< Job 34 >

1 Pronuntians itaque Eliu, etiam hæc locutus est:
And Helyu pronounside, and spak also these thingis,
2 [Audite, sapientes, verba mea: et eruditi, auscultate me.
Wise men, here ye my wordis, and lerned men, herkne ye me; for the eere preueth wordis,
3 Auris enim verba probat, et guttur escas gustu dijudicat.
and the throte demeth metis bi taast.
4 Judicium eligamus nobis, et inter nos videamus quid sit melius.
Chese we doom to vs; and se we among vs, what is the betere.
5 Quia dixit Job: Justus sum, et Deus subvertit judicium meum.
For Job seide, Y am iust, and God hath distried my doom.
6 In judicando enim me mendacium est: violenta sagitta mea absque ullo peccato.
For whi lesynge is in demynge me, and myn arowe is violent with out ony synne.
7 Quis est vir ut est Job, qui bibit subsannationem quasi aquam:
Who is a man, as Joob is, that drynkith scornyng as watir?
8 qui graditur cum operantibus iniquitatem, et ambulat cum viris impiis?
that goith with men worchynge wickidnesse, and goith with vnfeithful men?
9 Dixit enim: Non placebit vir Deo, etiam si cucurrerit cum eo.
For he seide, A man schal not plese God, yhe, thouy he renneth with God.
10 Ideo, viri cordati, audite me: absit a Deo impietas, et ab Omnipotente iniquitas.
Therfor ye men hertid, `that is, vndurstonde, here ye me; vnpite, `ethir cruelte, be fer fro God, and wickidnesse fro Almyyti God.
11 Opus enim hominis reddet ei, et juxta vias singulorum restituet eis.
For he schal yelde the werk of man to hym; and bi the weies of ech man he schal restore to hym.
12 Vere enim Deus non condemnabit frustra, nec Omnipotens subvertet judicium.
For verili God schal not condempne with out cause; nether Almyyti God schal distrie doom.
13 Quem constituit alium super terram? aut quem posuit super orbem quem fabricatus est?
What othere man hath he ordeyned on the lond? ether whom hath he set on the world, which he made?
14 Si direxerit ad eum cor suum, spiritum illius et flatum ad se trahet.
If God dressith his herte to hym, he schal drawe to hym silf his spirit and blast.
15 Deficiet omnis caro simul, et homo in cinerem revertetur.
Ech fleisch schal faile togidere; `and a man schal turne ayen in to aisch.
16 Si habes ergo intellectum, audi quod dicitur, et ausculta vocem eloquii mei:
Therfor if thou hast vndurstondyng, here thou that that is seid, and herkne the vois of my speche.
17 numquid qui non amat judicium sanari potest? et quomodo tu eum qui justus est in tantum condemnas?
Whether he that loueth not doom may be maad hool? and hou condempnest thou so myche him, that is iust?
18 Qui dicit regi: Apostata; qui vocat duces impios;
Which seith to the kyng, Thou art apostata; which clepith the duykis vnpitouse, `ethir vnfeithful.
19 qui non accipit personas principum, nec cognovit tyrannum cum disceptaret contra pauperem: opus enim manuum ejus sunt universi.
`Which takith not the persoones of princes, nether knew a tyraunt, whanne he stryuede ayens a pore man; for alle men ben the werk of hise hondis.
20 Subito morientur, et in media nocte turbabuntur populi: et pertransibunt, et auferent violentum absque manu.
Thei schulen die sudeynli, and at mydnyyt puplis schulen be troblid, `ethir schulen be bowid, as othere bookis han; and schulen passe, and schulen take `awei `a violent man with out hond.
21 Oculi enim ejus super vias hominum, et omnes gressus eorum considerat.
For the iyen of God ben on the weies of men, and biholdith alle goyngis of hem.
22 Non sunt tenebræ, et non est umbra mortis, ut abscondantur ibi qui operantur iniquitatem,
No derknessis ben, and no schadewe of deeth is, that thei, that worchen wickidnesse, be hid there;
23 neque enim ultra in hominis potestate est, ut veniat ad Deum in judicium.
for it is `no more in the power of man, that he come to God in to doom.
24 Conteret multos, et innumerabiles, et stare faciet alios pro eis.
God schal al to-breke many men and vnnoumbrable; and schal make othere men to stonde for hem.
25 Novit enim opera eorum, et idcirco inducet noctem, et conterentur.
For he knowith the werkis of hem; therfor he schal brynge yn niyt, and thei schulen be al to-brokun.
26 Quasi impios percussit eos in loco videntium:
He smoot hem, as vnpitouse men, in the place of seinge men.
27 qui quasi de industria recesserunt ab eo, et omnes vias ejus intelligere noluerunt:
Whiche yeden awei fro hym bi `castyng afore, and nolden vndurstonde alle hise weies.
28 ut pervenire facerent ad eum clamorem egeni, et audiret vocem pauperum.
That thei schulden make the cry of a nedi man to come to hym, and that he schulde here the vois of pore men.
29 Ipso enim concedente pacem, quis est qui condemnet? ex quo absconderit vultum, quis est qui contempletur eum, et super gentes, et super omnes homines?
For whanne he grauntith pees, who is that condempneth? Sithen he hidith his cheer, who is that seeth hym? And on folkis and on alle men `he hath power `to do siche thingis.
30 Qui regnare facit hominem hypocritam propter peccata populi.
Which makith `a man ypocrite to regne, for the synnes of the puple.
31 Quia ergo ego locutus sum ad Deum, te quoque non prohibebo.
Therfor for Y haue spoke to God, also Y schal not forbede thee.
32 Si erravi, tu doce me; si iniquitatem locutus sum, ultra non addam.
If Y erride, teche thou me; if Y spak wickidnesse, Y schal no more adde.
33 Numquid a te Deus expetit eam, quia displicuit tibi? tu enim cœpisti loqui, et non ego: quod si quid nosti melius, loquere.
Whether God axith that wickidnesse of thee, for it displeside thee? For thou hast bigunne to speke, and not Y; that if thou knowist ony thing betere, speke thou.
34 Viri intelligentes loquantur mihi, et vir sapiens audiat me.
Men vndurstondynge, speke to me; and a wise man, here me.
35 Job autem stulte locutus est, et verba illius non sonant disciplinam.
Forsothe Joob spak folili, and hise wordis sownen not techyng.
36 Pater mi, probetur Job usque ad finem: ne desinas ab homine iniquitatis:
My fadir, be Joob preuede `til to the ende; ceesse thou not fro the man of wickidnesse,
37 quia addit super peccata sua blasphemiam, inter nos interim constringatur: et tunc ad judicium provocet sermonibus suis Deum.]
`that addith blasfemye ouer hise synnes. Be he constreyned among vs in the meene tyme; and thanne bi hise wordis stire he God to the doom.

< Job 34 >