< Proverbiorum 7 >

1 [Fili mi, custodi sermones meos, et præcepta mea reconde tibi. Fili,
My sonne, keepe my wordes, and hide my commandements with thee.
2 serva mandata mea, et vives; et legem meam quasi pupillam oculi tui:
Keepe my commandements, and thou shalt liue, and mine instruction as the apple of thine eyes.
3 liga eam in digitis tuis, scribe illam in tabulis cordis tui.
Binde them vpon thy fingers, and write them vpon the table of thine heart.
4 Dic sapientiæ: Soror mea es, et prudentiam voca amicam tuam:
Say vnto wisedome, Thou art my sister: and call vnderstanding thy kinswoman,
5 ut custodiant te a muliere extranea, et ab aliena quæ verba sua dulcia facit.
That they may keepe thee from the strange woman, euen from the stranger that is smoothe in her wordes.
6 De fenestra enim domus meæ per cancellos prospexi,
As I was in the window of mine house, I looked through my windowe,
7 et video parvulos; considero vecordem juvenem,
And I sawe among the fooles, and considered among the children a yong man destitute of vnderstanding,
8 qui transit per plateam juxta angulum et prope viam domus illius graditur:
Who passed through the streete by her corner, and went toward her house,
9 in obscuro, advesperascente die, in noctis tenebris et caligine.
In the twilight in the euening, when the night began to be blacke and darke.
10 Et ecce occurrit illi mulier ornatu meretricio, præparata ad capiendas animas: garrula et vaga,
And beholde, there met him a woman with an harlots behauiour, and subtill in heart.
11 quietis impatiens, nec valens in domo consistere pedibus suis;
(She is babling and loud: whose feete can not abide in her house.
12 nunc foris, nunc in plateis, nunc juxta angulos insidians.
Nowe she is without, nowe in the streetes, and lyeth in waite at euery corner)
13 Apprehensumque deosculatur juvenem, et procaci vultu blanditur, dicens:
So she caught him and kissed him and with an impudent face said vnto him,
14 Victimas pro salute vovi; hodie reddidi vota mea:
I haue peace offerings: this day haue I payed my vowes.
15 idcirco egressa sum in occursum tuum, desiderans te videre, et reperi.
Therefore came I forth to meete thee, that I might seeke thy face: and I haue found thee.
16 Intexui funibus lectulum meum; stravi tapetibus pictis ex Ægypto:
I haue deckt my bed with ornaments, carpets and laces of Egypt.
17 aspersi cubile meum myrrha, et aloë, et cinnamomo.
I haue perfumed my bedde with myrrhe, aloes, and cynamom.
18 Veni, inebriemur uberibus, et fruamur cupitis amplexibus donec illucescat dies.
Come, let vs take our fill of loue vntill the morning: let vs take our pleasure in daliance.
19 Non est enim vir in domo sua: abiit via longissima:
For mine husband is not at home: he is gone a iourney farre off.
20 sacculum pecuniæ secum tulit; in die plenæ lunæ reversurus est in domum suam.
He hath taken with him a bagge of siluer, and will come home at the day appointed.
21 Irretivit eum multis sermonibus, et blanditiis labiorum protraxit illum.
Thus with her great craft she caused him to yeelde, and with her flattering lips she entised him.
22 Statim eam sequitur quasi bos ductus ad victimam, et quasi agnus lasciviens, et ignorans quod ad vincula stultus trahatur:
And he followed her straight wayes, as an oxe that goeth to the slaughter, and as a foole to the stockes for correction,
23 donec transfigat sagitta jecur ejus, velut si avis festinet ad laqueum, et nescit quod de periculo animæ illius agitur.
Till a dart strike through his liuer, as a bird hasteth to the snare, not knowing that he is in danger.
24 Nunc ergo, fili mi, audi me, et attende verbis oris mei.
Heare me now therefore, O children, and hearken to the wordes of my mouth.
25 Ne abstrahatur in viis illius mens tua, neque decipiaris semitis ejus;
Let not thine heart decline to her wayes: wander thou not in her paths.
26 multos enim vulneratos dejecit, et fortissimi quique interfecti sunt ab ea.
For shee hath caused many to fall downe wounded, and the strong men are all slaine by her.
27 Viæ inferi domus ejus, penetrantes in interiora mortis.] (Sheol h7585)
Her house is the way vnto ye graue, which goeth downe to the chambers of death. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbiorum 7 >