< Liber Numeri 10 >

1 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide,
2 Fac tibi duas tubas argenteas ductiles, quibus convocare possis multitudinem quando movenda sunt castra.
Make to thee twei siluerne trumpis betun out with hameris, bi whiche thou maist clepe togidere the multitude, whanne the tentis schulen be moued.
3 Cumque increpueris tubis, congregabitur ad te omnis turba ad ostium tabernaculi fœderis.
And whanne thou schalt sowne with trumpis, al the cumpeny schal be gaderid to thee at the dore of the tabernacle of the boond of pees.
4 Si semel clangueris, venient ad te principes, et capita multitudinis Israël.
If thou schalt sowne onys, the princes and the heedis of the multitude of Israel schulen come to thee;
5 Si autem prolixior atque concisus clangor increpuerit, movebunt castra primi qui sunt ad orientalem plagam.
but if a lengere and departid trumpyng schal sowne, thei that ben at the eest coost schulen moue tentis first.
6 In secundo autem sonitu et pari ululatu tubæ, levabunt tentoria qui habitant ad meridiem; et juxta hunc modum reliqui facient, ululantibus tubis in profectionem.
Forsothe in the secounde sown and lijk noise of the trumpe thei that dwellen at the south schulen reise tentis; and bi this maner othere men schulen do, whanne the trumpis schulen sowne in to goyng forth.
7 Quando autem congregandus est populus, simplex tubarum clangor erit, et non concise ululabunt.
Forsothe whanne the puple schal be gederid to gidere, symple cry of trumpis schal be, and tho schulen not sowne departyngli.
8 Filii autem Aaron sacerdotes clangent tubis: eritque hoc legitimum sempiternum in generationibus vestris.
The sones of Aaron preest schulen sowne with trumpis, and this schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in youre generaciouns.
9 Si exieritis ad bellum de terra vestra contra hostes qui dimicant adversum vos, clangetis ululantibus tubis, et erit recordatio vestri coram Domino Deo vestro, ut eruamini de manibus inimicorum vestrorum.
If ye schulen go out of youre lond to batel ayens enemyes that fiyten ayens you, ye schulen crye with trumpis sownynge, and the bithenkyng of you schal be bifor youre Lord God, that ye be delyuered fro the hondis of youre enemyes.
10 Siquando habebitis epulum, et dies festos, et calendas, canetis tubis super holocaustis, et pacificis victimis, ut sint vobis in recordationem Dei vestri. Ego Dominus Deus vester.
If ony tyme ye schulen haue a feeste, and halidaies, and calendis, ye schulen synge in trumpis on brent sacrifices and pesible sacrifices, that tho be to you in to remembryng of youre God; Y am youre Lord God.
11 Anno secundo, mense secundo, vigesima die mensis, elevata est nubes de tabernaculo fœderis:
In the secounde yeer, in the secounde monethe, in the twentithe dai of the monethe, the cloude was reisid fro the tabernacle of boond of pees.
12 profectique sunt filii Israël per turmas suas de deserto Sinai, et recubuit nubes in solitudine Pharan.
And the sones of Israel yeden forth bi her cumpenyes fro deseert of Synay; and the cloude restide in the wildirnesse of Faran.
13 Moveruntque castra primi juxta imperium Domini in manu Moysi.
And the sones of Juda bi her cumpenyes, of whiche the prince was Naason, the sone of Amynadab, moueden first tentis,
14 Filii Juda per turmas suas: quorum princeps erat Nahasson filius Aminadab.
bi the Lordis comaundement maad in the hond of Moises.
15 In tribu filiorum Issachar fuit princeps Nathanaël filius Suar.
In the lynage of the sones of Ysacar the prince was Nathanael, the sone of Suar.
16 In tribu Zabulon erat princeps Eliab filius Helon.
In the lynage of Sabulon the prince was Heliab, the sone of Helon.
17 Depositumque est tabernaculum, quod portantes egressi sunt filii Gerson et Merari.
And the tabernacle was takun doun, which the sones of Gerson and of Merary baren, and `yeden out.
18 Profectique sunt et filii Ruben, per turmas et ordinem suum: quorum princeps erat Helisur filius Sedeur.
And the sones of Ruben yeden forth bi her cumpenyes and ordre, of whiche the prince was Helisur, the sone of Sedeur.
