< Liber Numeri 35 >

1 Hæc quoque locutus est Dominus ad Moysen in campes tribus Moab supra Jordanem, contra Jericho:
And the Lord spak these thingis to Moises, in the feeldi places of Moab, aboue Jordan,
2 Præcipe filiis Israël ut dent Levitis de possessionibus suis
ayens Jericho, Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, that thei yyue to dekenes of her possessiouns,
3 urbes ad habitandum, et suburbana earum per circuitum: ut ipsi in oppidis maneant, et suburbana sint pecoribus ac jumentis:
citees to dwelle, and the suburbabis of tho bi cumpas, that thei dwelle in `the citees, and the suburbabis be to beestis, and `werk beestis;
4 quæ a muris civitatum forinsecus, per circuitum, mille passuum spatio tendentur.
whiche suburbabis schulen be strecchid forth fro the wallis of citees with outforth `bi cumpas, in the space of a thousynde paacis;
5 Contra orientem duo millia erunt cubiti, et contra meridiem similiter erunt duo millia: ad mare quoque, quod respicit ad occidentem, eadem mensura erit, et septentrionalis plaga æquali termino finietur, eruntque urbes in medio, et foris suburbana.
ayens the eest schulen be two thousynde cubitis, and ayens the south in lijk manere schulen be two thousynde cubitis, and at the see that biholdith to the west schal be the same mesure, and the north coost schal be endid bi euene terme. And the citees schulen be in the myddis, and the suburbabis with outforth.
6 De ipsis autem oppidis, quæ Levitis dabitis, sex erunt in fugitivorum auxilia separata, ut fugiat ad ea qui fuderit sanguinem: et exceptis his, alia quadraginta duo oppida,
Forsothe of tho citees whiche ye schulen yyue to dekenes, sixe schulen be departid in to helpis of fugityues, `ether of fleynge men, that he that schedde blood, fle to tho; and outakun these sixe, ye schulen yyue to dekenes othere two and fourti citees,
7 id est, simul quadraginta octo cum suburbanis suis.
that is, togidere eiyte and fourti, with her surburbabis.
8 Ipsæque urbes, quæ dabuntur de possessionibus filiorum Israël, ab his qui plus habent, plures auferentur: et qui minus, pauciores: singuli juxta mensuram hæreditatis suæ dabunt oppida Levitis.
And tho citees that schulen be youun of the possessiouns of sones of Israel, schulen be takun awey, mo fro hem that han more, and fewere `schulen be takun awey fro hem that han lesse, alle bi hem silf schulen yyue bi the mesure of her eritage, citees to dekenes.
9 Ait Dominus ad Moysen:
The Lord seide to Moises,
10 Loquere filiis Israël, et dices ad eos: Quando transgressi fueritis Jordanem in terram Chanaan,
Spek thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, Whanne ye han passid Jordan, in the lond of Canaan,
11 decernite quæ urbes esse debeant in præsidia fugitivorum, qui nolentes sanguinem fuderint:
deme ye whiche citees owen to be in to the helpis of fugityues, whiche not wilfuli han sched blood.
12 in quibus cum fuerit profugus, cognatus occisi non poterit eum occidere, donec stet in conspectu multitudinis, et causa illius judicetur.
In whiche whanne the fleere hath fled, the kynesman of hym that is slayn, schal not mow sle hym, til he stonde in the siyt of the multitude, and the cause of hym be demed.
13 De ipsis autem urbibus, quæ ad fugitivorum subsidia separantur,
Forsothe of tho citees that ben departid to the helpis of fugityues,
14 tres erunt trans Jordanem, et tres in terra Chanaan,
thre schulen be ouer Jordan, and thre in the lond of Canaan;
15 tam filiis Israël quam advenis atque peregrinis, ut confugiat ad eas qui nolens sanguinem fuderit.
as wel to the sones of Israel as to comelyngis and pilgryms; that he fle to tho citees, that schedde blood not wilfuli.
16 Si quis ferro percusserit, et mortuus fuerit qui percussus est, reus erit homicidii, et ipse morietur.
If ony man smytith a man with yrun, and he that is smytun is deed, `the smyter schal be gilti of mansleyng, and he schal die.
