< Marcum 10 >

1 Et inde exsurgens venit in fines Judææ ultra Jordanem: et conveniunt iterum turbæ ad eum: et sicut consueverat, iterum docebat illos.
And Jhesus roos vp fro thennus, and cam in to the coostis of Judee ouer Jordan; and eftsoones the puple cam togidere to hym, and as he was wont, eftsoone he tauyte hem.
2 Et accedentes pharisæi interrogabant eum: Si licet viro uxorem dimittere: tentantes eum.
And the Farisees camen, and axiden hym, Whether it be leueful to a man to leeue his wijf? and thei temptiden hym.
3 At ille respondens, dixit eis: Quid vobis præcepit Moyses?
And he answeride, and seide to hem, What comaundide Moises to you?
4 Qui dixerunt: Moyses permisit libellum repudii scribere, et dimittere.
And thei seiden, Moises suffride to write a libel of forsaking, and to forsake.
5 Quibus respondens Jesus, ait: Ad duritiam cordis vestri scripsit vobis præceptum istud:
`To whiche Jhesus answeride, and seide, For the hardnesse of youre herte Moises wroot to you this comaundement.
6 ab initio autem creaturæ masculum et feminam fecit eos Deus.
But fro the bigynnyng of creature God made hem male and female;
7 Propter hoc relinquet homo patrem suum et matrem, et adhærebit ad uxorem suam:
and seide, For this thing a man schal leeue his fadir and modir,
8 et erunt duo in carne una. Itaque jam non sunt duo, sed una caro.
and schal drawe to hys wijf, and thei schulen be tweyne in o flesch. And so now thei ben not tweyne, but o flesch.
9 Quod ergo Deus conjunxit, homo non separet.
Therfor that thing that God ioynede togidere, no man departe.
10 Et in domo iterum discipuli ejus de eodem interrogaverunt eum.
And eftsoone in the hous hise disciplis axiden hym of the same thing.
11 Et ait illis: Quicumque dimiserit uxorem suam, et aliam duxerit, adulterium committit super eam.
And he seide to hem, Who euer leeuith his wijf, and weddith another, he doith auowtri on hir.
12 Et si uxor dimiserit virum suum, et alii nupserit, mœchatur.
And if the wijf leeue hir housebonde, and be weddid to another man, sche doith letcherie.
13 Et offerebant illi parvulos ut tangeret illos. Discipuli autem comminabantur offerentibus.
And thei brouyten to hym litle children, that he schulde touche hem; and the disciplis threteneden the men, that brouyten hem.
14 Quos cum videret Jesus, indigne tulit, et ait illis: Sinite parvulos venire ad me, et ne prohibueritis eos: talium enim est regnum Dei.
And whanne Jhesus hadde seyn hem, he baar heuy, and seide to hem, Suffre ye litle children to come to me, and forbede ye hem not, for of suche is the kyngdom of God.
15 Amen dico vobis: Quisquis non receperit regnum Dei velut parvulus, non intrabit in illud.
Treuli Y seie to you, who euer resseyueth not the kyngdom of God as a litil child, he schal not entre in to it.
16 Et complexans eos, et imponens manus super illos, benedicebat eos.
And he biclippide hem, and leide hise hondis on hem, and blisside hem.
17 Et cum egressus esset in viam, procurrens quidam genu flexo ante eum, rogabat eum: Magister bone, quid faciam ut vitam æternam percipiam? (aiōnios g166)
And whanne Jhesus was gon out in the weie, a man ranne bifore, and knelide bifor hym, and preiede hym, and seide, Good maister, what schal Y do, that Y resseyue euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
18 Jesus autem dixit ei: Quid me dicis bonum? nemo bonus, nisi unus Deus.
And Jhesus seide to hym, What seist thou, that Y am good? Ther is no man good, but God hym silf.
19 Præcepta nosti: ne adulteres, ne occidas, ne fureris, ne falsum testimonium dixeris, ne fraudum feceris, honora patrem tuum et matrem.
Thou knowist the comaundementis, do thou noon auowtrie, `sle not, stele not, seie not fals witnessyng, do no fraude, worschipe thi fadir and thi modir.
20 At ille respondens, ait illi: Magister, hæc omnia observavi a juventute mea.
And he answeride, and seide to hym, Maister, Y haue kept alle these thingis fro my yongthe.
