< Philippenses 4 >

1 Itaque fratres mei carissimi, et desideratissimi, gaudium meum, et corona mea: sic state in Domino, carissimi.
Therfor, my britheren most dereworthe and most desirid, my ioye and my coroun, so stonde ye in the Lord, most dere britheren.
2 Evodiam rogo, et Syntychen deprecor, idipsum sapere in Domino.
Y preye Eucodiam, and biseche Synticem, to vndurstonde the same thing in the Lord.
3 Etiam rogo et te, germane compar, adjuva illas, quæ mecum laboraverunt in Evangelio cum Clemente, et ceteris adjutoribus meis, quorum nomina sunt in libro vitæ.
Also Y preye and thee, german felow, helpe thou the ilke wymmen that traueliden with me in the gospel, with Clement and othere myn helperis, whos names ben in the book of lijf.
4 Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico gaudete.
Ioye ye in the Lord euere more; eft Y seie, ioye ye.
5 Modestia vestra nota sit omnibus hominibus: Dominus prope est.
Be youre pacyence knowun to alle men; the Lord is niy.
6 Nihil solliciti sitis: sed in omni oratione, et obsecratione, cum gratiarum actione petitiones vestræ innotescant apud Deum.
Be ye nothing bisi, but in al preyer and biseching, with doyng of thankyngis, be youre axyngis knowun at God.
7 Et pax Dei, quæ exuperat omnem sensum, custodiat corda vestra, et intelligentias vestras in Christo Jesu.
And the pees of God, that passith al wit, kepe youre hertis and vndurstondingis in Crist Jhesu.
8 De cetero fratres, quæcumque sunt vera, quæcumque pudica, quæcumque justa, quæcumque sancta, quæcumque amabilia, quæcumque bonæ famæ, siqua virtus, siqua laus disciplinæ, hæc cogitate.
Fro hennus forth, britheren, what euere thingis ben sothe, what euere thingis chast, what euere thingis iust, what euere thingis hooli, what euere thingis able to be louyd, what euere thingis of good fame, if ony vertu, if ony preising of discipline, thenke ye these thingis,
9 Quæ et didicistis, et accepistis, et audistis, et vidistis in me, hæc agite: et Deus pacis erit vobiscum.
that also ye han lerud, and take, and heed, and seyn in me. Do ye these thingis, and God of pees schal be with you.
10 Gavisus sum autem in Domino vehementer, quoniam tandem aliquando refloruistis pro me sentire, sicut et sentiebatis: occupati autem eratis.
But Y ioyede greetli in the Lord, that sum tyme aftirward ye floureden ayen to feele for me, as also ye feeliden. But ye weren ocupied, Y seie not as for nede,
11 Non quasi propter penuriam dico: ego enim didici, in quibus sum, sufficiens esse.
for Y haue lerud to be sufficient in whiche thingis Y am.
12 Scio et humiliari, scio et abundare (ubique et in omnibus institutus sum): et satiari, et esurire, et abundare, et penuriam pati.
And Y can also be lowid, Y can also haue plentee. Euery where and in alle thingis Y am tauyt to be fillid, and to hungur, and to abounde, and to suffre myseiste.
13 Omnia possum in eo qui me confortat.
Y may alle thingis in hym that coumfortith me.
14 Verumtamen bene fecistis, communicantes tribulationi meæ.
Netheles ye han doon wel, comynynge to my tribulacioun.
15 Scitis autem et vos Philippenses, quod in principio Evangelii, quando profectus sum a Macedonia, nulla mihi ecclesia communicavit in ratione dati et accepti, nisi vos soli:
For and ye, Filipensis, witen, that in the bigynnyng of the gospel, whanne Y wente forth fro Macedonye, no chirche comynede with me in resoun of thing youun and takun, but ye aloone.
16 quia et Thessalonicam semel et bis in usum mihi misistis.
Whiche senten to Tessalonyk onys and twies also in to vss to me.
17 Non quia quæro datum, sed requiro fructum abundantem in ratione vestra.
Not for Y seke yifte, but Y requyre fruyt aboundinge in youre resoun.
18 Habeo autem omnia, et abundo: repletus sum, acceptis ab Epaphrodito quæ misistis odorem suavitatis, hostiam acceptam, placentem Deo.
For Y haue alle thingis, and abounde; Y am fillid with tho thingis takun of Epafrodite, whiche ye senten in to the odour of swetnesse, a couenable sacrifice, plesynge to God.
19 Deus autem meus impleat omne desiderium vestrum secundum divitias suas in gloria in Christo Jesu.
And my God fil alle youre desire, by hise richessis in glorie in Crist Jhesu.
20 Deo autem et Patri nostro gloria in sæcula sæculorum. Amen. (aiōn g165)
But to God and oure fadir be glorie in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
21 Salutate omnem sanctum in Christo Jesu.
Amen. Grete ye wel euery hooli man in Crist Jhesu.
22 Salutant vos, qui mecum sunt, fratres. Salutant vos omnes sancti, maxime autem qui de Cæsaris domo sunt.
Tho britheren that ben with me, greten you wel. Alle hooli men greten you wel, moost sotheli thei that ben of the emperouris hous.
23 Gratia Domini nostri Jesu Christi cum spiritu vestro. Amen.
The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with youre spirit. Amen.

< Philippenses 4 >