< Job 10 >

1 [Tædet animam meam vitæ meæ; dimittam adversum me eloquium meum: loquar in amaritudine animæ meæ.
Yt anoieth my soule of my lijf; Y schal lete my speche ayens me, Y schal speke in the bitternesse of my soule.
2 Dicam Deo: Noli me condemnare; indica mihi cur me ita judices.
Y schal seie to God, Nyle thou condempne me; schewe thou to me, whi thou demest me so.
3 Numquid bonum tibi videtur, si calumnieris me, et opprimas me opus manuum tuarum, et consilium impiorum adjuves?
Whether it semeth good to thee, if thou `falsli chalengist and oppressist me, the werk of thin hondis; and if thou helpist the counsel of wickid men?
4 Numquid oculi carnei tibi sunt? aut sicut videt homo, et tu videbis?
Whethir fleischli iyen ben to thee, ethir, as a man seeth, also thou schalt se?
5 Numquid sicut dies hominis dies tui, et anni tui sicut humana sunt tempora,
Whether thi daies ben as the daies of man, and `thi yeeris ben as mannus tymes;
6 ut quæras iniquitatem meam, et peccatum meum scruteris,
that thou enquere my wickidnesse, and enserche my synne?
7 et scias quia nihil impium fecerim, cum sit nemo qui de manu tua possit eruere?
And wite, that Y haue do no `wickid thing; sithen no man is, that may delyuere fro thin hond?
8 Manus tuæ fecerunt me, et plasmaverunt me totum in circuitu: et sic repente præcipitas me?
Thin hondis han maad me, and han formed me al in cumpas; and thou castist me doun so sodeynli.
9 Memento, quæso, quod sicut lutum feceris me, et in pulverem reduces me.
Y preye, haue thou mynde, that thou madist me as cley, and schalt brynge me ayen in to dust.
10 Nonne sicut lac mulsisti me, et sicut caseum me coagulasti?
Whether thou hast not mylkid me as mylk, and hast cruddid me togidere as cheese?
11 Pelle et carnibus vestisti me; ossibus et nervis compegisti me.
Thou clothidist me with skyn and fleisch; thou hast ioyned me togidere with boonys and senewis.
12 Vitam et misericordiam tribuisti mihi, et visitatio tua custodivit spiritum meum.
Thou hast youe lijf and mercy to me, and thi visiting hath kept my spirit.
13 Licet hæc celes in corde tuo, tamen scio quia universorum memineris.
Thouy thou helist these thingis in thin herte, netheles Y woot, that thou hast mynde of alle thingis.
14 Si peccavi, et ad horam pepercisti mihi, cur ab iniquitate mea mundum me esse non pateris?
If Y dide synne, and thou sparidist me at an our; whi suffrist thou not me to be cleene of my wickidnesse?
15 Et si impius fuero, væ mihi est; et si justus, non levabo caput, saturatus afflictione et miseria.
And if Y was wickid, wo is to me; and if Y was iust, Y fillid with turment and wretchidnesse `schal not reise the heed.
16 Et propter superbiam quasi leænam capies me, reversusque mirabiliter me crucias.
And if Y reise `the heed for pride, thou schalt take me as a lionesse; and thou turnest ayen, and turmentist me wondirli.
17 Instauras testes tuos contra me, et multiplicas iram tuam adversum me, et pœnæ militant in me.
Thou gaderist in store thi witnessis ayens me, and thou multipliest thin yre, `that is, veniaunce, ayens me; and peynes holden knyythod in me.
18 Quare de vulva eduxisti me? qui utinam consumptus essem, ne oculus me videret.
Whi hast thou led me out of the wombe? `And Y wolde, that Y were wastid, lest an iye `schulde se me.
19 Fuissem quasi non essem, de utero translatus ad tumulum.
That Y hadde be, as if Y were not, and `were translatid, ethir borun ouer, fro the wombe to the sepulcre.
20 Numquid non paucitas dierum meorum finietur brevi? dimitte ergo me, ut plangam paululum dolorem meum,
Whether the fewnesse of my daies schal not be endid in schort? Therfor suffre thou me, that Y biweile `a litil my sorewe,
21 antequam vadam, et non revertar, ad terram tenebrosam, et opertam mortis caligine:
bifor that Y go, and turne not ayen, to the derk lond, and hilid with the derknesse of deth, to the lond of wrecchidnesse and of derknessis;
22 terram miseriæ et tenebrarum, ubi umbra mortis et nullus ordo, sed sempiternus horror inhabitat.]
where is schadewe of deeth, and noon ordre, but euerlastynge hidousnesse dwellith.

< Job 10 >