< Ii Regum 13 >

1 Anno vigesimo tertio Ioas filii Ochoziæ regis Iuda, regnavit Ioachaz filius Iehu super Israel in Samaria decem et septem annis.
In the twenty-third year of Joash son of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Jehoahaz son of Jehu has reigned over Israel in Samaria, seventeen years,
2 Et fecit malum coram Domino, secutusque est peccata Ieroboam filii Nabat, qui peccare fecit Israel, et non declinavit ab eis.
and he does evil in the eyes of YHWH, and goes after the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, that he caused Israel to sin—he did not turn aside from it,
3 Iratusque est furor Domini contra Israel, et tradidit eos in manu Hazael regis Syriæ, et in manu Benadad filii Hazael cunctis diebus.
and the anger of YHWH burns against Israel, and He gives them into the hand of Hazael king of Aram, and into the hand of Ben-Hadad son of Hazael, all the days.
4 Deprecatus est autem Ioachaz faciem Domini, et audivit eum Dominus: vidit enim angustiam Israel, quia attriverat eos rex Syriæ:
And Jehoahaz appeases the face of YHWH, and YHWH listens to him, for He has seen the oppression of Israel, for the king of Aram has oppressed them—
5 et dedit Dominus salvatorem Israeli, et liberatus est de manu regis Syriæ: habitaveruntque filii Israel in tabernaculis suis sicut heri et nudiustertius.
and YHWH gives a savior to Israel, and they go out from under the hand of Aram, and the sons of Israel dwell in their tents as before;
6 Verumtamen non recesserunt a peccatis domus Ieroboam, qui peccare fecit Israel, sed in ipsis ambulaverunt: siquidem et lucus permansit in Samaria.
only, they have not turned aside from the sins of the house of Jeroboam that he caused Israel to sin, therein they walked, and also, the Asherah has remained in Samaria—
7 Et non sunt derelicti Ioachaz de populo nisi quinquaginta equites, et decem currus, et decem millia peditum: interfecerat enim eos rex Syriæ, et redegerat quasi pulverem in tritura areæ.
for he did not leave to Jehoahaz of the people except fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thousand footmen, for the king of Aram has destroyed them, and makes them as dust for threshing.
8 Reliqua autem sermonum Ioachaz, et universa quæ fecit, et fortitudo eius, nonne hæc scripta sunt in Libro sermonum dierum regum Israel?
And the rest of the matters of Jehoahaz, and all that he did, and his might, are they not written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
9 Dormivitque Ioachaz cum patribus suis, et sepelierunt eum in Samaria: regnavitque Ioas filius eius pro eo.
And Jehoahaz lies with his fathers, and they bury him in Samaria, and his son Joash reigns in his stead.
10 Anno trigesimo septimo Ioas regis Iuda regnavit Ioas filius Ioachaz super Israel in Samaria sedecim annis,
In the thirty-seventh year of Joash king of Judah, Jehoash son of Jehoahaz has reigned over Israel in Samaria, sixteen years,
11 et fecit quod malum est in conspectu Domini: non declinavit ab omnibus peccatis Ieroboam filii Nabat, qui peccare fecit Israel, sed in ipsis ambulavit.
and he does evil in the eyes of YHWH, he has not turned aside from all the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin, therein he walked.
12 Reliqua autem sermonum Ioas, et universa quæ fecit, et fortitudo eius, quo modo pugnaverit contra Amasiam regem Iuda, nonne hæc scripta sunt in Libro sermonum dierum regum Israel?
And the rest of the matters of Joash, and all that he did, and his might with which he fought with Amaziah king of Judah, are they not written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
13 Et dormivit Ioas cum patribus suis: Ieroboam autem sedit super solium eius. Porro Ioas sepultus est in Samaria cum regibus Israel.
And Joash lies with his fathers, and Jeroboam has sat on his throne, and Joash is buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel.
14 Eliseus autem ægrotabat infirmitate, qua et mortuus est: descenditque ad eum Ioas rex Israel, et flebat coram eo, dicebatque: Pater mi, pater mi, currus Israel et auriga eius.
And Elisha has been sick with his sickness in which he dies, and Joash king of Israel comes down to him and weeps on his face, and says, “My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and its horsemen.”
15 Et ait illi Eliseus: Affer arcum, et sagittas. Cumque attulisset ad eum arcum, et sagittas,
And Elisha says to him, “Take bow and arrows”: and he takes bow and arrows for himself.
16 dixit ad regem Israel: Pone manum tuam super arcum. Et cum posuisset ille manum suam, superposuit Eliseus manus suas manibus regis,
And he says to the king of Israel, “Place your hand on the bow”; and he places his hand, and Elisha puts his hands on the hands of the king,
17 et ait: Aperi fenestram Orientalem. Cumque aperuisset, dixit Eliseus: Iace sagittam. Et iecit. Et ait Eliseus: Sagitta salutis Domini, et sagitta salutis contra Syriam: percutiesque Syriam in Aphec, donec consumas eam.
and says, “Open the window eastward”; and he opens, and Elisha says, “Shoot,” and he shoots; and he says, “An arrow of salvation from YHWH, and an arrow of salvation against Aram, and you have struck Aram, in Aphek, until consuming.”
18 Et ait: Tolle sagittas. Qui cum tulisset, rursum dixit ei: Percute iaculo terram. Et cum percussisset tribus vicibus, et stetisset,
And he says, “Take the arrows,” and he takes; and he says to the king of Israel, “Strike to the earth”; and he strikes three times, and stays.
19 iratus est vir Dei contra eum, et ait: Si percussisses quinquies, aut sexies, sive septies, percussisses Syriam usque ad consumptionem: nunc autem tribus vicibus percuties eam.
And the man of God is angry against him and says, “By striking five or six times then you had struck Aram until consuming; but now you [only] strike Aram three times.”
20 Mortuus est ergo Eliseus, et sepelierunt eum. Latrunculi autem de Moab venerunt in terram in ipso anno.
And Elisha dies, and they bury him, and troops of Moab come into the land at the coming in of the year,
21 Quidam autem sepelientes hominem, viderunt latrunculos, et proiecerunt cadaver in sepulchro Elisei. Quod cum tetigisset ossa Elisei, revixit homo, et stetit super pedes suos.
and it comes to pass, they are burying a man, and behold, they have seen the troop, and cast the man into the grave of Elisha, and the man goes and comes against the bones of Elisha, and lives, and rises on his feet.
22 Igitur Hazael rex Syriæ afflixit Israel cunctis diebus Ioachaz:
And Hazael king of Aram has oppressed Israel all the days of Jehoahaz,
23 et misertus est Dominus eorum, et reversus est ad eos propter pactum suum, quod habebat cum Abraham, et Isaac, et Iacob: et noluit disperdere eos, neque proiicere penitus usque in præsens tempus.
and YHWH favors them, and pities them, and turns to them for the sake of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and has not been willing to destroy them, nor to cast them from His presence as yet.
24 Mortuus est autem Hazael rex Syriæ, et regnavit Benadad filius eius pro eo.
And Hazael king of Aram dies, and his son Ben-Hadad reigns in his stead,
25 Porro Ioas filius Ioachaz tulit urbes de manu Benadad filii Hazael, quas tulerat de manu Ioachaz patris sui iure prælii, tribus vicibus percussit eum Ioas, et reddidit civitates Israel.
and Jehoash son of Jehoahaz turns and takes the cities out of the hand of Ben-Hadad son of Hazael that he had taken out of the hand of his father Jehoahaz in war; Joash has struck him three times, and he brings back the cities of Israel.

< Ii Regum 13 >