< Psalmorum 34 >

1 Davidi, cum immutavit vultum suum coram Achimelech, et dimisit eum, et abiit. [Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore; semper laus ejus in ore meo.
To Dauid, whanne he chaungide his mouth bifor Abymalech, and he `droof out Dauid, `and he yede forth. I schal blesse the Lord in al tyme; euere his heriyng is in my mouth.
2 In Domino laudabitur anima mea: audiant mansueti, et lætentur.
Mi soule schal be preisid in the Lord; mylde men here, and be glad.
3 Magnificate Dominum mecum, et exaltemus nomen ejus in idipsum.
Magnyfie ye the Lord with me; and enhaunse we his name into it silf.
4 Exquisivi Dominum, et exaudivit me; et ex omnibus tribulationibus meis eripuit me.
I souyte the Lord, and he herde me; and he delyueride me fro alle my tribulaciouns.
5 Accedite ad eum, et illuminamini; et facies vestræ non confundentur.
Neiye ye to him, and be ye liytned; and youre faces schulen not be schent.
6 Iste pauper clamavit, et Dominus exaudivit eum, et de omnibus tribulationibus ejus salvavit eum.
This pore man criede, and the Lord herde hym; and sauyde hym fro alle hise tribulaciouns.
7 Immittet angelus Domini in circuitu timentium eum, et eripiet eos.
The aungel of the Lord sendith in the cumpas of men dredynge hym; and he schal delyuere hem.
8 Gustate et videte quoniam suavis est Dominus; beatus vir qui sperat in eo.
Taaste ye, and se, for the Lord is swete; blessid is the man, that hopith in hym.
9 Timete Dominum, omnes sancti ejus, quoniam non est inopia timentibus eum.
Alle ye hooli men of the Lord, drede hym; for no nedynesse is to men dredynge hym.
10 Divites eguerunt, et esurierunt; inquirentes autem Dominum non minuentur omni bono.
Riche men weren nedi, and weren hungri; but men that seken the Lord schulen not faile of al good.
11 Venite, filii; audite me: timorem Domini docebo vos.
Come, ye sones, here ye me; Y schal teche you the drede of the Lord.
12 Quis est homo qui vult vitam; diligit dies videre bonos?
Who is a man, that wole lijf; loueth to se good daies?
13 Prohibe linguam tuam a malo, et labia tua ne loquantur dolum.
Forbede thi tunge fro yuel; and thi lippis speke not gile.
14 Diverte a malo, et fac bonum; inquire pacem, et persequere eam.
Turne thou awei fro yuel, and do good; seke thou pees, and perfitli sue thou it.
15 Oculi Domini super justos, et aures ejus in preces eorum.
The iyen of the Lord ben on iust men; and hise eeren ben to her preiers.
16 Vultus autem Domini super facientes mala, ut perdat de terra memoriam eorum.
But the cheer of the Lord is on men doynge yuels; that he leese the mynde of hem fro erthe.
17 Clamaverunt justi, et Dominus exaudivit eos; et ex omnibus tribulationibus eorum liberavit eos.
Just men cryeden, and the Lord herde hem; and delyueride hem fro alle her tribulaciouns.
18 Juxta est Dominus iis qui tribulato sunt corde, et humiles spiritu salvabit.
The Lord is nyy hem that ben of troblid herte; and he schal saue meke men in spirit.
19 Multæ tribulationes justorum; et de omnibus his liberabit eos Dominus.
Many tribulaciouns ben of iust men; and the Lord schal delyuere hem fro alle these.
20 Custodit Dominus omnia ossa eorum: unum ex his non conteretur.
The Lord kepith alle the boonys of hem; oon of tho schal not be brokun.
21 Mors peccatorum pessima; et qui oderunt justum delinquent.
The deth of synneris is werst; and thei that haten a iust man schulen trespasse.
22 Redimet Dominus animas servorum suorum, et non delinquent omnes qui sperant in eo.]
The Lord schal ayenbie the soulis of hise seruauntis; and alle, that hopen in him, schulen not trespasse.

< Psalmorum 34 >