< Job 41 >

1 An extrahere poteris Leviathan hamo, et fune ligabis linguam ejus?
Whether thou schalt mowe drawe out leuyathan with an hook, and schalt bynde with a roop his tunge?
2 Numquid pones circulum in naribus ejus, aut armilla perforabis maxillam ejus?
Whethir thou schalt putte a ryng in hise nosethirlis, ethir schalt perse hyse cheke with `an hook?
3 Numquid multiplicabit ad te preces, aut loquetur tibi mollia?
Whether he schal multiplie preieris to thee, ether schal speke softe thingis to thee?
4 Numquid feriet tecum pactum, et accipies eum servum sempiternum?
Whether he schal make couenaunt with thee, and `thou schalt take him a seruaunt euerlastinge?
5 Numquid illudes ei quasi avi, aut ligabis eum ancillis tuis?
Whether thou schalt scorne hym as a brid, ethir schalt bynde hym to thin handmaidis?
6 Concident eum amici? divident illum negotiatores?
Schulen frendis `kerue hym, schulen marchauntis departe hym?
7 Numquid implebis sagenas pelle ejus, et gurgustium piscium capite illius?
Whether thou schalt fille nettis with his skyn, and a `leep of fischis with his heed?
8 Pone super eum manum tuam: memento belli, nec ultra addas loqui.
Schalt thou putte thin hond on hym? haue thou mynde of the batel, and adde no more to speke.
9 Ecce spes ejus frustrabitur eum, et videntibus cunctis præcipitabitur.]
Lo! his hope schal disseyue hym; and in the siyt of alle men he schal be cast doun.
10 [Non quasi crudelis suscitabo eum: quis enim resistere potest vultui meo?
I not as cruel schal reise hym; for who may ayenstonde my face?
11 Quis ante dedit mihi, ut reddam ei? omnia quæ sub cælo sunt, mea sunt.
And who `yaf to me bifore, that Y yelde to hym? Alle thingis, that ben vndur heuene, ben myne.
12 Non parcam ei, et verbis potentibus, et ad deprecandum compositis.
Y schal not spare hym for myyti wordis, and maad faire to biseche.
13 Quis revelabit faciem indumenti ejus? et in medium oris ejus quis intrabit?
Who schal schewe the face of his clothing, and who schal entre in to the myddis of his mouth?
14 Portas vultus ejus quis aperiet? per gyrum dentium ejus formido.
Who schal opene the yatis of his cheer? ferdfulnesse is bi the cumpas of hise teeth.
15 Corpus illius quasi scuta fusilia, compactum squamis se prementibus.
His bodi is as yotun scheldys of bras, and ioyned togidere with scalis ouerleiynge hem silf.
16 Una uni conjungitur, et ne spiraculum quidem incedit per eas.
Oon is ioyned to another; and sotheli brething goith not thorouy tho.
17 Una alteri adhærebit, et tenentes se nequaquam separabuntur.
Oon schal cleue to anothir, and tho holdynge hem silf schulen not be departid.
18 Sternutatio ejus splendor ignis, et oculi ejus ut palpebræ diluculi.
His fnesynge is as schynynge of fier, and hise iyen ben as iyelidis of the morewtid.
19 De ore ejus lampades procedunt, sicut tædæ ignis accensæ.
Laumpis comen forth of his mouth, as trees of fier, that ben kyndlid.
20 De naribus ejus procedit fumus, sicut ollæ succensæ atque ferventis.
Smoke cometh forth of hise nosethirlis, as of a pot set on the fier `and boilynge.
21 Halitus ejus prunas ardere facit, et flamma de ore ejus egreditur.
His breeth makith colis to brenne, and flawme goith out of his mouth.
22 In collo ejus morabitur fortitudo, et faciem ejus præcedit egestas.
Strengthe schal dwelle in his necke, and nedynesse schal go bifor his face.
23 Membra carnium ejus cohærentia sibi: mittet contra eum fulmina, et ad locum alium non ferentur.
The membris of hise fleischis ben cleuynge togidere to hem silf; God schal sende floodis ayens hym, and tho schulen not be borun to an other place.
24 Cor ejus indurabitur tamquam lapis, et stringetur quasi malleatoris incus.
His herte schal be maad hard as a stoon; and it schal be streyned togidere as the anefeld of a smith.
25 Cum sublatus fuerit, timebunt angeli, et territi purgabuntur.
Whanne he schal be takun awei, aungels schulen drede; and thei aferd schulen be purgid.
26 Cum apprehenderit eum gladius, subsistere non poterit, neque hasta, neque thorax:
Whanne swerd takith hym, it may not stonde, nethir spere, nether haburioun.
27 reputabit enim quasi paleas ferrum, et quasi lignum putridum æs.
For he schal arette irun as chaffis, and bras as rotun tre.
28 Non fugabit eum vir sagittarius: in stipulam versi sunt ei lapides fundæ.
A man archere schal not dryue hym awei; stoonys of a slynge ben turned in to stobil to hym.
29 Quasi stipulam æstimabit malleum, et deridebit vibrantem hastam.
He schal arette an hamer as stobil; and he schal scorne a florischynge spere.
30 Sub ipso erunt radii solis, et sternet sibi aurum quasi lutum.
The beemys of the sunne schulen be vndur hym; and he schal strewe to hym silf gold as cley.
31 Fervescere faciet quasi ollam profundum mare, et ponet quasi cum unguenta bulliunt.
He schal make the depe se to buyle as a pot; and he schal putte, as whanne oynementis buylen.
32 Post eum lucebit semita: æstimabit abyssum quasi senescentem.
A path schal schyne aftir hym; he schal gesse the greet occian as wexynge eld.
33 Non est super terram potestas quæ comparetur ei, qui factus est ut nullum timeret.
No power is on erthe, that schal be comparisound to hym; which is maad, that he schulde drede noon.
34 Omne sublime videt: ipse est rex super universos filios superbiæ.]
He seeth al hiy thing; he is kyng ouer alle the sones of pride.

< Job 41 >