< Psalmorum 114 >

1 Alleluja. [In exitu Israël de Ægypto, domus Jacob de populo barbaro,
Alleluya. In the goyng out of Israel fro Egipt; of the hous of Jacob fro the hethene puple.
2 facta est Judæa sanctificatio ejus; Israël potestas ejus.
Judee was maad the halewyng of hym; Israel the power of hym.
3 Mare vidit, et fugit; Jordanis conversus est retrorsum.
The see siy, and fledde; Jordan was turned abac.
4 Montes exsultaverunt ut arietes, et colles sicut agni ovium.
Munteyns ful out ioyeden as rammes; and litle hillis as the lambren of scheep.
5 Quid est tibi, mare, quod fugisti? et tu, Jordanis, quia conversus es retrorsum?
Thou see, what was to thee, for thou fleddist; and thou, Jordan, for thou were turned abak?
6 montes, exsultastis sicut arietes? et colles, sicut agni ovium?
Munteyns, ye maden ful out ioye as rammes; and litle hillis, as the lambren of scheep.
7 A facie Domini mota est terra, a facie Dei Jacob:
The erthe was moued fro the face of `the Lord; fro the face of God of Jacob.
8 qui convertit petram in stagna aquarum, et rupem in fontes aquarum.
Which turnede a stoon in to pondis of watris; and an hard rooch in to wellis of watris.

< Psalmorum 114 >