< Psalmorum 57 >

1 In finem, ne disperdas. David in tituli inscriptionem, cum fugeret a facie Saul in speluncam. [Miserere mei, Deus, miserere mei, quoniam in te confidit anima mea. Et in umbra alarum tuarum sperabo, donec transeat iniquitas.
To the choirmaster al-tashcheth of David a miktam when fled he from before Saul in the cave. Show favor to me O God - show favor to me for in you it takes refuge self my and in [the] shadow of wings your I take refuge until it will pass by destruction.
2 Clamabo ad Deum altissimum, Deum qui benefecit mihi.
I call out to God Most High to God [who] avenges on me.
3 Misit de cælo, et liberavit me; dedit in opprobrium conculcantes me. Misit Deus misericordiam suam et veritatem suam,
He will send from heaven - and he will save me he will reproach [one who] crushes me (Selah) he will send God covenant loyalty his and faithfulness his.
4 et eripuit animam meam de medio catulorum leonum. Dormivi conturbatus. Filii hominum dentes eorum arma et sagittæ, et lingua eorum gladius acutus.
Self my - in among lions I lie with [those that] devour [the] children of humankind teeth their [are] a spear and arrows and tongue their [is] a sword sharp.
5 Exaltare super cælos, Deus, et in omnem terram gloria tua.
Be exalted! above the heavens O God [be] over all the earth glory your.
6 Laqueum paraverunt pedibus meis, et incurvaverunt animam meam. Foderunt ante faciem meam foveam, et inciderunt in eam.
A net - they prepared for feet my it bent down self my they dug before me a pit they have fallen in [the] midst of it (Selah)
7 Paratum cor meum, Deus, paratum cor meum; cantabo, et psalmum dicam.
[is] steadfast Heart my O God [is] steadfast heart my I will sing and I will sing praises.
8 Exsurge, gloria mea; exsurge, psalterium et cithara: exsurgam diluculo.
Awake! O honor my awake! O lyre and harp I will waken [the] dawn.
9 Confitebor tibi in populis, Domine, et psalmum dicam tibi in gentibus:
I will give thanks to you among the peoples - O Lord I will sing praises to you not nations.
10 quoniam magnificata est usque ad cælos misericordia tua, et usque ad nubes veritas tua.
For [is] great to [the] heavens covenant loyalty your and to [the] clouds faithfulness your.
11 Exaltare super cælos, Deus, et super omnem terram gloria tua.]
Be exalted! above [the] heavens O God [be] over all the earth glory your.

< Psalmorum 57 >