medio tui, et filii comedent patres suos, et faciam in te iudicia, et ventilabo universas reliquias tuas in omnem ventum.
In your city parents will eat their own children, and children will eat their parents. I'm going to punish you and scatter in every directions those who are left.
11 Idcirco vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus: Nisi pro eo quod sanctum meum violasti in omnibus offensionibus tuis, et in cunctis abominationibus tuis: ego quoque confringam, et non parcet oculus meus, et non miserebor.
As I live, declares the Lord God, because you have made my sanctuary unclean with all your offensive idols and disgusting practices, I will stop treating you well. I won't be kind to you—I won't show you any pity.
12 Tertia pars tui peste morietur, et fame consumetur in medio tui: et tertia pars tui in gladio cadet in circuitu tuo: tertiam vero partem tuam in omnem ventum dispergam, et gladium evaginabo post eos.
A third of your people will die from disease or starvation inside the city; a third will be killed by the sword outside the city walls; and a third I will scatter in the wind in all directions, and let loose a sword behind them to chase them.
13 Et complebo furorem meum, et requiescere faciam indignationem meam in eis, et consolabor: et scient quia ego Dominus locutus sum in zelo meo, cum implevero indignationem meam in eis.
Once my anger is over and I've finished punishing them, then I'll be satisfied. When I've finished punishing them, then they'll know that I, the Lord, meant what I said when I spoke so strongly.
14 Et dabo te in desertum, et in opprobrium Gentibus, quæ in circuitu tuo sunt, in conspectu omnis prætereuntis.
I'm going to ruin you and humiliate you in front of the nations surrounding you, in the sight of every passer-by.
15 Et eris opprobrium, et blasphemia, exemplum, et stupor in Gentibus, quæ in circuitu tuo sunt, cum fecero in te iudicia in furore, et in indignatione, et in increpationibus iræ.
You will be criticized and mocked, you'll be a warning and something horrifying to the surrounding nations when I carry out my sentence against you in my rage and furious anger. I the Lord have spoken.
16 Ego Dominus locutus sum: Quando misero sagittas famis pessimas in eos: quæ erunt mortiferæ, et quas mittam ut disperdam vos: et famem congregabo super vos, et conteram in vobis baculum panis.
When I pour down on you deadly arrows of famine and destruction they're intended to kill you. I will make your famine worse by stopping your food supply.
17 Et immittam in vos famem, et bestias pessimas usque ad internecionem: et pestilentia, et sanguis transibunt per te, et gladium inducam super te. Ego Dominus locutus sum.
I will send famine and wild animals to attack you. You'll have no children left. Disease and killing will sweep over you, and I will bring armies to attack you. I the Lord have spoken.”

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 5 >