< Job 20 >

1 Respondens autem Sophar Naamathites, dixit:
Forsothe Sophar Naamathites answeride, and seide,
2 [Idcirco cogitationes meæ variæ succedunt sibi, et mens in diversa rapitur.
Therfor my thouytis dyuerse comen oon aftir anothir; and the mynde is rauyischid in to dyuerse thingis.
3 Doctrinam qua me arguis audiam, et spiritus intelligentiæ meæ respondebit mihi.
Y schal here the techyng, bi which thou repreuest me; and the spirit of myn vndurstondyng schal answere me.
4 Hoc scio a principio, ex quo positus est homo super terram,
Y woot this fro the bigynnyng, sithen man was set on erthe,
5 quod laus impiorum brevis sit, et gaudium hypocritæ ad instar puncti.
that the preisyng of wickid men is schort, and the ioie of an ypocrite is at the licnesse of a poynt.
6 Si ascenderit usque ad cælum superbia ejus, et caput ejus nubes tetigerit,
Thouy his pride `stieth in to heuene, and his heed touchith the cloudis,
7 quasi sterquilinium in fine perdetur, et qui eum viderant, dicent: Ubi est?
he schal be lost in the ende, as a dunghil; and, thei that sien hym, schulen seie, Where is he?
8 Velut somnium avolans non invenietur: transiet sicut visio nocturna.
As a dreem fleynge awei he schal not be foundun; he schal passe as `a nyytis siyt.
9 Oculus qui eum viderat non videbit, neque ultra intuebitur eum locus suus.
The iye that siy hym schal not se; and his place schal no more biholde him.
10 Filii ejus atterentur egestate, et manus illius reddent ei dolorem suum.
Hise sones schulen be `al to-brokun with nedynesse; and hise hondis schulen yelde to hym his sorewe.
11 Ossa ejus implebuntur vitiis adolescentiæ ejus, et cum eo in pulvere dormient.
Hise boonys schulen be fillid with the vices of his yong wexynge age; and schulen slepe with hym in dust.
12 Cum enim dulce fuerit in ore ejus malum, abscondet illud sub lingua sua.
For whanne yuel was swete in his mouth, he hidde it vndur his tunge.
13 Parcet illi, et non derelinquet illud, et celabit in gutture suo.
He schal spare it, and schal not forsake it; and schal hide in his throte.
14 Panis ejus in utero illius vertetur in fel aspidum intrinsecus.
His breed in his wombe schal be turned in to galle of snakis withynne.
15 Divitias quas devoravit evomet, et de ventre illius extrahet eas Deus.
He schal spue out the richessis, whiche he deuouride; and God schal drawe tho ritchessis out of his wombe.
16 Caput aspidum suget, et occidet eum lingua viperæ.
He schal souke the heed of snakis; and the tunge of an addre schal sle hym.
17 (Non videat rivulos fluminis, torrentes mellis et butyri.)
Se he not the stremys of the flood of the stronde, of hony, and of botere.
18 Luet quæ fecit omnia, nec tamen consumetur: juxta multitudinem adinventionum suarum, sic et sustinebit.
He schal suffre peyne for alle thingis whiche he hath do, netheles he schal not be wastid; aftir the multitude of his fyndyngis, so and `he schal suffre.
19 Quoniam confringens nudavit pauperes: domum rapuit, et non ædificavit eam.
For he brake, and made nakid the hows of a pore man; he rauyschide, and bildide it not.
20 Nec est satiatus venter ejus: et cum habuerit quæ concupierat, possidere non poterit.
And his wombe was not fillid; and whanne he hath that, that he couetide, he may not holde in possessioun.
21 Non remansit de cibo ejus, et propterea nihil permanebit de bonis ejus.
`No thing lefte of his mete; and therfor no thing schal dwelle of his goodis.
22 Cum satiatus fuerit, arctabitur: æstuabit, et omnis dolor irruet super eum.
Whanne he is fillid, he schal be maad streit; he schal `be hoot, and alle sorewe schal falle in on hym.
23 Utinam impleatur venter ejus, ut emittat in eum iram furoris sui, et pluat super illum bellum suum.
`Y wolde, that his wombe be fillid, that he sende out in to hym the ire of his strong veniaunce, and reyne his batel on hym.
24 Fugiet arma ferrea, et irruet in arcum æreum.
He schal fle yrun armuris, and he schal falle in to a brasun boowe.
25 Eductus, et egrediens de vagina sua, et fulgurans in amaritudine sua: vadent et venient super eum horribiles.
Led out, and goynge out `of his schethe, and schynynge, `ether smytinge with leit, `in to his bittirnesse; orrible fendis schulen go, and schulen come on hym.
26 Omnes tenebræ absconditæ sunt in occultis ejus; devorabit eum ignis qui non succenditur: affligetur relictus in tabernaculo suo.
Alle derknessis ben hid in hise priuytees; fier, which is not teendid, schal deuoure hym; he schal be turmentid left in his tabernacle.
27 Revelabunt cæli iniquitatem ejus, et terra consurget adversus eum.
Heuenes schulen schewe his wickidnesse; and erthe schal rise togidere ayens hym.
28 Apertum erit germen domus illius: detrahetur in die furoris Dei.
The seed of his hows schal be opyn; it schal be drawun doun in the dai of the strong veniaunce of the Lord.
29 Hæc est pars hominis impii a Deo, et hæreditas verborum ejus a Domino.]
This is the part of a wickid man, `which part is youun of God, and the eritage of hise wordis of the Lord.

< Job 20 >