< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 42 >

1 Et eduxit me in atrium exterius per viam ducentem ad Aquilonem, et introduxit me in gazophylacium, quod erat contra separatum ædificium, et contra ædem vergentem ad Aquilonem.
and to come out: send me to(wards) [the] court [the] outer [the] way: direction way: direction [the] north and to come (in): bring me to(wards) [the] chamber which before [the] cutting/separation and which before [the] building to(wards) [the] north
2 In facie longitudinis, centum cubitos ostii Aquilonis: et latitudinis quinquaginta cubitos,
to(wards) face: before length cubit [the] hundred entrance [the] north and [the] width fifty cubit
3 contra viginti cubitos atrii interioris, et contra pavimentum stratum lapide atrii exterioris, ubi erat porticus iuncta porticui triplici.
before [the] twenty which to/for court [the] inner and before pavement which to/for court [the] outer gallery to(wards) face: before gallery in/on/with third
4 Et ante gazophylacia deambulatio decem cubitorum latitudinis, ad interiora respiciens viæ cubiti unius. Et ostia eorum ad Aquilonem:
and to/for face: before [the] chamber journey ten cubit width to(wards) [the] inner way: direction cubit one and entrance their to/for north
5 Ubi erant gazophylacia in superioribus humiliora: quia supportabant porticus, quæ ex illis eminebant de inferioribus, et de mediis ædificii.
and [the] chamber [the] high be short for to eat gallery from them from [the] lower and from [the] middle building
6 Tristega enim erant, et non habebant columnas, sicut erant columnæ atriorum: propterea eminebant de inferioribus, et de mediis a terra cubitis quinquaginta.
for to do three they(fem.) and nothing to/for them pillar like/as pillar [the] court upon so to reserve from [the] lower and from [the] middle from [the] land: soil
7 Et peribolus exterior secundum gazophylacia, quæ erant in via atrii exterioris ante gazophylacia: longitudo eius quinquaginta cubitorum.
and wall which to/for outside to/for close [the] chamber way: direction [the] court [the] outer to(wards) face: before [the] chamber length his fifty cubit
8 Quia longitudo erat gazophylaciorum atrii exterioris quinquaginta cubitorum: et longitudo ante faciem templi, centum cubitorum.
for length [the] chamber which to/for court [the] outer fifty cubit and behold upon face: before [the] temple: nave hundred cubit
9 Et erat subter gazophylacia hæc introitus ab Oriente ingredientium in ea de atrio exteriori.
(and from underneath: under [the] chamber *Q(K)*) [the] these ([the] to come (in): come *Q(K)*) from [the] east in/on/with to come (in): come he to/for them from [the] court [the] outer
10 In latitudine periboli atrii, quod erat contra viam Orientalem, in faciem ædificii separati, et erant ante ædificium gazophylacia.
in/on/with width wall [the] court way: direction [the] east to(wards) face: before [the] cutting/separation and to(wards) face: before [the] building chamber
11 Et via ante faciem eorum iuxta similitudinem gazophylaciorum, quæ erant in via Aquilonis: secundum longitudinem eorum, sic et latitudo eorum: et omnis introitus eorum, et similitudines, et ostia eorum
and way: road to/for face: before their like/as appearance [the] chamber which way: direction [the] north like/as length their so width their and all exit their and like/as justice: custom their and like/as entrance their
12 secundum ostia gazophylaciorum, quæ erant in via respiciente ad Notum: ostium in capite viæ: quæ via erat ante vestibulum separatum per viam Orientalem ingredientibus.
and like/as entrance [the] chamber which way: direction [the] south entrance in/on/with head: first way: road way: road in/on/with face: before [the] wall suitable way: direction [the] east in/on/with to come (in): come them
13 Et dixit ad me: Gazophylacia Aquilonis, et gazophylacia Austri, quæ sunt ante ædificium separatum: hæc sunt gazophylacia sancta: in quibus vescuntur sacerdotes, qui appropinquant ad Dominum in Sancta Sanctorum: ibi ponent Sancta Sanctorum, et oblationem pro peccato, et pro delicto: locus enim sanctus est.
and to say to(wards) me chamber [the] north chamber [the] south which to(wards) face: before [the] cutting/separation they(fem.) chamber [the] holiness which to eat there [the] priest which near to/for LORD holiness [the] holiness there to rest holiness [the] holiness and [the] offering and [the] sin: sin offering and [the] guilt (offering) for [the] place holy
14 Cum autem ingressi fuerint sacerdotes, non egredientur de sanctis in atrium exterius: et ibi reponent vestimenta sua, in quibus ministrant, quia sancta sunt: vestienturque vestimentis aliis, et sic procedent ad populum.
in/on/with to come (in): come they [the] priest and not to come out: come from [the] Holy Place to(wards) [the] court [the] outer and there to rest garment their which to minister in/on/with them for holiness they(fem.) (and to clothe *Q(K)*) garment another and to present: come to(wards) which to/for people
15 Cumque complesset mensuras domus interioris, eduxit me per viam portæ, quæ respiciebat ad viam Orientalem: et mensus est eam undique per circuitum.
and to end: finish [obj] measure [the] house: home [the] inner and to come out: send me way: journey [the] gate which face: before his way: direction [the] east and to measure him around around
16 Mensus est autem contra ventum Orientalem calamo mensuræ, quingentos calamos in calamo mensuræ per circuitum.
to measure spirit: side [the] east in/on/with branch: stem [the] measure five (hundred *Q(K)*) branch: measuring rod in/on/with branch: measuring rod [the] measure around
17 Et mensus est contra ventum Aquilonis quingentos calamos in calamo mensuræ per gyrum.
to measure spirit: side [the] north five hundred branch: measuring rod in/on/with branch: stem [the] measure around
18 Et ad ventum Australem mensus est quingentos calamos in calamo mensuræ per circuitum.
[obj] spirit: side [the] south to measure five hundred branch: measuring rod in/on/with branch: stem [the] measure
19 Et ad ventum Occidentalem mensus est quingentos calamos in calamo mensuræ.
to turn: turn to(wards) spirit: side [the] sea: west to measure five hundred branch: measuring rod in/on/with branch: stem [the] measure
20 Per quattuor ventos mensus est murum eius undique per circuitum, longitudinem quingentorum cubitorum, et latitudinem quingentorum cubitorum dividentem inter sanctuarium et vulgi locum.
to/for four spirit: side to measure him wall to/for him around around length five hundred and width five hundred to/for to separate between [the] holiness to/for common

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 42 >