19 In tribu autem filiorum Simeon, princeps fuit Salamiel filius Surisaddai.
Forsothe in the lynage of the sones of Symeon the prince was Salamyel, the sone of Surisaddai.
20 Porro in tribu Gad erat princeps Eliasaph filius Duel.
Sotheli in the lynage of Gad the prince was Helisaphath, the sone of Duel.
21 Profectique sunt et Caathitæ portantes sanctuarium. Tamdiu tabernaculum portabatur, donec venirent ad erectionis locum.
And the sones of Caath yeden forth, and baren the seyntuarie; so longe the tabernacle was borun, til thei camen to the place of reisyng therof.
22 Moverunt castra et filii Ephraim per turmas suas, in quorum exercitu princeps erat Elisama filius Ammiud.
Also the sones of Effraym, bi her cumpanyes, moueden tentis, in whos oost the prince was Elisama, the sone of Amyud.
23 In tribu autem filiorum Manasse princeps fuit Gamaliel filius Phadassur.
Forsothe in the lynage of the sones of Manasses the prince was Gamaliel, the sone of Phadussur.
24 Et in tribu Benjamin erat dux Abidan filius Gedeonis.
And in the lynage of Beniamyn the duk was Abidan, the sone of Gedeon.
25 Novissimi castrorum omnium profecti sunt filii Dan per turmas suas, in quorum exercitu princeps fuit Ahiezer filius Ammisaddai.
The sones of Dan, bi her cumpenyes, yeden forth the laste of alle tentis, in whos oost the prince was Aizer, the sone of Amysaddai.
26 In tribu autem filiorum Aser erat princeps Phegiel filius Ochran.
Sotheli in the lynage of the sones of Aser the prince was Phegiel, the sone of Ochran.
27 Et in tribu filiorum Nephthali princeps fuit Ahira filius Enan.
And in the lynage of the sones of Neptalym the prince was Haira, the sone of Henan.
28 Hæc sunt castra, et profectiones filiorum Israël per turmas suas quando egrediebantur.
These ben the castels and the goinges forth of the sones of Israel, bi her cumpenyes, whanne thei yeden out.
29 Dixitque Moyses Hobab filio Raguel Madianitæ, cognato suo: Proficiscimur ad locum quem Dominus daturus est nobis: veni nobiscum, ut benefaciamus tibi, quia Dominus bona promisit Israëli.
And Moises seide to Heliab, the sone of Raguel, of Madian, his alie `ethir fadir of his wijf, We goon forth to the place which the Lord schal yyue to vs; come thou with vs, that we do wel to thee, for the Lord bihiyte goode thingis to Israel.
30 Cui ille respondit: Non vadam tecum, sed revertar in terram meam, in qua natus sum.
To whom he answeride, Y schal not go with thee, but Y schal turne ayen in to my lond, in which Y was borun.
31 Et ille: Noli, inquit, nos relinquere: tu enim nosti in quibus locis per desertum castra ponere debeamus, et eris ductor noster.
And Moises seide, Nyle thou forsake vs, for thou knowist in whiche places we owen to sette tentis, and thou schalt be oure ledere;
32 Cumque nobiscum veneris, quidquid optimum fuerit ex opibus, quas nobis traditurus est Dominus, dabimus tibi.
and whanne thou schalt come with vs, what euer thing schal be the beste of the richessis whiche the Lord schal yyue to vs, we schulen yyue to thee.
33 Profecti sunt ergo de monte Domini viam trium dierum, arcaque fœderis Domini præcedebat eos, per dies tres providens castrorum locum.
And therfor thei yeden forth fro the hil of the Lord the weie of thre daies; and the arke of boond of pees of the Lord yede bifor hem, bi thre daies, and purueyde the place of tentis.
34 Nubes quoque Domini super eos erat per diem cum incederent.
And the cloude of the Lord was on hem bi day, whanne thei yeden.
35 Cumque elevaretur arca, dicebat Moyses: Surge, Domine, et dissipentur inimici tui, et fugiant qui oderunt te, a facie tua.
And whanne the arke was reisid, Moises seide, Ryse thou, Lord, and thin enemyes be scaterid, and thei that haten thee, fle fro thi face;
36 Cum autem deponeretur, aiebat: Revertere, Domine, ad multitudinem exercitus Israël.
forsothe whanne the arke was put doun, he seide, Lord, turne ayen to the multitude of the oost of Israel.

< Liber Numeri 10 >