< Proverbiorum 16 >

1 [Hominis est animam præparare, et Domini gubernare linguam.
It perteyneth to man to make redi the soule; and it perteyneth to the Lord to gouerne the tunge.
2 Omnes viæ hominis patent oculis ejus; spirituum ponderator est Dominus.
Alle the weies of men ben opyn to the iyen of God; the Lord is a weiere of spiritis.
3 Revela Domino opera tua, et dirigentur cogitationes tuæ.
Schewe thi werkys to the Lord; and thi thouytis schulen be dressid.
4 Universa propter semetipsum operatus est Dominus; impium quoque ad diem malum.
The Lord wrouyte alle thingis for hym silf; and he made redi a wickid man to the yuel dai.
5 Abominatio Domini est omnis arrogans; etiamsi manus ad manum fuerit, non est innocens. Initium viæ bonæ facere justitiam; accepta est autem apud Deum magis quam immolare hostias.
Abhomynacioun of the Lord is ech proude man; yhe, thouy the hond is to the hond, he schal not be innocent. The bigynnyng of good weie is to do riytwisnesse; forsothe it is more acceptable at God, than to offre sacrifices.
6 Misericordia et veritate redimitur iniquitas, et in timore Domini declinatur a malo.
Wickidnesse is ayen bouyt bi merci and treuthe; and me bowith awei fro yuel bi the drede of the Lord.
7 Cum placuerint Domino viæ hominis, inimicos quoque ejus convertet ad pacem.
Whanne the weyes of man plesen the Lord, he schal conuerte, yhe, hise enemyes to pees.
8 Melius est parum cum justitia quam multi fructus cum iniquitate.
Betere is a litil with riytfulnesse, than many fruytis with wickidnesse.
9 Cor hominis disponit viam suam, sed Domini est dirigere gressus ejus.]
The herte of a man schal dispose his weie; but it perteyneth to the Lord to dresse hise steppis.
10 [Divinatio in labiis regis; in judicio non errabit os ejus.
Dyuynyng is in the lippis of a king; his mouth schal not erre in doom.
11 Pondus et statera judicia Domini sunt, et opera ejus omnes lapides sacculi.
The domes of the Lord ben weiyte and a balaunce; and hise werkis ben alle the stoonys of the world.
12 Abominabiles regi qui agunt impie, quoniam justitia firmatur solium.
Thei that don wickidli ben abhomynable to the king; for the trone of the rewme is maad stidfast bi riytfulnesse.
13 Voluntas regum labia justa; qui recta loquitur diligetur.
The wille of kyngis is iust lippis; he that spekith riytful thingis, schal be dressid.
14 Indignatio regis nuntii mortis, et vir sapiens placabit eam.
Indignacioun of the kyng is messangeris of deth; and a wijs man schal plese him.
15 In hilaritate vultus regis vita, et clementia ejus quasi imber serotinus.]
Lijf is in the gladnesse of the `cheer of the king; and his merci is as a reyn comynge late.
16 [Posside sapientiam, quia auro melior est, et acquire prudentiam, quia pretiosior est argento.
Welde thou wisdom, for it is betere than gold; and gete thou prudence, for it is precyousere than siluer.
17 Semita justorum declinat mala; custos animæ suæ servat viam suam.
The path of iust men bowith awei yuelis; the kepere of his soule kepith his weie.
18 Contritionem præcedit superbia, et ante ruinam exaltatur spiritus.
Pride goith bifore sorewe; and the spirit schal be enhaunsid byfor fallyng.
19 Melius est humiliari cum mitibus quam dividere spolia cum superbis.
It is betere to be maad meke with mylde men, than to departe spuylis with proude men.
20 Eruditus in verbo reperiet bona, et qui sperat in Domino beatus est.
A lerned man in word schal fynde goodis; and he that hopith in the Lord is blessid.
21 Qui sapiens est corde appellabitur prudens, et qui dulcis eloquio majora percipiet.
He that is wijs in herte, schal be clepid prudent; and he that is swete in speche, schal fynde grettere thingis.
22 Fons vitæ eruditio possidentis; doctrina stultorum fatuitas.]
The welle of lijf is the lernyng of him that weldith; the techyng of foolis is foli.
23 [Cor sapientis erudiet os ejus, et labiis ejus addet gratiam.
The herte of a wijs man schal teche his mouth; and schal encreesse grace to hise lippis.
24 Favus mellis composita verba; dulcedo animæ sanitas ossium.
Wordis wel set togidere is a coomb of hony; helthe of boonys is the swetnesse of soule.
25 Est via quæ videtur homini recta, et novissima ejus ducunt ad mortem.
A weye is that semeth riytful to a man; and the laste thingis therof leden to deth.
26 Anima laborantis laborat sibi, quia compulit eum os suum.
The soule of a man trauelinge trauelith to hym silf; for his mouth compellide hym.
27 Vir impius fodit malum, et in labiis ejus ignis ardescit.
An vnwijs man diggith yuel; and fier brenneth in hise lippis.
28 Homo perversus suscitat lites, et verbosus separat principes.
A weiward man reisith stryues; and a man ful of wordis departith princis.
29 Vir iniquus lactat amicum suum, et ducit eum per viam non bonam.
A wickid man flaterith his frend; and ledith hym bi a weie not good.
30 Qui attonitis oculis cogitat prava, mordens labia sua perficit malum.
He that thenkith schrewid thingis with iyen astonyed, bitith hise lippis, and parformeth yuel.
31 Corona dignitatis senectus, quæ in viis justitiæ reperietur.
A coroun of dignyte is eelde, that schal be foundun in the weies of riytfulnesse.
32 Melior est patiens viro forti, et qui dominatur animo suo expugnatore urbium.
A pacient man is betere than a stronge man; and he that `is lord of his soule, is betere than an ouercomere of citees.
33 Sortes mittuntur in sinum, sed a Domino temperantur.]
Lottis ben sent into the bosum; but tho ben temperid of the Lord.

< Proverbiorum 16 >