< Liber Numeri 13 >

1 Ibique locutus est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
And there the Lord spak to Moises,
2 Mitte viros, qui considerent terram Chanaan, quam daturus sum filiis Israël, singulos de singulis tribubus, ex principibus.
and seide, Sende thou men that schulen biholde the lond of Canaan, which Y schal yyue to the sones of Israel, of ech lynage o man of the princes.
3 Fecit Moyses quod Dominus imperaverat, de deserto Pharan mittens principes viros, quorum ista sunt nomina.
Moises dide that that the Lord comaundide, and sente fro the deseert of Pharan princes, men of whiche these ben the names.
4 De tribu Ruben, Sammua filium Zechur.
Of the lynage of Ruben, Semmya, the sone of Zectur.
5 De tribu Simeon, Saphat filium Huri.
Of the lynage of Symeon, Saphat, the sone of Hury.
6 De tribu Juda, Caleb filium Jephone.
Of the lynage of Juda, Caleph, the sone of Jephone.
7 De tribu Issachar, Igal filium Joseph.
Of the lynage of Isachar, Igal, the sone of Joseph.
8 De tribu Ephraim, Osee filium Nun.
Of the lynage of Effraym, Osee, the sone of Nun.
9 De tribu Benjamin, Phalti filium Raphu.
Of the lynage of Beniamyn, Phalti, the sone of Raphu.
10 De tribu Zabulon, Geddiel filium Sodi.
Of the lynage of Zabulon, Gediel, the sone of Sodi.
11 De tribu Joseph, sceptri Manasse, Gaddi filium Susi.
Of the lynage of Joseph, of the gouernaunce of Manasses, Gaddi, the sone of Susy.
12 De tribu Dan, Ammiel filium Gemalli.
Of the lynage of Dan, Amyel, the sone of Gemalli.
13 De tribu Aser, Sthur filium Michaël.
Of the lynage of Aser, Sur, the sone of Mychael.
14 De tribu Nephthali, Nahabi filium Vapsi.
Of the lynage of Neptalym, Nabdi, the sone of Napsi.
15 De tribu Gad, Guel filium Machi.
Of the lynage of Gad, Guel, the sone of Machi.
16 Hæc sunt nomina virorum, quos misit Moyses ad considerandam terram: vocavitque Osee filium Nun, Josue.
These ben the names of men, which Moises sente to biholde the lond of Canaan; and he clepide Osee, the sone of Nun, Josue.
17 Misit ergo eos Moyses ad considerandam terram Chanaan, et dixit ad eos: Ascendite per meridianam plagam. Cumque veneritis ad montes,
Therfor Moises sente hem to biholde the lond of Canaan, and seide to hem, `Stie ye bi the south coost; and whanne ye comen to the hillis,
18 considerate terram, qualis sit: et populum qui habitator est ejus, utrum fortis sit an infirmus: si pauci numero an plures:
biholde ye the lond, what maner lond it is; and biholde ye the puple which is the dwellere therof, whether it is strong, ethir feble, `whether thei ben fewe in noumbre, ether manye;
19 ipsa terra, bona an mala: urbes quales, muratæ an absque muris:
whether that lond is good, ethir yuel; what maner citees ben, wallid, ether without wallis;
20 humus, pinguis an sterilis, nemorosa an absque arboribus. Confortamini, et afferte nobis de fructibus terræ. Erat autem tempus quando jam præcoquæ uvæ vesci possunt.
whether the lond is fat, ether bareyn, `whether it is ful of woodis, ethir without trees. Be ye coumfortid, and `brynge ye to vs of the fruytis of that lond. Sotheli the tyme was, whanne grapis first ripe myyten be etun thanne.
21 Cumque ascendissent, exploraverunt terram a deserto Sin, usque Rohob intrantibus Emath.
And whanne thei hadden stied, thei aspieden the lond, fro the deseert of Syn `til to Rohob, as men entryth to Emath.
22 Ascenderuntque ad meridiem, et venerunt in Hebron, ubi erant Achiman et Sisai et Tholmai filii Enac: nam Hebron septem annis ante Tanim urbem Ægypti condita est.
And thei stieden to the south, and camen in to Ebron, where Achyman, and Sisai, and Tholmai, the sones of Enach, weren; for Hebron was maad bi seuen yeer bifor Thamnys, the citee of Egipt.
23 Pergentesque usque ad Torrentem botri, absciderunt palmitem cum uva sua, quem portaverunt in vecte duo viri. De malis quoque granatis et de ficis loci illius tulerunt:
And thei yeden til to the stronde of clustre, and kittiden doun a sioun with his grape, which twei men baren in a barre; also thei token of pumgarnadis, and of the figis of that place which is clepid Nehelescol,
24 qui appellatus est Nehelescol, id est Torrens botri, eo quod botrum portassent inde filii Israël.
that is, the stronde of grape, for the sones of Israel baren a clustre fro thennus.
25 Reversique exploratores terræ post quadraginta dies, omni regione circuita,
And the aspieris of the lond, whanne thei hadden cumpassid al the cuntrey, after fourti daies camen to Moises and Aaron,
26 venerunt ad Moysen et Aaron et ad omnem cœtum filiorum Israël in desertum Pharan, quod est in Cades. Locutique eis et omni multitudini ostenderunt fructus terræ:
and to al the cumpany of the sones of Israel, in to the deseert of Pharan which is in Cades. And `the aspieris spaken to hem, and schewiden the fruytis of the lond to al the multitude, and telden,
27 et narraverunt, dicentes: Venimus in terram, ad quam misisti nos, quæ revera fluit lacte et melle, ut ex his fructibus cognosci potest:
and seiden, We camen to the lond, to which thou sentest vs, which lond treuli flowith with mylk and hony, as it may be knowun bi these fruytis;
28 sed cultores fortissimos habet, et urbes grandes atque muratas. Stirpem Enac vidimus ibi.
but it hath strongeste inhabiteris, and grete cytees, and wallid; we sien there the kynrede of Anachym; Amalech dwellith in the south;
29 Amalec habitat in meridie, Hethæus et Jebusæus et Amorrhæus in montanis: Chananæus vero moratur juxta mare et circa fluenta Jordanis.
Ethei, and Jebusei, and Amorey dwellen in the hilli placis; forsothe Cananey dwellith bisidis the see, and bisidis the floodis of Jordan.
30 Inter hæc Caleb compescens murmur populi, qui oriebatur contra Moysen, ait: Ascendamus, et possideamus terram, quoniam poterimus obtinere eam.
Among thes thingis Caleph peeside the grutchyng of the puple, that was maad ayens Moises, and seide, `Stie we, and welde we the lond, for we moun gete it.
31 Alii vero, qui fuerant cum eo, dicebant: Nequaquam ad hunc populum valemus ascendere, quia fortior nobis est.
Forsothe other aspieris, that weren with hym, seiden, We moun not stie to this puple, for it is strongere than we.
32 Detraxeruntque terræ, quam inspexerant, apud filios Israël, dicentes: Terra, quam lustravimus, devorat habitatores suos: populus, quem aspeximus, proceræ staturæ est.
And thei deprauyden the lond which thei hadden biholde, anentis the sones of Israel, and seiden, The lond which we cumpassiden deuourith hise dwelleris; the puple which we bihelden is of large stature; there we syen summe wondris ayens kynde,
33 Ibi vidimus monstra quædam filiorum Enac de genere giganteo: quibus comparati, quasi locustæ videbamur.
of the sones of Enach, of the kynde of geauntis, to whiche we weren comparisound, and weren seien as locustis.

< Liber Numeri 13 >