< Zaccharias Propheta 8 >
1 Et factum est verbum Domini exercituum, dicens:
The word of Yahweh of hosts came to me, saying,
2 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Zelatus sum Sion zelo magno, et indignatione magna zelatus sum eam.
“Yahweh of hosts says this: I am passionate for Zion with great zeal and I am passionate for her with great anger!
3 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Reversus sum ad Sion, et habitabo in medio Jerusalem: et vocabitur Jerusalem civitas veritatis, et mons Domini exercituum mons sanctificatus.
Yahweh of hosts says this: I will return to Zion and will live in the midst of Jerusalem, for Jerusalem will be called The City of Truth and the mountain of Yahweh of hosts will be called The Holy Mountain!
4 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Adhuc habitabunt senes et anus in plateis Jerusalem, et viri baculus in manu ejus præ multitudine dierum.
Yahweh of hosts says this: Old men and old women will once again be in the streets of Jerusalem, and every person will need a staff in his hand because he has grown so old.
5 Et plateæ civitatis complebuntur infantibus et puellis, ludentibus in plateis ejus.
The streets of the city will be full of boys and girls playing in them.
6 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Si videbitur difficile in oculis reliquiarum populi hujus in diebus illis, numquid in oculis meis difficile erit? dicit Dominus exercituum.
Yahweh of hosts says this: If something seems impossible in the eyes of the remnant of this people in those days, should it also seem impossible in my eyes?—this is Yahweh's declaration.
7 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Ecce ego salvabo populum meum de terra orientis et de terra occasus solis.
Yahweh of hosts says this: Behold, I am about to rescue my people from the land of the sunrise and from the land of the setting sun!
8 Et adducam eos, et habitabunt in medio Jerusalem: et erunt mihi in populum, et ego ero eis in Deum, in veritate et in justitia.
For I will bring them back, and they will live in the midst of Jerusalem, so they will again be my people, and I will be their God in truth and in righteousness!
9 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Confortentur manus vestræ, qui auditis in his diebus sermones istos per os prophetarum, in die qua fundata est domus Domini exercituum, ut templum ædificaretur.
Yahweh of hosts says this: You who now continue to hear the same words that came from the prophets' mouths when the foundation of my house was laid—this house of mine, Yahweh of hosts: Strengthen your hands so that the temple can be built.
10 Siquidem ante dies illos merces hominum non erat, nec merces jumentorum erat: neque introëunti, neque exeunti erat pax præ tribulatione: et dimisi omnes homines, unumquemque contra proximum suum.
For before those days no crops were gathered in by anyone, there was no profit for either man or beast, and there was no peace from enemies for anyone going or coming. I had set every person each against his neighbor.
11 Nunc autem non juxta dies priores ego faciam reliquiis populi hujus, dicit Dominus exercituum,
But now it will not be as in former days, I will be with the remnant of this people —this is the declaration of Yahweh of hosts.
12 sed semen pacis erit: vinea dabit fructum suum, et terra dabit germen suum, et cæli dabunt rorem suum: et possidere faciam reliquias populi hujus universa hæc.
For seeds of peace will be sown; the climbing vine will give its fruit and the earth will give its produce; the skies will give their dew, for I will make the remnant of this people inherit all these things.
13 Et erit: sicut eratis maledictio in gentibus, domus Juda et domus Israël, sic salvabo vos, et eritis benedictio. Nolite timere; confortentur manus vestræ.
You were an example to the other nations of a curse, house of Judah and house of Israel. So I will rescue you and you will be a blessing. Do not be afraid; let your hands be strong!
14 Quia hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Sicut cogitavi ut affligerem vos, cum ad iracundiam provocassent patres vestri me, dicit Dominus,
For Yahweh of hosts says this: Just as I planned to do harm to you when your ancestors provoked my anger —says Yahweh of hosts—and did not relent,
15 et non sum misertus: sic conversus cogitavi, in diebus istis, ut benefaciam domui Juda et Jerusalem. Nolite timere.
so also I will plan in these days to do good again to Jerusalem and the house of Judah! Do not fear!
16 Hæc sunt ergo verba quæ facietis: loquimini veritatem unusquisque cum proximo suo: veritatem et judicium pacis judicate in portis vestris.
These are the things that you must do: Speak truth, every person with his neighbor. Judge with truth, justice, and peace in your gates.
17 Et unusquisque malum contra amicum suum ne cogitetis in cordibus vestris, et juramentum mendax ne diligatis: omnia enim hæc sunt quæ odi, dicit Dominus.
Do not plan to do evil within your heart against one another, and do not love false oaths—for these are the things I hate!—this is Yahweh's declaration.”
18 Et factum est verbum Domini exercituum ad me, dicens:
Then the word of Yahweh of hosts came to me, saying,
19 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Jejunium quarti, et jejunium quinti, et jejunium septimi, et jejunium decimi erit domui Juda in gaudium et lætitiam et in solemnitates præclaras. Veritatem tantum et pacem diligite.
“Yahweh of hosts says this: The fasts of the fourth month, the fifth month, the seventh month, and the tenth month will become times of joy, gladness, and happy festivals for the house of Judah! Therefore love truth and peace!
20 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, usquequo veniant populi et habitent in civitatibus multis:
Yahweh of hosts says this: People will come again, even those who are living in many different cities.
21 et vadant habitatores, unus ad alterum, dicentes: Eamus, et deprecemur faciem Domini, et quæramus Dominum exercituum: vadam etiam ego.
The inhabitants of one city will go to another city and say, 'Let us quickly go to beg before the face of Yahweh and to seek Yahweh of hosts! We ourselves are also going.'
22 Et venient populi multi, et gentes robustæ, ad quærendum Dominum exercituum in Jerusalem, et deprecandam faciem Domini.
Many people and mighty nations will come to seek Yahweh of hosts in Jerusalem and beg for the favor of Yahweh!
23 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: In diebus illis, in quibus apprehendent decem homines ex omnibus linguis gentium, et apprehendent fimbriam viri Judæi, dicentes: Ibimus vobiscum: audivimus enim quoniam Deus vobiscum est.
Yahweh of hosts says this: In those days ten men from every language and nation will grasp the hem of your robe and say, 'Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you!'”