< Zaccharias Propheta 5 >

1 Et conversus sum, et levavi oculos meos, et vidi, et ecce volumen volans.
And Y was conuertid, and reiside myn iyen, and siy, and lo! a book fleynge.
2 Et dixit ad me: Quid tu vides? Et dixi: Ego video volumen volans: longitudo ejus viginti cubitorum, et latitudo ejus decem cubitorum.
And he seide to me, What seest thou? And Y seide, Lo! Y se a book fleynge; the lengthe therof was of twenti cubitis, and the breede therof of ten cubitis.
3 Et dixit ad me: Hæc est maledictio quæ egreditur super faciem omnis terræ: quia omnis fur, sicut ibi scriptum est, judicabitur, et omnis jurans ex hoc similiter judicabitur.
And he seide to me, This is the curs, that goith on the face of al erthe; for ech theef schal be demed, as it is writun there; and ech man swerynge, schal be demyd of this also.
4 Educam illud, dicit Dominus exercituum: et veniet ad domum furis, et ad domum jurantis in nomine meo mendaciter: et commorabitur in medio domus ejus, et consumet eam, et ligna ejus, et lapides ejus.
Y schal lede out it, seith the Lord of oostis, and it schal come to the hous of a theef, and to the hous of hym that swerith falsli in my name; and it schal dwelle in myddil of hys hous, and schal waaste hym, and hise trees, and hise stoonys.
5 Et egressus est angelus qui loquebatur in me, et dixit ad me: Leva oculos tuos, et vide quid est hoc quod egreditur.
And the aungel wente out, that spak in me, and seide to me, Reyse thin iyen, and se, what this thing is, that goith out.
6 Et dixi: Quidnam est? Et ait: Hæc est amphora egrediens. Et dixit: Hæc est oculus eorum in universa terra.
And Y seide, What is it? And he seide, This is a pot goyng out. And he seide, This is the iye of hem in al erthe.
7 Et ecce talentum plumbi portabatur, et ecce mulier una sedens in medio amphoræ.
And lo! a talent of leed was borun; and lo! a womman sittynge in myddil of the pot.
8 Et dixit: Hæc est impietas. Et projecit eam in medio amphoræ, et misit massam plumbeam in os ejus.
And he seide, This is vnpite, ether vnfeithfulnesse. And he castide doun hir in myddil of the pot, and sente a gobet of leed in to the mouth therof.
9 Et levavi oculos meos, et vidi: et ecce duæ mulieres egredientes: et spiritus in alis earum, et habebant alas quasi alas milvi, et levaverunt amphoram inter terram et cælum.
And Y reiside myn iyen, and siy, and lo! twei wymmen goynge out, and a spirit in wyngis of hem; and thei hadden wyngis as wyngis of a kite, and reisiden the pot bitwixe heuene and erthe.
10 Et dixi ad angelum qui loquebatur in me: Quo istæ deferunt amphoram?
And Y seide to the aungel that spak in me, Whidur beren these the pot?
11 Et dixit ad me: Ut ædificetur ei domus in terra Sennaar, et stabiliatur, et ponatur ibi super basem suam.
And he seide to me, That an hous be bildid therto in the lond of Sennaar, and be stablischid, and set there on his foundement.

< Zaccharias Propheta 5 >