< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 39 >

1 Tu autem fili hominis vaticinare adversum Gog, et dices: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego super te Gog principem capitis Mosoch et Thubal:
“Son of man, prophesy against Gog and announce that this is what the Lord God says: Watch out, because I'm condemning you Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.
2 et circumagam te, et educam te, et ascendere te faciam de lateribus Aquilonis: et adducam te super montes Israel.
I will send you in a different direction, drag you along, bring you from the distant places of the north, and send you to attack the mountains of Israel.
3 Et percutiam arcum tuum in manu sinistra tua, et sagittas tuas de manu dextera tua deiiciam.
Then I will knock the bow out of your left hand and make you drop the arrows from your right hand.
4 Super montes Israel cades tu, et omnia agmina tua, et populi tui, qui sunt tecum: feris, avibus, omnique volatili, et bestiis terræ dedi te ad devorandum.
You will be killed on the mountains of Israel, you and your whole army and armies of your allies. I will provide you as food to all kinds of flesh-eating birds and animals.
5 Super faciem agri cades: quia ego locutus sum, ait Dominus Deus.
You will fall and die out in the open, for I have spoken, declares the Lord God.
6 Et immittam ignem in Magog, et in his, qui habitant in insulis confidenter: et scient quia ego Dominus.
I will set Magog on fire, as well as the coastlands where people think it's safe to live, and then they will acknowledge that I am the Lord.
7 Et nomen sanctum meum notum faciam in medio populi mei Israel, et non polluam nomen sanctum meum amplius: et scient Gentes quia ego Dominus, Sanctus Israel.
In this way I will make my reputation for holiness known among my people Israel and won't allow it to be ruined anymore. Then the nations will acknowledge that I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.
8 Ecce venit, et factum est, ait Dominus Deus: hæc est dies, de qua locutus sum.
Yes, it's coming! It will definitely happen, declares the Lord God. This is the day that I have spoken about.
9 Et egredientur habitatores de civitatibus Israel, et succendent et comburent arma, clypeum, et hastas, arcum, et sagittas, et baculos manuum, et contos: et succendent ea igni septem annis.
Then those living in the towns of Israel will go out to light fires and burn the weapons—the large and small shields, the bows and arrows, the clubs and spears. They will use the weapons to make fires for seven years.
10 Et non portabunt ligna de regionibus, neque succident de saltibus: quoniam arma succendent igni, et deprædabuntur eos, quibus prædæ fuerant, et diripient vastatores suos, ait Dominus Deus.
They won't need to go and gather firewood from the countryside or cut it from the forests, because they'll use the weapons to make fires. They will loot and plunder those who looted and plundered them, declares the Lord God.
11 Et erit in die illa: dabo Gog locum nominatum sepulchrum in Israel: vallem viatorum ad Orientem maris, quæ obstupescere faciet prætereuntes: et sepelient ibi Gog, et omnem multitudinem eius, et vocabitur vallis multitudinis Gog.
At that time I will give Gog a place to be buried in Israel, the Travelers' Valley, east of the Sea. People won't be able to travel through because all his army will be buried there. So it will be called the Valley of Gog's Army.
12 Et sepelient eos domus Israel, ut mundent terram septem mensibus.
It will take the people of Israel seven months to bury them in order to make the country clean.
13 Sepeliet autem eum omnis populus terræ, et erit eis nominata dies, in qua glorificatus sum, ait Dominus Deus.
Everyone in the country will be involved in burying them, and this will give them a good reputation when I reveal my glory, declares the Lord God.
14 Et viros iugiter constituent lustrantes terram, qui sepeliant, et requirant eos, qui remanserant super faciem terræ, ut emundent eam: post menses autem septem quærere incipient.
Men will be chosen to go repeatedly through the country to make it clean it by burying the bodies of the invaders that are still left lying the ground. They will start doing this at the end of the seven months.
15 Et circuibunt peragrantes terram: cumque viderint os hominis, statuent iuxta illud titulum, donec sepeliant illud pollinctores in valle multitudinis Gog.
