< Mattheum 6 >

1 Attendite ne justitiam vestram faciatis coram hominibus, ut videamini ab eis: alioquin mercedem non habebitis apud Patrem vestrum qui in cælis est.
Takith hede, that ye do not youre riytwisnesse bifor men, to be seyn of hem, ellis ye schulen haue no meede at youre fadir that is in heuenes.
2 Cum ergo facis eleemosynam, noli tuba canere ante te, sicut hypocritæ faciunt in synagogis, et in vicis, ut honorificentur ab hominibus. Amen dico vobis, receperunt mercedem suam.
Therfore whanne thou doist almes, nyle thou trumpe tofore thee, as ypocritis doon in synagogis and stretis, that thei be worschipid of men; sotheli Y seie to you, they han resseyued her meede.
3 Te autem faciente eleemosynam, nesciat sinistra tua quid faciat dextera tua:
But whanne thou doist almes, knowe not thi left hond what thi riyt hond doith, that thin almes be in hidils,
4 ut sit eleemosyna tua in abscondito, et Pater tuus, qui videt in abscondito, reddet tibi.
and thi fadir that seeth in hiddils, schal quyte thee.
5 Et cum oratis, non eritis sicut hypocritæ qui amant in synagogis et in angulis platearum stantes orare, ut videantur ab hominibus: amen dico vobis, receperunt mercedem suam.
And whanne ye preyen, ye schulen not be as ipocritis, that louen to preye stondynge in synagogis and corneris of stretis, to be seyn of men; treuli Y seie to you, thei han resseyued her meede.
6 Tu autem cum oraveris, intra in cubiculum tuum, et clauso ostio, ora Patrem tuum in abscondito: et Pater tuus, qui videt in abscondito, reddet tibi.
But whanne thou schalt preye, entre in to thi couche, and whanne the dore is schet, preye thi fadir in hidils, and thi fadir that seeth in hidils, schal yelde to thee.
7 Orantes autem, nolite multum loqui, sicut ethnici, putant enim quod in multiloquio suo exaudiantur.
But in preiyng nyle yee speke myche, as hethene men doon, for thei gessen that thei ben herd in her myche speche.
8 Nolite ergo assimilari eis: scit enim Pater vester, quid opus sit vobis, antequam petatis eum.
Therfor nyle ye be maad lich to hem, for your fadir woot what is nede to you, bifore that ye axen hym.
9 Sic ergo vos orabitis: [Pater noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificetur nomen tuum.
And thus ye schulen preye, Oure fadir that art in heuenes, halewid be thi name;
10 Adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra.
thi kyngdoom come to; be thi wille don `in erthe as in heuene;
11 Panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie,
yyue to vs this dai oure `breed ouer othir substaunce;
12 et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
and foryyue to vs oure dettis, as we foryyuen to oure dettouris;
13 Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.]
and lede vs not in to temptacioun, but delyuere vs fro yuel. Amen.
14 Si enim dimiseritis hominibus peccata eorum: dimittet et vobis Pater vester cælestis delicta vestra.
For if ye foryyuen to men her synnes, youre heuenli fadir schal foryyue to you youre trespassis.
15 Si autem non dimiseritis hominibus: nec Pater vester dimittet vobis peccata vestra.
Sotheli if ye foryyuen not to men, nether youre fadir schal foryyue to you youre synnes.
16 Cum autem jejunatis, nolite fieri sicut hypocritæ, tristes. Exterminant enim facies suas, ut appareant hominibus jejunantes. Amen dico vobis, quia receperunt mercedem suam.
But whanne ye fasten, nyle ye be maad as ypocritis sorewful, for thei defacen hem silf, to seme fastyng to men; treuli Y seie to you, they han resseyued her meede.
17 Tu autem, cum jejunas, unge caput tuum, et faciem tuam lava,
But whanne thou fastist, anoynte thin heed, and waische thi face,
18 ne videaris hominibus jejunans, sed Patri tuo, qui est in abscondito: et Pater tuus, qui videt in abscondito, reddet tibi.
that thou be not seen fastynge to men, but to thi fadir that is in hidlis, and thi fadir that seeth in priuey, shal yelde to thee.
