< Lamentationes 5 >

1 [Recordare, Domine, quid acciderit nobis; intuere et respice opprobrium nostrum.
Lord, haue thou mynde what bifelle to vs; se thou, and biholde oure schenschipe.
2 Hæreditas nostra versa est ad alienos, domus nostræ ad extraneos.
Oure eritage is turned to aliens, oure housis ben turned to straungers.
3 Pupilli facti sumus absque patre, matres nostræ quasi viduæ.
We ben maad fadirles children with out fadir; oure modris ben as widewis.
4 Aquam nostram pecunia bibimus; ligna nostra pretio comparavimus.
We drunken oure watir for monei, we bouyten oure trees for siluer.
5 Cervicibus nostris minabamur, lassis non dabatur requies.
We weren dryuun bi oure heedis, and reste was not youun to feynt men.
6 Ægypto dedimus manum et Assyriis, ut saturaremur pane.
We yauen hond to Egipt, and to Assiriens, that we schulden be fillid with breed.
7 Patres nostri peccaverunt, et non sunt: et nos iniquitates eorum portavimus.
Oure fadris synneden, and ben not, and we baren the wickidnessis of hem.
8 Servi dominati sunt nostri: non fuit qui redimeret de manu eorum.
Seruauntis weren lordis of vs, and noon was, that ayenbouyte fro the hond of hem.
9 In animabus nostris afferebamus panem nobis, a facie gladii in deserto.
In oure lyues we brouyten breed to vs, fro the face of swerd in desert.
10 Pellis nostra quasi clibanus exusta est, a facie tempestatum famis.
Oure skynne is brent as a furneis, of the face of tempestis of hungur.
11 Mulieres in Sion humiliaverunt, et virgines in civitatibus Juda.
Thei maden low wymmen in Sion, and virgyns in the citees of Juda.
12 Principes manu suspensi sunt; facies senum non erubuerunt.
Princes weren hangid bi the hond; thei weren not aschamed of the faces of elde men.
13 Adolescentibus impudice abusi sunt, et pueri in ligno corruerunt.
Thei mysusiden yonge wexynge men vnchastli, and children fellen doun in tree.
14 Senes defecerunt de portis, juvenes de choro psallentium.
Elde men failiden fro yatis; yonge men failiden of the queer of singeris.
15 Defecit gaudium cordis nostri; versus est in luctum chorus noster.
The ioie of oure herte failide; oure song is turned in to mourenyng.
16 Cecidit corona capitis nostri: væ nobis, quia peccavimus!
The coroun of oure heed fellen doun; wo to vs! for we synneden.
17 Propterea mœstum factum est cor nostrum; ideo contenebrati sunt oculi nostri,
Therfor oure herte is maad soreuful, therfor oure iyen ben maad derk.
18 propter montem Sion quia disperiit; vulpes ambulaverunt in eo.
For the hil of Sion, for it perischide; foxis yeden in it.
19 Tu autem, Domine, in æternum permanebis, solium tuum in generationem et generationem.
But thou, Lord, schal dwelle with outen ende; thi seete schal dwelle in generacioun and in to generacioun.
20 Quare in perpetuum oblivisceris nostri, derelinques nos in longitudine dierum?
Whi schalt thou foryete vs with outen ende, schalt thou forsake vs in to lengthe of daies?
21 Converte nos, Domine, ad te, et convertemur; innova dies nostros, sicut a principio.
Lord, conuerte thou vs to thee, and we schal be conuertid; make thou newe oure daies, as at the bigynnyng.
22 Sed projiciens repulisti nos: iratus es contra nos vehementer.]
But thou castynge awei hast cast awei vs; thou art wrooth ayens vs greetli.

< Lamentationes 5 >