< Psalmorum 97 >

1 Huic David, quando terra ejus restituta est. [Dominus regnavit: exsultet terra; lætentur insulæ multæ.
The Lord hath regned, the erthe make ful out ioye; many ilis be glad.
2 Nubes et caligo in circuitu ejus; justitia et judicium correctio sedis ejus.
Cloude and derknesse in his cumpas; riytfulnesse and doom is amending of his seete.
3 Ignis ante ipsum præcedet, et inflammabit in circuitu inimicos ejus.
Fier schal go bifore him; and schal enflawme hise enemyes in cumpas.
4 Illuxerunt fulgura ejus orbi terræ; vidit, et commota est terra.
Hise leitis schyneden to the world; the erthe siy, and was moued.
5 Montes sicut cera fluxerunt a facie Domini; a facie Domini omnis terra.
Hillis as wax fletiden doun fro the face of the Lord; al erthe fro the face of the Lord.
6 Annuntiaverunt cæli justitiam ejus, et viderunt omnes populi gloriam ejus.
Heuenes telden his riytfulnesse; and alle puplis sien his glorie.
7 Confundantur omnes qui adorant sculptilia, et qui gloriantur in simulacris suis. Adorate eum omnes angeli ejus.
Alle that worschipen sculptilis be schent, and thei that han glorie in her symelacris; alle ye aungels of the Lord, worschipe him.
8 Audivit, et lætata est Sion, et exsultaverunt filiæ Judæ propter judicia tua, Domine.
Sion herde, and was glad, and the douytris of Juda maden ful out ioye; for `thi domes, Lord.
9 Quoniam tu Dominus altissimus super omnem terram; nimis exaltatus es super omnes deos.
For thou, Lord, art the hiyeste on al erthe; thou art greetli enhaunsid ouere alle goddis.
10 Qui diligitis Dominum, odite malum: custodit Dominus animas sanctorum suorum; de manu peccatoris liberabit eos.
Ye that louen the Lord, hate yuel; the Lord kepith the soulis of hise seyntis; he schal delyuer hem fro the hond of the synner.
11 Lux orta est justo, et rectis corde lætitia.
Liyt is risun to the riytful man; and gladnesse to riytful men of herte.
12 Lætamini, justi, in Domino, et confitemini memoriæ sanctificationis ejus.]
Juste men, be ye glad in the Lord; and knouleche ye to the mynde of his halewyng.

< Psalmorum 97 >