< Iosue 23 >

1 Evoluto autem multo tempore, postquam pacem dederat Dominus Israëli, subjectis in gyro nationibus universis, et Josue jam longævo, et persenilis ætatis,
Forsothe whanne myche tyme was passid after that the Lord had youe pees to Israel, for alle naciouns `in cumpas weren suget; and whanne Josue was thanne of long lijf, and `of ful eld age, Josue clepide al Israel,
2 vocavit Josue omnem Israëlem, majoresque natu, et principes ac duces, et magistros, dixitque ad eos: Ego senui, et progressioris ætatis sum:
and the grettere men in birthe, and the princes, and dukis, and maistris, and seide to hem, Y `wexide elde, and Y am of grettere age;
3 vosque cernitis omnia, quæ fecerit Dominus Deus vester cunctis per circuitum nationibus, quomodo pro vobis ipse pugnaverit:
and ye seen alle thingis whiche youre Lord God hath do to alle naciouns `bi cumpas, hou he fauyt for you.
4 et nunc quia vobis sorte divisit omnem terram, ab orientali parte Jordanis usque ad mare magnum, multæque adhuc supersunt nationes:
And now for he departide to you bi lot al the lond, fro the eest part of Jordan `til to the grete see, and many naciouns ben left yit,
5 Dominus Deus vester disperdet eas et auferet a facie vestra, et possidebitis terram, sicut vobis pollicitus est.
youre Lord God `schal distrie hem, and schal take awei fro youre face; and ye schulen welde the lond, as he bihiyte to you.
6 Tantum confortamini, et estote solliciti, ut custodiatis cuncta quæ scripta sunt in volumine legis Moysi: et non declinetis ab eis neque ad dexteram neque ad sinistram:
Oneli be ye coumfortid, and be ye bisy, that ye kepe alle thingis that ben writun in the book of Moises lawe, and bowe not awei fro tho, nether to the riyt side nether to the left side,
7 ne postquam intraveritis ad gentes quæ inter vos futuræ sunt, juretis in nomine deorum earum, et serviatis eis, et adoretis illos:
lest aftir that ye han entrid to the hethene men, that schulen be among you, ye swere in the name of `the goddis of hem, and ye serue tho goddis, and worschipe hem.
8 sed adhæreatis Domino Deo vestro: quod fecistis usque in diem hanc.
But cleue ye to youre Lord God, which thing ye han do `til in to this dai;
9 Et tunc auferet Dominus Deus in conspectu vestro gentes magnas et robustissimas, et nullus vobis resistere poterit.
and thanne the Lord God schal do awei in youre siyt grete folkis, and strongeste; and noon schal mow ayenstonde you.
10 Unus e vobis persequetur hostium mille viros: quia Dominus Deus vester pro vobis ipse pugnabit, sicut pollicitus est.
Oon of you schal pursue a thousynde men of enemyes, for youre Lord God schal fiyte for you, as he bihiyte.
11 Hoc tantum diligentissime præcavete: ut diligatis Dominum Deum vestrum.
Be ye war bifore moost diligentli of this thing oneli, that ye loue youre Lord God.
12 Quod si volueritis gentium harum, quæ inter vos habitant, erroribus adhærere, et cum eis miscere connubia, atque amicitias copulare:
That if ye wolen cleue to the errouris of these folkis that dwellen among you, and wolen medle mariagis with hem, and couple frenschipis,
13 jam nunc scitote quod Dominus Deus vester non eas deleat ante faciem vestram, sed sint vobis in foveam ac laqueum, et offendiculum ex latere vestro, et sudes in oculis vestris, donec vos auferat atque disperdat de terra hac optima, quam tradidit vobis.
wite ye riyt now, that `youre Lord God schal not do awei hem bifor youre face, but thei schulen be to you in to a dich, and a snare, and in to hirtyng of youre side, and in to stakis in youre iyen, til youre Lord God take awei you, and distrie fro this beste loond, which he yaf to you.
14 En ego hodie ingredior viam universæ terræ, et toto animo cognoscetis quod de omnibus verbis, quæ se Dominus præstiturum vobis esse pollicitus est, unum non præterierit incassum.
Lo! Y entre to dai in to the weye of al erthe; and ye schulen knowe `with al soule, that of al wordis whiche the Lord bihiyte hym silf to yyue to you, not oon passide in veyn.
15 Sicut ergo implevit opere quod promisit, et prospera cuncta venerunt: sic adducet super vos quidquid malorum comminatus est, donec vos auferat atque disperdat de terra hac optima, quam tradidit vobis,
Therfor as he fillide in werk that, that he bihiyte, and alle thingis bifelden `bi prosperite, so he schal brynge on you whateuer thing of yuelis he manaasside, til he take awei you, and distrie fro this beste lond, which he yaf to you.
16 eo quod præterieritis pactum Domini Dei vestri, quod pepigit vobiscum, et servieritis diis alienis, ad adoraveritis eos: cito atque velociter consurget in vos furor Domini, et auferemini ab hac terra optima, quam tradidit vobis.
For ye braken the couenaunt of `youre Lord God, which he made with you, and serueden alien goddis, and worschipeden hem, sone and swiftli the strong veniaunce of the Lord schal rise `on to you; and ye schulen be takun awei fro this beste lond, which he yaf to you.

< Iosue 23 >