< Amos Propheta 3 >

1 Audite verbum, quod locutus est Dominus super vos, filii Israel: super omnem cognationem, quam eduxi de Terra Ægypti, dicens:
Hear the word this which he has spoken Yahweh on you O people of Israel on all the clan which I brought up from [the] land of Egypt saying.
2 Tantummodo vos cognovi ex omnibus cognationibus terræ: idcirco visitabo super vos omnes iniquitates vestras.
Only you I have known from all [the] clans of the earth there-fore I will visit on you all iniquities your.
3 Numquid ambulabunt duo pariter, nisi convenerit eis?
¿ Do they walk two [people] together except if they have met by appointment.
4 Numquid rugiet leo in saltu, nisi habuerit prædam? Numquid dabit catulus leonis vocem de cubili suo, nisi aliquid apprehenderit?
¿ Does it roar a lion in the forest and prey not [belongs] to it ¿ does it give forth a young lion voice its from den its except if it has caught [something].
5 Numquid cadet avis in laqueum terræ absque aucupe? Numquid auferetur laqueus de terra antequam quid ceperit?
¿ Does it fall a bird on bird-trap of the earth and [is] a snare there not for it ¿ does it go up a bird-trap from the ground and surely not it catches [something].
6 Si clanget tuba in civitate, et populus non expavescet? Si erit malum in civitate, quod Dominus non fecerit?
Is it blown a trumpet in a city and [the] people not they tremble or? is it calamity in a city and Yahweh not he has done [it].
7 Quia non facit Dominus Deus verbum, nisi revelaverit secretum suum ad servos suos prophetas.
For not he does [the] Lord Yahweh anything that except he has revealed secret counsel his to servants his the prophets.
8 Leo rugiet, quis non timebit? Dominus Deus locutus est, quis non prophetabit?
A lion it has roared who? not will he be afraid [the] Lord Yahweh he has spoken who? not will he prophesy.
9 Auditum facite in ædibus Azoti, et in ædibus Terræ Ægypti: et dicite: Congregamini super montes Samariæ, et videte insanias multas in medio eius, et calumniam patientes in penetralibus eius.
Proclaim to [the] fortresses in Ashdod and to [the] fortresses in [the] land of Egypt and say gather yourselves on [the] mountains of Samaria and see disturbances great in [the] midst of it and oppression in midst its.
10 Et nescierunt facere rectum, dicit Dominus, thesaurizantes iniquitatem, et rapinas in ædibus suis.
And not they know to do straightforwardness [the] utterance of Yahweh those [who] store up violence and devastation in fortresses their.
11 Propterea, hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Tribulabitur et circuietur terra: et detrahetur ex te fortitudo tua, et diripientur ædes tuæ.
Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh an opponent and around the land and he will bring down from you strength your and they will be plundered fortresses your.
12 Hæc dicit Dominus: Quomodo si eruat pastor de ore leonis duo crura, aut extremum auriculæ: sic eruentur filii Israel, qui habitant in Samaria in plaga lectuli, et in Damasci grabato.
Thus he says Yahweh just as he delivers the shepherd from [the] mouth of lion two legs or a piece of an ear so they will be delivered [the] people of Israel who dwell in Samaria with a corner of a bed and with silk of a couch.
13 Audite, et contestamini in domo Iacob, dicit Dominus Deus exercituum:
Hear and warn [the] house of Jacob [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh [the] God of hosts.
14 quia in die cum visitare cœpero prævaricationes Israel, super eum visitabo, et super altaria Bethel: et amputabuntur cornua altaris, et cadent in terram.
That on [the] day visit I [the] transgressions of Israel on it and I will visit [them] on [the] altars of Beth-el and they will be cut off [the] horns of the altar and they will fall to the ground.
15 Et percutiam domum hiemalem cum domo æstiva: et peribunt domus eburneæ, et dissipabuntur ædes multæ, dicit Dominus.
And I will strike [the] house of the winter to [the] house of the summer and they will perish [the] houses of ivory and people will snatch away houses great [the] utterance of Yahweh.

< Amos Propheta 3 >