< Exodus 24 >

1 Moysi quoque dixit: Ascende ad Dominum tu, et Aaron, Nadab, et Abiu, et septuaginta senes ex Israel, et adorabitis procul.
and to(wards) Moses to say to ascend: rise to(wards) LORD you(m. s.) and Aaron Nadab and Abihu and seventy from old: elder Israel and to bow from distant
2 Solusque Moyses ascendet ad Dominum, et illi non appropinquabunt: nec populus ascendet cum eo.
and to approach: approach Moses to/for alone him to(wards) LORD and they(masc.) not to approach: approach and [the] people not to ascend: rise with him
3 Venit ergo Moyses et narravit plebi omnia verba Domini, atque iudicia: responditque omnis populus una voce: Omnia verba Domini, quæ locutus est, faciemus.
and to come (in): come Moses and to recount to/for people [obj] all word LORD and [obj] all [the] justice: judgement and to answer all [the] people voice one and to say all [the] word which to speak: speak LORD to make: do
4 Scripsit autem Moyses universos sermones Domini: et mane consurgens ædificavit altare ad radices montis, et duodecim titulos per duodecim tribus Israel.
and to write Moses [obj] all word LORD and to rise in/on/with morning and to build altar underneath: under [the] mountain: mount and two ten pillar to/for two ten tribe Israel
5 Misitque iuvenes de filiis Israel, et obtulerunt holocausta, immolaveruntque victimas pacificas Domino, vitulos.
and to send: depart [obj] youth son: descendant/people Israel and to ascend: offer up burnt offering and to sacrifice sacrifice peace offering to/for LORD bullock
6 Tulit itaque Moyses dimidiam partem sanguinis, et misit in crateras: partem autem residuam fudit super altare.
and to take: take Moses half [the] blood and to set: put in/on/with vessel and half [the] blood to scatter upon [the] altar
7 Assumensque volumen fœderis, legit audiente populo: qui dixerunt: Omnia quæ locutus est Dominus, faciemus, et erimus obedientes.
and to take: take scroll: book [the] covenant and to call: read out in/on/with ear: hearing [the] people and to say all which to speak: speak LORD to make: do and to hear: obey
8 Ille vero sumptum sanguinem respersit in populum, et ait: Hic est sanguis fœderis quod pepigit Dominus vobiscum super cunctis sermonibus his.
and to take: take Moses [obj] [the] blood and to scatter upon [the] people and to say behold blood [the] covenant which to cut: make(covenant) LORD with you upon all [the] word [the] these
9 Ascenderuntque Moyses et Aaron, Nadab et Abiu, et septuaginta de senioribus Israel:
and to ascend: rise Moses and Aaron Nadab and Abihu and seventy from old: elder Israel
10 et viderunt Deum Israel: et sub pedibus eius quasi opus lapidis sapphirini, et quasi cælum, cum serenum est.
and to see: see [obj] God Israel and underneath: under foot his like/as deed: work brick [the] sapphire and like/as bone: same [the] heaven to/for purity
11 Nec super eos qui procul recesserant de filiis Israel, misit manum suam, videruntque Deum, et comederunt, ac biberunt.
and to(wards) chief son: descendant/people Israel not to send: reach hand his and to see [obj] [the] God and to eat and to drink
12 Dixit autem Dominus ad Moysen: Ascende ad me in montem, et esto ibi: daboque tibi tabulas lapideas, et legem ac mandata quæ scripsi: ut doceas eos.
and to say LORD to(wards) Moses to ascend: rise to(wards) me [the] mountain: mount [to] and to be there and to give: give to/for you [obj] tablet [the] stone and [the] instruction and [the] commandment which to write to/for to show them
13 Surrexerunt Moyses et Iosue minister eius: ascendensque Moyses in montem Dei,
and to arise: rise Moses and Joshua to minister him and to ascend: rise Moses to(wards) mountain: mount [the] God
14 senioribus ait: Expectate hic donec revertamur ad vos. Habetis Aaron et Hur vobiscum: si quid natum fuerit quæstionis, referetis ad eos.
and to(wards) [the] old: elder to say to dwell to/for us in/on/with this till which to return: return to(wards) you and behold Aaron and Hur with you who? master: men word: case to approach: approach to(wards) them
15 Cumque ascendisset Moyses, operuit nubes montem.
and to ascend: rise Moses to(wards) [the] mountain: mount and to cover [the] cloud [obj] [the] mountain: mount
16 Et habitavit gloria Domini super Sinai, tegens illum nube sex diebus: septimo autem die vocavit eum de medio caliginis.
and to dwell glory LORD upon mountain: mount Sinai and to cover him [the] cloud six day and to call: call to to(wards) Moses in/on/with day [the] seventh from midst [the] cloud
17 Erat autem species gloriæ Domini, quasi ignis ardens super verticem montis in conspectu filiorum Israel.
and appearance glory LORD like/as fire to eat in/on/with head: top [the] mountain: mount to/for eye: seeing son: descendant/people Israel
18 Ingressusque Moyses medium nebulæ, ascendit in montem: et fuit ibi quadraginta diebus, et quadraginta noctibus.
and to come (in): come Moses in/on/with midst [the] cloud and to ascend: rise to(wards) [the] mountain: mount and to be Moses in/on/with mountain: mount forty day and forty night

< Exodus 24 >