19 Nolite thesaurizare vobis thesauros in terra: ubi ærugo, et tinea demolitur: et ubi fures effodiunt, et furantur.
Nile ye tresoure to you tresouris in erthe, where ruste and mouyte destrieth, and where theues deluen out and stelen;
20 Thesaurizate autem vobis thesauros in cælo, ubi neque ærugo, neque tinea demolitur, et ubi fures non effodiunt, nec furantur.
but gadere to you tresouris in heuene, where nether ruste ne mouyte distrieth, and where theues deluen not out, ne stelen.
21 Ubi enim est thesaurus tuus, ibi est et cor tuum.
For where thi tresoure is, there also thin herte is.
22 Lucerna corporis tui est oculus tuus. Si oculus tuus fuerit simplex, totum corpus tuum lucidum erit.
The lanterne of thi bodi is thin iye; if thin iye be symple, al thi bodi shal be liytful;
23 Si autem oculus tuus fuerit nequam, totum corpus tuum tenebrosum erit. Si ergo lumen, quod in te est, tenebræ sunt: ipsæ tenebræ quantæ erunt?
but if thin iye be weiward, al thi bodi shal be derk. If thanne the liyt that is in thee be derknessis, how grete schulen thilk derknessis be?
24 Nemo potest duobus dominis servire: aut enim unum odio habebit, et alterum diliget: aut unum sustinebit, et alterum contemnet. Non potestis Deo servire et mammonæ.
No man may serue tweyn lordis, for ethir he schal hate `the toon, and loue the tother; ethir he shal susteyne `the toon, and dispise the tothir. Ye moun not serue God and richessis.
25 Ideo dico vobis, ne solliciti sitis animæ vestræ quid manducetis, neque corpori vestro quid induamini. Nonne anima plus est quam esca, et corpus plus quam vestimentum?
Therfor I seie to you, that ye be not bisi to youre lijf, what ye schulen ete; nether to youre bodi, with what ye schulen be clothid. Whether lijf is not more than meete, and the bodie more than cloth?
26 Respicite volatilia cæli, quoniam non serunt, neque metunt, neque congregant in horrea: et Pater vester cælestis pascit illa. Nonne vos magis pluris estis illis?
Biholde ye the foulis of the eire, for thei sowen not, nethir repen, nethir gaderen in to bernes; and youre fadir of heuene fedith hem. Whether ye ben not more worthi than thei?
27 Quis autem vestrum cogitans potest adjicere ad staturam suam cubitum unum?
But who of you thenkynge mai putte to his stature o cubit?
28 Et de vestimento quid solliciti estis? Considerate lilia agri quomodo crescunt: non laborant, neque nent.
And of clothing what ben ye bisye? Biholde ye the lilies of the feeld, how thei wexen. Thei trauelen not, nether spynnen;
29 Dico autem vobis, quoniam nec Salomon in omni gloria sua coopertus est sicut unum ex istis.
and Y seie to you, Salomon in al his glorie was not keuered as oon of these.
30 Si autem fœnum agri, quod hodie est, et cras in clibanum mittitur, Deus sic vestit, quanto magis vos modicæ fidei?
And if God clothith thus the hei of the feeld, that to day is, and to morewe is cast in to an ouen, hou myche more you of litel feith?
31 Nolite ergo solliciti esse, dicentes: Quid manducabimus, aut quid bibemus, aut quo operiemur?
Therfor nyle ye be bisi, seiynge, What schulen we ete? or, What schulen we drinke? or, With what thing schulen we be keuered?
32 hæc enim omnia gentes inquirunt. Scit enim Pater vester, quia his omnibus indigetis.
For hethene men seken alle these thingis; and youre fadir woot, that ye han nede to alle these thingis.
33 Quærite ergo primum regnum Dei, et justitiam ejus: et hæc omnia adjicientur vobis.
Therfor seke ye first the kyngdom of God, and his riytfulnesse, and alle these thingis shulen be cast to you.
34 Nolite ergo solliciti esse in crastinum. Crastinus enim dies sollicitus erit sibi ipsi: sufficit diei malitia sua.
Therfor nyle ye be bisy in to the morew, for the morew shal be bisi to `hym silf; for it suffisith to the dai his owen malice.

< Mattheum 6 >