< Deuteronomii 20 >

1 Si exieris ad bellum contra hostes tuos, et videris equitatus et currus, et maiorem quam tu habeas adversarii exercitus multitudinem, non timebis eos: quia Dominus Deus tuus tecum est, qui eduxit te de Terra Ægypti.
When you go to war with your enemies and you see horses and chariots, and a larger army than yours, don't be afraid of them, because the Lord your God who led you out of Egypt is with you.
2 Appropinquante autem iam prælio, stabit sacerdos ante aciem, et sic loquetur ad populum:
Before you go into battle, the priest shall come and speak to the army.
3 Audi Israel, vos hodie contra inimicos vestros pugnam committitis, non pertimescat cor vestrum, nolite metuere, nolite cedere, nec formidetis eos:
He is to tell them, “Listen, men of Israel! Today you are going to fight your enemies. Don't be nervous or afraid; don't be panicked or terrified by them.
4 quia Dominus Deus vester in medio vestri est, et pro vobis contra adversarios dimicabit, ut eruat vos de periculo.
For the Lord your God is going with you to fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you the victory.”
5 Duces quoque per singulas turmas audiente exercitu proclamabunt: Quis est homo, qui ædificavit domum novam, et non dedicavit eam? Vadat, et revertatur in domum suam, ne forte moriatur in bello, et alius dedicet eam.
The officers shall also speak to the army and tell them, “Is there any man here who has built a new house and hasn't dedicated it to the Lord? He can go home, otherwise he might die in battle and another man will dedicate it.
6 Quis est homo qui plantavit vineam, et necdum fecit eam esse communem, de qua vesci omnibus liceat? Vadat, et revertatur in domum suam: ne forte moriatur in bello, et alius homo eius fungatur officio.
Is there any man here who has planted a vineyard and hasn't yet enjoyed its fruit? He can go home, otherwise he might die in battle and another man will enjoy its fruit.
7 Quis est homo, qui despondit uxorem, et non accepit eam? Vadat, et revertatur in domum suam, ne forte moriatur in bello, et alius homo accipiat eam.
Is there any man here who is engaged to a woman and hasn't married her? He can go home, otherwise he might die in battle and another man will marry her.”
8 His dictis addent reliqua, et loquentur ad populum: Quis est homo formidolosus, et corde pavido? Vadat, et revertatur in domum suam, ne pavere faciat corda fratrum suorum, sicut ipse timore perterritus est.
The officers are also to tell the army, “Is there any man here who is afraid or nervous? He can go home, so he won't affect his fellow-soldiers and make them as frightened as himself.”
9 Cumque siluerint duces exercitus, et finem loquendi fecerint, unusquisque suos ad bellandum cuneos præparabit.
After the officers have finished speaking to the army, they are put commanders in charge to lead it into battle.
10 Si quando accesseris ad expugnandam civitatem, offeres ei primum pacem.
When you arrive at a town, ready to attack it, you must first make an offer of peace to the people living there.
11 Si receperit, et aperuerit tibi portas, cunctus populus, qui in ea est, salvabitur, et serviet tibi sub tributo.
If they accept your offer of peace and open their gates to you, all the inhabitants will become your slave-laborers.
12 Sin autem fœdus inire noluerit, et cœperit contra te bellum, oppugnabis eam.
However, if they refuse to make peace with you and decide to fight you, then lay siege to the town.
13 Cumque tradiderit Dominus Deus tuus illam in manu tua, percuties omne, quod in ea generis masculini est, in ore gladii,
Once the Lord your God has handed it over to you, kill every male with the sword.
14 absque mulieribus et infantibus, iumentis et ceteris, quæ in civitate sunt. Omnem prædam exercitui divides, et comedes de spoliis hostium tuorum, quæ Dominus Deus tuus dederit tibi.
But you can take as plunder the women, children, livestock, and everything else in the town. You can take and use all your enemies' possessions the Lord your God gives you.
15 Sic facies cunctis civitatibus, quæ a te procul valde sunt, et non sunt de his urbibus, quas in possessionem accepturus es.
This is the way you are to deal with all the towns that are a long way from you and don't belong to neighboring nations.
16 De his autem civitatibus, quæ dabuntur tibi, nullum omnino permittes vivere:
However, when it comes to the towns of those nations whose land the Lord your God is giving you to occupy, don't leave anything alive that breathes.
17 sed interficies in ore gladii, Hethæum videlicet, et Amorrhæum, et Chananæum, Pherezæum, et Hevæum, et Iebusæum, sicut præcepit tibi Dominus Deus tuus:
Set them apart for complete destruction—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has ordered you to do.
18 ne forte doceant vos facere cunctas abominationes, quas ipsi operati sunt diis suis: et peccetis in Dominum Deum vestrum.
This is to prevent them teaching you all the offensive things they do in worshiping their gods, and in so doing make you sin against the Lord your God.
19 Quando obsederis civitatem multo tempore, et munitionibus circumdederis ut expugnes eam, non succides arbores, de quibus vesci potest, nec securibus per circuitum debes vastare regionem: quoniam lignum est, et non homo, nec potest bellantium contra te augere numerum.
Now when you lay siege to a town and it goes on for a long time as you fight to capture it, don't destroy the fruit trees there. You can eat their fruit. Don't cut them down. Are the trees in the orchard human beings that you should also attack?
20 Si qua autem ligna non sunt pomifera, sed agrestia, et in ceteros apta usus, succide, et instrue machinas, donec capias civitatem, quæ contra te dimicat.
However, you may destroy the trees that you know are not fruit trees. You can use them to build siege equipment to attack the town that is fighting against you until it falls.

< Deuteronomii 20 >