As they search the country, if they find a human bone they will place a marker next to it so that those in charge of burials can have it buried in the Valley of Gog's Army.
16 Nomen autem civitatis Amona, et mundabunt terram.
Even the town there will be named Hamonah. In this way they will make the country clean.
17 Tu ergo fili hominis, hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Dic omni volucri, et universis avibus, cunctisque bestiis agri: Convenite, properate, concurrite undique ad victimam meam, quam ego immolo vobis, victimam grandem super montes Israel: ut comedatis carnem, et bibatis sanguinem.
Son of man, this is what the Lord God says: Call out to every kind of flesh-eating bird and wild animal: Come from everywhere around and gather for the sacrifice I'm going to prepare for you, a great sacrificial feast on the mountains of Israel where you'll have flesh to eat and blood to drink.
18 Carnes fortium comedetis, et sanguinem principum terræ bibetis: arietum, et agnorum, et hircorum, taurorumque et altilium, et pinguium omnium.
You will eat the flesh of the powerful and drink the blood of the world's leaders just as if they were rams, lambs, goats, and bulls—all the fattened animals that come from Bashan.
19 Et comedetis adipem in saturitatem, et bibetis sanguinem in ebrietatem, de victima, quam ego immolabo vobis:
You will eat fat until you are totally full and drink blood until you are drunk at the sacrifice I'm going to prepare.
20 et saturabimini super mensam meam de equo, et equite forti, et de universis viris bellatoribus, ait Dominus Deus.
You will eat at my table until you're full, consuming horses and riders, powerful men and all kinds of warriors, declares the Lord God.
21 Et ponam gloriam meam in Gentibus: et videbunt omnes gentes iudicium meum, quod fecerim, et manum meam, quam posuerim super eos.
I will reveal my glory to the other nations, and all of them will see the punishment I hand out to them.
22 Et scient domus Israel quia ego Dominus Deus eorum a die illa, et deinceps.
From that time on the people of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God.
23 Et scient Gentes quoniam in iniquitate sua capta sit domus Israel, eo quod dereliquerint me, et absconderim faciem meam ab eis: et tradiderim eos in manus hostium, et ceciderint in gladio universi.
The nations will realize that the people of Israel were taken prisoner because of their sins, because they were unfaithful to me. So I gave up on them and handed them over to their enemies, so that they were all killed by the sword.
24 Iuxta immunditiam eorum, et scelus feci eis, et abscondi faciem meam ab illis.
I dealt with them because of their uncleanness and sins, and I gave up on them.
25 Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Nunc reducam captivitatem Iacob, et miserebor omnis domus Israel: et assumam zelum pro nomine sancto meo.
So this is what the Lord God says: Now I will bring back the descendants of Jacob from exile and I will show mercy to all the people of Israel, and I will demonstrate my reputation for holiness.
26 Et portabunt confusionem suam, et omnem prævaricationem, qua prævaricati sunt in me, cum habitaverint in terra sua confidenter neminem formidantes:
They will forget their shameful actions and all the ways they were unfaithful to me once they live in safety in their country, with no one to threaten them.
27 et reduxero eos de populis, et congregavero de terris inimicorum suorum, et sanctificatus fuero in eis, in oculis gentium plurimarum.
When I bring them home from the nations, gathering them from the countries of their enemies, I will reveal my holiness among as many nations watch.
28 Et scient quia ego Dominus Deus eorum, eo quod transtulerim eos in nationes; et congregaverim eos super terram suam, et non dereliquerim quemquam ex eis ibi.
Then they will know that I am the Lord their God, when I bring them home to their own country again, not leaving any of them behind.
29 Et non abscondam ultra faciem meam ab eis, eo quod effuderim Spiritum meum super omnem domum Israel, ait Dominus Deus.
I won't give up on them anymore, for I will fill the people of Israel with my Spirit, declares the Lord God.”

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 39 >