< Romanos 4 >

1 Quid ergo dicemus invenisse Abraham patrem nostrum secundum carnem?
What, then, will we say Abraham our father to have found, according to flesh?
2 Si enim Abraham ex operibus justificatus est, habet gloriam, sed non apud Deum.
For if Abraham was declared righteous by works, he has to boast—but not before God;
3 Quid enim dicit Scriptura? Credidit Abraham Deo, et reputatam est illi ad justitiam.
for what does the writing say? “And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness”;
4 Ei autem qui operatur, merces non imputatur secundum gratiam, sed secundum debitum.
and to him who is working, the reward is not reckoned of grace, but of debt;
5 Ei vero qui non operatur, credenti autem in eum, qui justificat impium, reputatur fides ejus ad justitiam secundum propositum gratiæ Dei.
and to him who is not working, and is believing on Him who is declaring righteous the impious, his faith is reckoned for righteousness—
6 Sicut et David dicit beatitudinem hominis, cui Deus accepto fert justitiam sine operibus:
even as David also speaks of the blessedness of the man to whom God reckons righteousness apart from works:
7 [Beati, quorum remissæ sunt iniquitates, et quorum tecta sunt peccata.
“Blessed [are] they whose lawless acts were forgiven, And whose sins were covered;
8 Beatus vir, cui non imputavit Dominus peccatum.]
Blessed [is] the man To whom the LORD may not reckon sin.”
9 Beatitudo ergo hæc in circumcisione tantum manet, an etiam in præputio? Dicimus enim quia reputata est Abrahæ fides ad justitiam.
[Is] this blessedness, then, on the circumcision, or also on the uncircumcision—for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness?
10 Quomodo ergo reputata est? in circumcisione, an in præputio? Non in circumcisione, sed in præputio.
How then was it reckoned? He being in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision;
11 Et signum accepit circumcisionis, signaculum justitiæ fidei, quæ est in præputio: ut sit pater omnium credentium per præputium, ut reputetur et illis ad justitiam:
and he received a sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of faith in the uncircumcision, for his being father of all those believing through uncircumcision, for the righteousness also being reckoned to them,
12 et sit pater circumcisionis non iis tantum, qui sunt ex circumcisione, sed et iis qui sectantur vestigia fidei, quæ est in præputio patris nostri Abrahæ.
and father of circumcision to those not of circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of faith, that [is] in the uncircumcision of our father Abraham.
13 Non enim per legem promissio Abrahæ, aut semini ejus ut hæres esset mundi: sed per justitiam fidei.
For not through law [is] the promise to Abraham, or to his seed, of his being heir of the world, but through the righteousness of faith;
14 Si enim qui ex lege, hæredes sunt: exinanita est fides, abolita est promissio.
for if they who are of law [are] heirs, faith has been made void, and the promise has been made useless;
15 Lex enim iram operatur. Ubi enim non est lex, nec prævaricatio.
for the Law works wrath; for where law is not, neither [is] transgression.
16 Ideo ex fide, ut secundum gratiam firma sit promissio omni semini, non ei qui ex lege est solum, sed et ei qui ex fide est Abrahæ, qui pater est omnium nostrum
Because of this [it is] of faith, that [it may be] according to grace, for the promise being sure to all the seed, not to that which [is] of the Law only, but also to that which [is] of the faith of Abraham,
17 (sicut scriptum est: Quia patrem multarum gentium posui te) ante Deum, cui credidit, qui vivificat mortuos, et vocat ea quæ non sunt, tamquam ea quæ sunt:
who is father of us all (according as it has been written: “A father of many nations I have set you,”) before Him whom he believed—God, who is quickening the dead, and is calling the things that are not as being.
18 qui contra spem in spem credidit, ut fieret pater multarum gentium secundum quod dictum est ei: Sic erit semen tuum.
Who, against hope, believed in hope, for his becoming father of many nations according to that spoken: “So will your seed be”;
19 Et non infirmatus est fide, nec consideravit corpus suum emortuum, cum jam fere centum esset annorum, et emortuam vulvam Saræ.
and having not been weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already become dead (being about one hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb,
20 In repromissione etiam Dei non hæsitavit diffidentia, sed confortatus est fide, dans gloriam Deo:
and at the promise of God did not stagger in unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, having given glory to God,
21 plenissime sciens, quia quæcumque promisit, potens est et facere.
and having been fully persuaded that what He has promised He is also able to do:
22 Ideo et reputatum est illi ad justitiam.
for this reason also it was reckoned to him for righteousness.
23 Non est autem scriptum tantum propter ipsum quia reputatum est illi ad justitiam:
And it was not written on his account alone that it was reckoned to him,
24 sed et propter nos, quibus reputabitur credentibus in eum, qui suscitavit Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum a mortuis,
but also on ours, to whom it is about to be reckoned—to us believing on Him who raised up Jesus our Lord out of the dead,
25 qui traditus est propter delicta nostra, et resurrexit propter justificationem nostram.
who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised up because of our being declared righteous.

< Romanos 4 >