< Proverbiorum 2 >

1 [Fili mi, si susceperis sermones meos, et mandata mea absconderis penes te:
Mi sone, if thou resseyuest my wordis, `and hidist myn heestis anentis thee;
2 ut audiat sapientiam auris tua, inclina cor tuum ad cognoscendam prudentiam.
that thin eere here wisdom, bowe thin herte to knowe prudence.
3 Si enim sapientiam invocaveris, et inclinaveris cor tuum prudentiæ;
For if thou inwardli clepist wisdom, and bowist thin herte to prudence;
4 si quæsieris eam quasi pecuniam, et sicut thesauros effoderis illam:
if thou sekist it as money, and diggist it out as tresours;
5 tunc intelliges timorem Domini, et scientiam Dei invenies,
thanne thou schalt vndirstonde the drede of the Lord, and schalt fynde the kunnyng of God.
6 quia Dominus dat sapientiam, et ex ore ejus prudentia et scientia.
For the Lord yyueth wisdom; and prudence and kunnyng is of his mouth.
7 Custodiet rectorum salutem, et proteget gradientes simpliciter,
He schal kepe the heelthe of riytful men, and he schal defende hem that goen sympli.
8 servans semitas justitiæ, et vias sanctorum custodiens.
And he schal kepe the pathis of riytfulnesse, and he schal kepe the weies of hooli men.
9 Tunc intelliges justitiam, et judicium, et æquitatem, et omnem semitam bonam.]
Thanne thou schalt vndirstonde riytfulnesse, and dom, and equytee, and ech good path.
10 [Si intraverit sapientia cor tuum, et scientia animæ tuæ placuerit,
If wysdom entrith in to thin herte, and kunnyng plesith thi soule,
11 consilium custodiet te, et prudentia servabit te:
good councel schal kepe thee, and prudence schal kepe thee; that thou be delyuered fro an yuel weie,
12 ut eruaris a via mala, et ab homine qui perversa loquitur;
and fro a man that spekith weiward thingis.
13 qui relinquunt iter rectum, et ambulant per vias tenebrosas;
Whiche forsaken a riytful weie, and goen bi derk weies;
14 qui lætantur cum malefecerint, et exsultant in rebus pessimis;
whiche ben glad, whanne thei han do yuel, and maken ful out ioye in worste thingis;
15 quorum viæ perversæ sunt, et infames gressus eorum.
whose weies ben weywerd, and her goyingis ben of yuel fame.
16 Ut eruaris a muliere aliena, et ab extranea quæ mollit sermones suos,
That thou be delyuered fro an alien womman, and fro a straunge womman, that makith soft hir wordis;
17 et relinquit ducem pubertatis suæ,
and forsakith the duyk of hir tyme of mariage,
18 et pacti Dei sui oblita est. Inclinata est enim ad mortem domus ejus, et ad inferos semitæ ipsius. (questioned)
and hath foryete the couenaunt of hir God. For the hous of hir is bowid to deeth, and hir pathis to helle.
19 Omnes qui ingrediuntur ad eam non revertentur, nec apprehendent semitas vitæ.
Alle that entren to hir, schulen not turne ayen, nether schulen catche the pathis of lijf.
20 Ut ambules in via bona, et calles justorum custodias:
That thou go in a good weie, and kepe the pathis of iust men.
21 qui enim recti sunt habitabunt in terra, et simplices permanebunt in ea;
Forsothe thei that ben riytful, schulen dwelle in the lond; and symple men schulen perfitli dwelle ther ynne.
22 impii vero de terra perdentur, et qui inique agunt auferentur ex ea.]
But vnfeithful men schulen be lost fro the loond; and thei that doen wickidli, schulen be takun awey fro it.

< Proverbiorum 2 >