21 Jesus autem intuitus eum, dilexit eum, et dixit ei: Unum tibi deest: vade, quæcumque habes vende, et da pauperibus, et habebis thesaurum in cælo: et veni, sequere me.
And Jhesus bihelde hym, and louede hym, and seide to hym, O thing faileth to thee; go thou, and sille alle thingis that thou hast, and yyue to pore men, and thou schalt haue tresoure in heuene; and come, sue thou me.
22 Qui contristatus in verbo, abiit mœrens: erat enim habens multas possessiones.
And he was ful sori in the word, and wente awei mornyng, for he hadde many possessiouns.
23 Et circumspiciens Jesus, ait discipulis suis: Quam difficile qui pecunias habent, in regnum Dei introibunt!
And Jhesus bihelde aboute, and seide to hise disciplis, Hou hard thei that han ritchessis schulen entre in to the kyngdom of God.
24 Discipuli autem obstupescebant in verbis ejus. At Jesus rursus respondens ait illis: Filioli, quam difficile est, confidentes in pecuniis, in regnum Dei introire!
And the disciplis weren astonyed in hise wordis. And Jhesus eftsoone answeride, and seide `to hem, Ye litle children, hou hard it is for men that tristen in ritchessis to entre in to the kyngdom of God.
25 Facilius est camelum per foramen acus transire, quam divitem intrare in regnum Dei.
It is liyter a camele to passe thorou a nedlis iye, than a riche man to entre in to the kyngdom of God.
26 Qui magis admirabantur, dicentes ad semetipsos: Et quis potest salvus fieri?
And thei wondriden more, and seiden among hem silf, And who may be sauyd?
27 Et intuens illos Jesus, ait: Apud homines impossibile est, sed non apud Deum: omnia enim possibilia sunt apud Deum.
And Jhesus bihelde hem, and seide, Anentis men it is impossible, but not anentis God; for alle thingis ben possible anentis God.
28 Et cœpit ei Petrus dicere: Ecce nos dimisimus omnia, et secuti sumus te.
And Petir bigan to seie to hym, Lo! we han left alle thingis, and han sued thee.
29 Respondens Jesus, ait: Amen dico vobis: Nemo est qui reliquerit domum, aut fratres, aut sorores, aut patrem, aut matrem, aut filios, aut agros propter me et propter Evangelium,
Jhesus answeride, and seide, Treuli Y seie to you, ther is no man that leeueth hous, or britheren, or sistris, or fadir, or modir, or children, or feeldis for me and for the gospel,
30 qui non accipiat centies tantum, nunc in tempore hoc: domos, et fratres, et sorores, et matres, et filios, et agros, cum persecutionibus, et in sæculo futuro vitam æternam. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
which schal not take an hundrid fold so myche now in this tyme, housis, and britheren, and sistris, and modris, and children, and feeldis, with persecuciouns, and in the world to comynge euerlastynge lijf. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Multi autem erunt primi novissimi, et novissimi primi.
But many schulen be, the firste the last, and the last the firste.
32 Erant autem in via ascendentes Jerosolymam: et præcedebat illos Jesus, et stupebant: et sequentes timebant. Et assumens iterum duodecim, cœpit illis dicere quæ essent ei eventura.
And thei weren in the weie goynge vp to Jerusalem; and Jhesus wente bifor hem, and thei wondriden, and foleweden, and dredden. And eftsoone Jhesus took the twelue, and bigan to seie to hem, what thingis weren to come to hym.
33 Quia ecce ascendimus Jerosolymam, et Filius hominis tradetur principibus sacerdotum, et scribis, et senioribus, et damnabunt eum morte, et tradent eum gentibus:
For lo! we stien to Jerusalem, and mannus sone schal be bitraied to the princis of prestis, and to scribis, and to the eldre men; and thei schulen dampne hym bi deth, and thei schulen take hym to hethene men. And thei schulen scorne hym,
34 et illudent ei, et conspuent eum, et flagellabunt eum, et interficient eum: et tertia die resurget.
and bispete hym, and bete him; and thei schulen sle hym, and in the thridde dai he schal rise ayen.
35 Et accedunt ad eum Jacobus et Joannes filii Zebedæi, dicentes: Magister, volumus ut quodcumque petierimus, facias nobis.
