< Exodus 35 >
1 Igitur congregata omni turba filiorum Israel, dixit ad eos: Hæc sunt quæ iussit Dominus fieri.
And Moses assembleth all the company of the sons of Israel, and saith unto them, 'These [are] the things which Jehovah hath commanded — to do them:
2 Sex diebus facietis opus: septimus dies erit vobis sanctus, Sabbatum, et requies Domini: qui fecerit opus in eo, occidetur.
Six days is work done, and on the seventh day there is to you a holy [day], a sabbath of rest to Jehovah; any who doeth work in it is put to death;
3 Non succendetis ignem in omnibus habitaculis vestris per diem Sabbati.
ye do not burn a fire in any of your dwellings on the sabbath-day.'
4 Et ait Moyses ad omnem catervam filiorum Israel: Iste est sermo quem præcepit Dominus, dicens:
And Moses speaketh unto all the company of the sons of Israel, saying, 'This [is] the thing which Jehovah hath commanded, saying,
5 Separate apud vos primitias Domino. Omnis voluntarius et prono animo offerat eas Domino: aurum et argentum, et æs,
Take ye from among you a heave-offering to Jehovah; every one whose heart [is] willing doth bring it, — the heave-offering of Jehovah, — gold, and silver, and brass,
6 hyacinthum et purpuram, coccumque bis tinctum, et byssum, pilos caprarum,
and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and linen, and goats' [hair],
7 pellesque arietum rubricatas, et ianthinas, ligna setim,
and rams' skins made red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood,
8 et oleum ad luminaria concinnanda, et ut conficiatur unguentum, et thymiama suavissimum,
and oil for the light, and spices for the anointing oil, and for the spice perfume,
9 lapides onychinos, et gemmas ad ornatum superhumeralis et rationalis.
and shoham stones, and stones for settings, for an ephod, and for a breastplate.
10 Quisque vestrum sapiens est, veniat, et faciat quod Dominus imperavit:
'And all the wise-hearted among you come in, and make all that Jehovah hath commanded:
11 Tabernaculum scilicet, et tectum eius, atque operimentum, annulos, et tabulata cum vectibus, paxillos et bases:
'The tabernacle, its tent, and its covering, its hooks, and its boards, its bars, its pillars, and its sockets,
12 Arcam et vectes, propitiatorium, et velum, quod ante illud oppanditur:
'The ark and its staves, the mercy-seat, and the vail of the covering,
13 Mensam cum vectibus et vasis, et propositionis panibus:
'The table and its staves, and all its vessels, and the bread of the presence,
14 Candelabrum ad luminaria sustentanda, vasa illius et lucernas, et oleum ad nutrimenta ignium:
'And the candlestick for the light, and its vessels, and its lamps, and the oil for the light,
15 Altare thymiamatis, et vectes, et oleum unctionis et thymiama ex aromatibus: Tentorium ad ostium tabernaculi:
'And the altar of perfume, and its staves, and the anointing oil, and the spice perfume, and the covering of the opening at the opening of the tabernacle,
16 Altare holocausti, et craticulam eius æneam cum vectibus et vasis suis: labrum et basim eius:
'The altar of burnt-offering and the brazen grate which it hath, its staves, and all its vessels, the laver and its base,
17 Cortinas atrii cum columnis et basibus, tentorium in foribus vestibuli,
'The hangings of the court, its pillars, and their sockets, and the covering of the gate of the court,
18 paxillos tabernaculi et atrii cum funiculis suis:
'The pins of the tabernacle, and the pins of the court, and their cords,
19 Vestimenta, quorum usus est in ministerio Sanctuarii, vestes Aaron pontificis ac filiorum eius, ut sacerdotio fungantur mihi.
'The coloured garments, to do service in the sanctuary, the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons to act as priest in.'
20 Egressaque omnis multitudo filiorum Israel de conspectu Moysi,
And all the company of the sons of Israel go out from the presence of Moses,
21 obtulerunt mente promptissima atque devota primitias Domino, ad faciendum opus tabernaculi testimonii. Quidquid ad cultum et ad vestes sanctas necessarium erat,
and they come in — every man whom his heart hath lifted up, and every one whom his spirit hath made willing — they have brought in the heave-offering of Jehovah for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments.
22 viri cum mulieribus præbuerunt, armillas et inaures, annulos et dextralia: omne vas aureum in donaria Domini separatum est.
And they come in — the men with the women — every willing-hearted one — they have brought in nose-ring, and ear-ring, and seal-ring, and necklace, all golden goods, even every one who hath waved a wave-offering of gold to Jehovah.
23 Si quis habebat hyacinthum, et purpuram, coccumque bis tinctum, byssum et pilos caprarum, pelles arietum rubricatas, et ianthinas,
And every man with whom hath been found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and linen, and goats' [hair], and rams' skins made red, and badgers' skins, have brought [them] in;
24 argenti, ærisque metalla obtulerunt Domino, lignaque setim in varios usus.
every one lifting up a heave-offering of silver and brass have brought in the heave-offering of Jehovah; and every one with whom hath been found shittim wood for any work of the service brought [it] in.
25 Sed et mulieres doctæ, quæ neverant, dederunt hyacinthum, purpuram, et vermiculum, ac byssum,
And every wise-hearted woman hath spun with her hands, and they bring in yarn, the blue, and the purple, the scarlet, and the linen;
26 et pilos caprarum, sponte propria cuncta tribuentes.
and all the women whose heart hath lifted them up in wisdom, have spun the goats' [hair].
27 Principes vero obtulerunt lapides onychinos, et gemmas ad superhumerale et rationale,
And the princes have brought in the shoham stones, and the stones for settings, for the ephod, and for the breastplate,
28 aromataque et oleum ad luminaria concinnanda, et ad præparandum unguentum, ac thymiama odoris suavissimi componendum.
and the spices, and the oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the spice perfume;
29 Omnes viri et mulieres mente devota obtulerunt donaria, ut fierent opera quæ iusserat Dominus per manum Moysi. Cuncti filii Israel voluntaria Domino dedicaverunt.
every man and woman (whom their heart hath made willing to bring in for all the work which Jehovah commanded to be done by the hand of Moses) [of] the sons of Israel brought in a willing-offering to Jehovah.
30 Dixitque Moyses ad filios Israel: Ecce, vocavit Dominus ex nomine Beseleel filium Uri filii Hur de tribu Iuda.
And Moses saith unto the sons of Israel, 'See, Jehovah hath called by name Bezaleel, son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah,
31 Implevitque eum Spiritu Dei, sapientia et intelligentia, et scientia et omni doctrina
and He doth fill him [with] the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all work,
32 ad excogitandum, et faciendum opus in auro et argento, et ære,
even to devise devices to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass,
33 sculpendisque lapidibus, et opere carpentario. Quidquid fabre adinveniri potest,
and in graving of stones for settings, and in graving of wood to work in any work of design.
34 dedit in corde eius: Ooliab quoque filium Achisamech de tribu Dan:
'And to direct He hath put in his heart, he and Aholiab, son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan;
35 ambos erudivit sapientia, ut faciant opera abietarii, polymitarii, ac plumarii de hyacintho ac purpura, coccoque bis tincto, et bysso, et texant omnia, ac nova quæque reperiant.
He hath filled them with wisdom of heart to do every work, of engraver, and designer, and embroiderer (in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in linen), and weaver, who do any work, and of designers of designs.