< Psalmorum 74 >
1 Intellectus Asaph. [Ut quid, Deus, repulisti in finem, iratus est furor tuus super oves pascuæ tuæ?
A maschil of Asaph. God, why have you rejected us forever? Why does your anger burn against the sheep of your pasture?
2 Memor esto congregationis tuæ, quam possedisti ab initio. Redemisti virgam hæreditatis tuæ, mons Sion, in quo habitasti in eo.
Call to mind your people, whom you purchased in ancient times, the tribe whom you have redeemed to be your own heritage, and Mount Zion, where you live.
3 Leva manus tuas in superbias eorum in finem: quanta malignatus est inimicus in sancto!
Come look at the complete ruins, all the damage that the enemy has done in the holy place.
4 Et gloriati sunt qui oderunt te in medio solemnitatis tuæ; posuerunt signa sua, signa:
Your adversaries roared in the middle of your appointed place; they set up their battle flags.
5 et non cognoverunt sicut in exitu super summum. Quasi in silva lignorum securibus
They hacked away with axes as in a thick forest.
6 exciderunt januas ejus in idipsum; in securi et ascia dejecerunt eam.
They smashed and broke down all the engravings; they broke them with axes and hammers.
7 Incenderunt igni sanctuarium tuum; in terra polluerunt tabernaculum nominis tui.
They set your sanctuary on fire; they desecrated where you live, knocking it to the ground.
8 Dixerunt in corde suo cognatio eorum simul: Quiescere faciamus omnes dies festos Dei a terra.
They said in their hearts, “We will destroy them all.” They burned up all of your meeting places in the land.
9 Signa nostra non vidimus; jam non est propheta; et nos non cognoscet amplius.
We do not see any more signs; there is no prophet any more, and no one among us knows how long this will last.
10 Usquequo, Deus, improperabit inimicus? irritat adversarius nomen tuum in finem?
How long, God, will the enemy throw insults at you? Will the enemy blaspheme your name forever?
11 Ut quid avertis manum tuam, et dexteram tuam de medio sinu tuo in finem?
Why do you hold back your hand, your right hand? Take your right hand from your garment and destroy them.
12 Deus autem rex noster ante sæcula: operatus est salutem in medio terræ.
Yet God has been my king from ancient times, bringing salvation on the earth.
13 Tu confirmasti in virtute tua mare; contribulasti capita draconum in aquis.
You divided the sea by your strength; you smashed the heads of the sea monsters in the waters.
14 Tu confregisti capita draconis; dedisti eum escam populis Æthiopum.
You crushed the heads of leviathan; you fed him to those living in the wilderness.
15 Tu dirupisti fontes et torrentes; tu siccasti fluvios Ethan.
You broke open springs and streams; you dried up flowing rivers.
16 Tuus est dies, et tua est nox; tu fabricatus es auroram et solem.
The day is yours, and the night is yours also; you set the sun and moon in place.
17 Tu fecisti omnes terminos terræ; æstatem et ver tu plasmasti ea.
You have set all the borders of the earth; you have made summer and winter.
18 Memor esto hujus: inimicus improperavit Domino, et populus insipiens incitavit nomen tuum.
Call to mind how the enemy hurled insults at you, Yahweh, and that a foolish people has blasphemed your name.
19 Ne tradas bestiis animas confitentes tibi, et animas pauperum tuorum ne obliviscaris in finem.
Do not give the life of your dove to a wild animal. Do not forget forever the life of your oppressed people.
20 Respice in testamentum tuum, quia repleti sunt qui obscurati sunt terræ domibus iniquitatum.
Remember your covenant, for the dark regions of the land are full of places of violence.
21 Ne avertatur humilis factus confusus; pauper et inops laudabunt nomen tuum.
Do not let the oppressed be turned back in shame; let the poor and oppressed praise your name.
22 Exsurge, Deus, judica causam tuam; memor esto improperiorum tuorum, eorum quæ ab insipiente sunt tota die.
Arise, God; defend your own honor; call to mind how fools insult you all day long.
23 Ne obliviscaris voces inimicorum tuorum: superbia eorum qui te oderunt ascendit semper.]
Do not forget the voice of your adversaries or the uproar of those who continually defy you.