< Proverbiorum 3 >

1 [Fili mi, ne obliviscaris legis meæ, et præcepta mea cor tuum custodiat:
Mi sone, foryete thou not my lawe; and thyn herte kepe my comaundementis.
2 longitudinem enim dierum, et annos vitæ, et pacem, apponent tibi.
For tho schulen sette to thee the lengthe of daies, and the yeeris of lijf, and pees.
3 Misericordia et veritas te non deserant; circumda eas gutturi tuo, et describe in tabulis cordis tui:
Merci and treuthe forsake thee not; bynde thou tho to thi throte, and write in the tablis of thin herte.
4 et invenies gratiam, et disciplinam bonam, coram Deo et hominibus.
And thou schalt fynde grace, and good teching bifore God and men.
5 Habe fiduciam in Domino ex toto corde tuo, et ne innitaris prudentiæ tuæ.
Haue thou trist in the Lord, of al thin herte; and triste thou not to thi prudence.
6 In omnibus viis tuis cogita illum, et ipse diriget gressus tuos.
In alle thi weies thenke thou on hym, and he schal dresse thi goyngis.
7 Ne sis sapiens apud temetipsum; time Deum, et recede a malo:
Be thou not wijs anentis thi silf; drede thou God, and go awei fro yuel.
8 sanitas quippe erit umbilico tuo, et irrigatio ossium tuorum.
For whi helthe schal be in thi nawle, and moisting of thi boonys.
9 Honora Dominum de tua substantia, et de primitiis omnium frugum tuarum da ei:
Onoure thou the Lord of thi catel, and of the beste of alle thi fruytis yyue thou to pore men;
10 et implebuntur horrea tua saturitate, et vino torcularia tua redundabunt.]
and thi bernes schulen be fillid with abundaunce, and pressours schulen flowe with wiyn.
11 [Disciplinam Domini, fili mi, ne abjicias, nec deficias cum ab eo corriperis:
My sone, caste thou not awei the teching of the Lord; and faile thou not, whanne thou art chastisid of him.
12 quem enim diligit Dominus, corripit, et quasi pater in filio complacet sibi.
For the Lord chastisith hym, whom he loueth; and as a fadir in the sone he plesith hym.
13 Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam, et qui affluit prudentia.
Blessid is the man that fyndith wisdom, and which flowith with prudence.
14 Melior est acquisitio ejus negotiatione argenti, et auri primi et purissimi fructus ejus.
The geting therof is betere than the marchaundie of gold and of siluer; the fruytis therof ben the firste and clenneste.
15 Pretiosior est cunctis opibus, et omnia quæ desiderantur huic non valent comparari.
It is preciousere than alle richessis; and alle thingis that ben desirid, moun not be comparisound to this.
16 Longitudo dierum in dextera ejus, et in sinistra illius divitiæ et gloria.
Lengthe of daies is in the riythalf therof, and richessis and glorie ben in the lifthalf therof.
17 Viæ ejus viæ pulchræ, et omnes semitæ illius pacificæ.
The weies therof ben feire weies, and alle the pathis therof ben pesible.
18 Lignum vitæ est his qui apprehenderint eam, et qui tenuerit eam beatus.
It is a tre of lijf to hem that taken it; and he that holdith it, is blessid.
19 Dominus sapientia fundavit terram; stabilivit cælos prudentia.
The Lord foundide the erthe bi wisdom; he stablischide heuenes bi prudence.
20 Sapientia illius eruperunt abyssi, et nubes rore concrescunt.]
The depthis of watris braken out bi his wisdom; and cloudis wexen togidere bi dewe.
21 [Fili mi, ne effluant hæc ab oculis tuis. Custodi legem atque consilium,
My sone, these thingis flete not awey fro thin iyen; kepe thou my lawe, and my counsel;
22 et erit vita animæ tuæ, et gratia faucibus tuis.
and lijf schal be to thi soule, and grace `schal be to thi chekis.
23 Tunc ambulabis fiducialiter in via tua, et pes tuus non impinget.
Thanne thou schalt go tristili in thi weie; and thi foot schal not snapere.
24 Si dormieris, non timebis; quiesces, et suavis erit somnus tuus.
If thou schalt slepe, thou schalt not drede; thou schalt reste, and thi sleep schal be soft.
25 Ne paveas repentino terrore, et irruentes tibi potentias impiorum.
Drede thou not bi sudeyne feer, and the powers of wickid men fallynge in on thee.
26 Dominus enim erit in latere tuo, et custodiet pedem tuum, ne capiaris.]
For the Lord schal be at thi side; and he schal kepe thi foot, that thou be not takun.
27 [Noli prohibere benefacere eum qui potest: si vales, et ipse benefac.
Nil thou forbede to do wel him that mai; if thou maist, and do thou wel.
28 Ne dicas amico tuo: Vade, et revertere: cras dabo tibi: cum statim possis dare.
Seie thou not to thi frend, Go, and turne thou ayen, and to morewe Y schal yyue to thee; whanne thou maist yyue anoon.
29 Ne moliaris amico tuo malum, cum ille in te habeat fiduciam.
Ymagyne thou not yuel to thi freend, whanne he hath trist in thee.
30 Ne contendas adversus hominem frustra, cum ipse tibi nihil mali fecerit.
Stryue thou not ayens a man with out cause, whanne he doith noon yuel to thee.
31 Ne æmuleris hominem injustum, nec imiteris vias ejus:
Sue thou not an vniust man, sue thou not hise weies.
32 quia abominatio Domini est omnis illusor, et cum simplicibus sermocinatio ejus.
For ech disseyuer is abhomynacioun of the Lord; and his speking is with simple men.
33 Egestas a Domino in domo impii; habitacula autem justorum benedicentur.
Nedinesse is sent of the Lord in the hous of a wickid man; but the dwelling places of iust men schulen be blessid.
34 Ipse deludet illusores, et mansuetis dabit gratiam.
He schal scorne scorneris; and he schal yyue grace to mylde men.
35 Gloriam sapientes possidebunt; stultorum exaltatio ignominia.]
Wise men schulen haue glorie; enhaunsing of foolis is schenschipe.

< Proverbiorum 3 >