17 Si lapidem jecerit, et ictus occubuerit, similiter punietur.
If he castith a stoon, and a man is deed bi the strook, he schal be punyschid in lijk maner.
18 Si ligno percussus interierit, percussoris sanguine vindicabitur.
If a man smytun with a staf dieth, he schal be vengid bi `the blood of the smytere.
19 Propinquus occisi, homicidam interficiet: statim ut apprehenderit eum, interficiet.
The niy kynesman of hym that is slayn schal sle the mansleere; anoon as he takith hym, `that is, the manquellere, he schal sle hym.
20 Si per odium quis hominem impulerit, vel jecerit quippiam in eum per insidias:
If bi haterede a man hurtlith, `ethir schoufith, `a man, ethir castith ony thing in to hym bi aspiyngis,
21 aut cum esset inimicus, manu percusserit, et ille mortuus fuerit: percussor homicidii reus erit: cognatus occisi statim ut invenerit eum, jugulabit.
ether whanne he was enemy, smoot with hond, and he is deed, the smytere schal be gilti of mansleyng. The kynesman `of him that is slayn, anoon as he findith him, `that is, the sleere, schal sle hym.
22 Quod si fortuitu, et absque odio
That if bi sudeyn caas, and without hatrede and enemytees,
23 et inimicitiis quidquam horum fecerit,
he doith ony thing of these;
24 et hoc audiente populo fuerit comprobatum, atque inter percussorem et propinquum sanguinis quæstio ventilata:
and this is preued in heryng `of the puple, and the questioun of blood is discussid bitwixe the smytere and the kynesman,
25 liberabitur innocens de ultoris manu, et reducetur per sententiam in urbem, ad quam confugerat, manebitque ibi, donec sacerdos magnus, qui oleo sancto unctus est, moriatur.
the innocent schal be delyuered fro the hond of the vengere, and bi sentence of iugis he schal be led ayen in to the citee, to which he fledde, and he schal dwelle there, til the grete preest die, which is anoyntid with oile.
26 Si interfector extra fines urbium, quæ exulibus deputatæ sunt,
If the sleere is foundun with out the coostis `of the citees that ben asigned to exilid men,
27 fuerit inventus, et percussus ab eo qui ultor est sanguinis: absque noxa erit qui eum occiderit.
and is slayn of him that is vengere, he that sleeth him, `that is, the exilid man, schal be with out gilt;
28 Debuerat enim profugus usque ad mortem pontificis in urbe residere. Postquam autem ille obierit, homicida revertetur in terram suam.
for the exilid man ouyte sitte in the citee `til to the `deth of the bischop; forsothe aftir that thilke bischop is deed, the mansleere schal turne ayen in to his lond.
29 Hæc sempiterna erunt, et legitima in cunctis habitationibus vestris.
These schulen be euerlastynge and lawful thingis in alle youre dwellyngis.
30 Homicida sub testibus punietur: ad unius testimonium nullus condemnabitur.
A mansleere schal be punyschid vndur witnessis; no man schal `be dampned at the witnessyng of o man.
31 Non accipietis pretium ab eo qui reus est sanguinis, statim et ipse morietur.
Ye schulen not take prijs of him which is gilti of blood, anoon and he schal die.
32 Exules et profugi ante mortem pontificis nullo modo in urbes suas reverti poterunt,
Men exilid, and fugityues, schulen not mow turne ayen in ony maner in to her citees, bifore the deeth of the bischop, lest ye defoulen the lond of youre abitacioun,
33 ne polluatis terram habitationis vestræ, quæ insontium cruore maculatur: nec aliter expiari potest, nisi per ejus sanguinem, qui alterius sanguinem fuderit.
which is defoulid bi the blood of innocent men; and it may not be clensid in other maner, no but bi the blood of hym, that schedde the blood of anothir man.
34 Atque ita emundabitur vestra possessio me commorante vobiscum. Ego enim sum Dominus qui habito inter filios Israël.
And so youre possessioun schal be clensid, for Y schal dwelle with you; for Y am the Lord, that dwelle among the sones of Israel.

< Liber Numeri 35 >