< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 22 >

1 Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
2 Et tu fili hominis nonne iudicas, nonne iudicas civitatem sanguinum?
“So, son of man, are you ready to judge them? Are you ready to judge the people of this city that have caused so much bloodshed? Make them face all the disgusting things they've done,
3 Et ostendes ei omnes abominationes suas, et dices: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Civitas effundens sanguinem in medio sui ut veniat tempus eius: et quæ fecit idola contra semetipsam ut pollueretur.
and tell them that this is what the Lord God says: You are a city who has caused your own doom by murdering people within your walls, and by making idols to worship that made you unclean.
4 In sanguine tuo, qui a te effusus est, deliquisti: et in idolis tuis, quæ fecisti, polluta es: et appropinquare fecisti dies tuos, et adduxisti tempus annorum tuorum: propterea dedi te opprobrium Gentibus, et irrisionem universis terris.
You are guilty of murder, and you have made yourself unclean by the idols you've made. You have shortened your lives—your time is up! That's why other people taunt you—everyone mocks you.
5 Quæ iuxta sunt, et quæ procul a te, triumphabunt de te: sordida, nobilis, grandis interitu.
People far and near will laugh at you, you corrupt city full of confusion!
6 Ecce principes Israel singuli in brachio suo fuerunt in te ad effundendum sanguinem.
Look at how all of your leaders in Israel use their power to murder.
7 Patrem, et matrem contumeliis affecerunt in te, advenam calumniati sunt in medio tui, pupillum et viduam contristaverunt apud te:
You despise your parents. You exploit the foreigners who live with you, and you mistreat orphans and widows.
8 Sanctuaria mea sprevisti, et Sabbata mea polluisti.
You detest my holy things and violate my Sabbaths.
9 Viri detractores fuerunt in te ad effundendum sanguinem, et super montes comederunt in te, scelus operati sunt in medio tui.
Living among you are people who falsely accuse others in order to put them to death. You also have those who eat religious meals at pagan shrines in the mountains, and commit immoral acts within the city.
10 Verecundiora patris discooperuerunt in te, immunditiam menstruatæ humiliaverunt in te.
Some of those living in the city have sex with their father's wives or with women during their period.
11 Et unusquisque in uxorem proximi sui operatus est abominationem, et socer nurum suam polluit nefarie, frater sororem suam filiam patris sui oppressit in te.
You're home to evil men. One does disgusting things with someone else's wife. Another seduces his daughter-in-law, while another rapes his sister, the daughter of his own father.
12 Munera acceperunt apud te ad effundendum sanguinem: usuram, et superabundantiam accepisti, et avare proximos tuos calumniabaris: meique oblita es, ait Dominus Deus.
Your people take money to murder others. You charge interest and make a profit on loans, and use extortion to get money from your neighbors. You have forgotten all about me, declares the Lord God.
13 Ecce complosi manus meas super avaritiam tuam, quam fecisti, et super sanguinem, qui effusus est in medio tui.
So watch out! I clap my hands in condemnation at your dishonest profiteering and at all your murders.
14 Numquid sustinebit cor tuum, aut prævalebunt manus tuæ in diebus, quos ego faciam tibi? Ego Dominus locutus sum, et faciam.
Are you going to be so brave, and will you be strong enough to defend yourselves when it comes time for me to deal with you? I, the Lord, have spoken, and I'm going to act.
15 Et dispergam te in nationes, et ventilabo te in terras, et deficere faciam immunditiam tuam a te.
I'm going to scatter you among the nations and the different countries. I will put a stop to your unclean acts.
16 Et possidebo te in conspectu Gentium: et scies quia ego Dominus.
For when everyone else sees how you've made yourselves unclean, then you will acknowledge that I am the Lord.”
17 Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
18 Fili hominis, versa est mihi domus Israel in scoriam: omnes isti æs, et stannum, et ferrum, et plumbum in medio fornacis: scoria argenti facti sunt.
“Son of man, the people of Israel have ended up like the impurities left over from refining metal. They're all like copper, tin, iron, and lead in the furnace—they are just the impurities left from refining silver.
19 Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Eo quod versi estis omnes in scoriam, propterea ecce ego congregabo vos in medio Ierusalem,
So this is what the Lord God says: Because all of you have ended up like impurities, watch as I collect you together in Jerusalem.
20 congregatione argenti, et æris, et stanni, et ferri, et plumbi in medio fornacis: ut succendam in ea ignem ad conflandum. Sic congregabo in furore meo, et in ira mea, et requiescam: et conflabo vos.
In the same way a refiner collects silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin and puts them in the blast furnace to melt them with fire, I'm going to collect you in my burning anger, and keep you there until I melt you.
21 Et congregabo vos, et succendam vos in igne furoris mei, et conflabimini in medio eius.
I'm going to collect you all together and blast you with the fire of my anger, and you'll be melted there in the city.
22 Ut conflatur argentum in medio fornacis, sic eritis in medio eius: et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum effuderim indignationem meam super vos.
Just as silver is melted in a furnace, so you'll be melted in the city. Then you will realize that I, the Lord, have made you experience my anger.”
23 Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
Another message from the Lord came to me, saying,
24 Fili hominis, dic ei: Tu es terra immunda, et non compluta in die furoris.
“Son of man, tell the city of Jerusalem, at the time of punishment, you are a country that has not been made clean, a place where no rain has fallen,
25 Coniuratio prophetarum in medio eius, sicut leo rugiens, rapiensque prædam, animas devoraverunt, opes et pretium acceperunt, viduas eius multiplicaverunt in medio illius.
Her leaders conspire together and it's like watching a roaring lion ripping up its prey. They destroy the people, grab everything that's valuable, and make many more widows in the city.
26 Sacerdotes eius contempserunt legem meam, et polluerunt sanctuaria mea: inter sanctum et profanum non habuerunt distantiam: et inter pollutum et mundum non intellexerunt: et a Sabbatis meis averterunt oculos suos, et coinquinabar in medio eorum.
Her priests pervert my law and make my holy things unclean. They don't distinguish between what is holy and what is ordinary, and they don't separate the clean from the unclean. They forget about my Sabbaths, and they lead people to treat me with no respect.
27 Principes eius in medio illius, quasi lupi rapientes prædam ad effundendum sanguinem, et ad perdendas animas, et avare ad sectanda lucra.
Her city officials are like wolves ripping up their prey, killing people, destroying lives so they can profit through fraud.
28 Prophetæ autem eius liniebant eos absque temperamento, videntes vana, et divinantes eis mendacium, dicentes: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus, cum Dominus non sit locutus.
Her prophets cover up what they do, using false visions as whitewash and prophecies that are lies, saying, ‘This is what the Lord God says,’ when the Lord hasn't said anything.
29 Populi terræ calumniabantur calumniam, et rapiebant violenter: egenum, et pauperem affligebant, et advenam opprimebant calumnia absque iudicio.
The people of this country are extortioners and robbers. They mistreat the poor and those in need and exploit the foreigners, treating them totally unfairly.
30 Et quæsivi de eis virum, qui interponeret sepem, et staret oppositus contra me pro terra, ne dissiparem eam: et non inveni.
I tried to find one of them repair the wall and defend the gap so when I came I wouldn't destroy it—but I couldn't find anyone.
31 Et effudi super eos indignationem meam, in igne iræ meæ consumpsi eos: viam eorum in caput eorum reddidi, ait Dominus Deus.
So I have let them experience my hostility, burning them up with the fire of my anger. I have made sure they suffer the consequences of what they've done, declares the Lord God.”

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 22 >