And James and Joon, Zebedees sones, camen to hym, and seiden, Maister, we wolen, that what euer we axen, thou do to vs.
36 At ille dixit eis: Quid vultis ut faciam vobis?
And he seide to hem, What wolen ye that Y do to you?
37 Et dixerunt: Da nobis ut unus ad dexteram tuam, et alius ad sinistram tuam sedeamus in gloria tua.
And thei seiden, Graunte to vs, that we sitten `the toon at thi riythalf, and the tother at thi left half, in thi glorie.
38 Jesus autem ait eis: Nescitis quid petatis: potestis bibere calicem, quem ego bibo, aut baptismo, quo ego baptizor, baptizari?
And Jhesus seide to hem, Ye witen not what ye axen; moun ye drynke the cuppe, which Y schal drynke, or be waischun with the baptym, in which Y am baptisid?
39 At illi dixerunt ei: Possumus. Jesus autem ait eis: Calicem quidem, quem ego bibo, bibetis; et baptismo, quo ego baptizor, baptizabimini:
And thei seiden to hym, We moun. And Jhesus seide to hem, Ye schulen drynke the cuppe that Y drynke, and ye schulen be waschun with the baptym, in which Y am baptisid;
40 sedere autem ad dexteram meam, vel ad sinistram, non est meum dare vobis, sed quibus paratum est.
but to sitte at my riythalf or lefthalf is not myn to yyue to you, but to whiche it is maad redi.
41 Et audientes decem, cœperunt indignari de Jacobo et Joanne.
And the ten herden, and bigunnen to haue indignacioun of James and Joon.
42 Jesus autem vocans eos, ait illis: Scitis quia hi, qui videntur principari gentibus, dominantur eis: et principes eorum potestatem habent ipsorum.
But Jhesus clepide hem, and seide to hem, Ye witen, that thei that semen to haue prynshode of folkis, ben lordis of hem, and the princes of hem han power of hem.
43 Non ita est autem in vobis, sed quicumque voluerit fieri major, erit vester minister:
But it is not so among you, but who euer wole be maad gretter, schal be youre mynyster;
44 et quicumque voluerit in vobis primus esse, erit omnium servus.
and who euer wole be the firste among you, schal be seruaunt of alle.
45 Nam et Filius hominis non venit ut ministraretur ei, sed ut ministraret, et daret animam suam redemptionem pro multis.
For whi mannus sone cam not, that it schulde be mynystrid to hym, but that he schulde mynystre, and yyue his lijf ayenbiyng for manye.
46 Et veniunt Jericho: et proficiscente eo de Jericho, et discipulis ejus, et plurima multitudine, filius Timæi Bartimæus cæcus, sedebat juxta viam mendicans.
And thei camen to Jerico; and whanne he yede forth fro Jerico, and hise disciplis, and a ful myche puple, Barthymeus, a blynde man, the sone of Thimei, sat bisidis the weie, and beggide.
47 Qui cum audisset quia Jesus Nazarenus est, cœpit clamare, et dicere: Jesu fili David, miserere mei.
And whanne he herde, that it is Jhesus of Nazareth, he bigan to crie, and seie, Jhesu, the sone of Dauid, haue merci on me.
48 Et comminabantur ei multi ut taceret. At ille multo magis clamabat: Fili David, miserere mei.
And manye thretneden hym, that he schulde be stille; and he criede myche the more, Jhesu, the sone of Dauid, haue merci on me.
49 Et stans Jesus præcepit illum vocari. Et vocant cæcum, dicentes ei: Animæquior esto: surge, vocat te.
And Jhesus stood, and comaundide hym to be clepid; and thei clepen the blynde man, and seien to hym, Be thou of betere herte, rise vp, he clepith thee.
50 Qui projecto vestimento suo exiliens, venit ad eum.
And he castide awei his cloth, and skippide, and cam to hym.
51 Et respondens Jesus dixit illi: Quid tibi vis faciam? Cæcus autem dixit ei: Rabboni, ut videam.
And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hym, What wolt thou, that Y schal do to thee? The blynde man seide to hym, Maister, that Y se.
52 Jesus autem ait illi: Vade, fides tua te salvum fecit. Et confestim vidit, et sequebatur eum in via.
Jhesus seide to hym, Go thou, thi feith hath maad thee saaf. And anoon he saye, and suede hym in the weie.

< Marcum 10 >