< Jeremiæ 50 >

1 Verbum quod locutus est Dominus de Babylone et de terra Chaldæorum, in manu Jeremiæ prophetæ.
The word which the Lord spak of Babiloyne, and of the lond of Caldeis, in the hond of Jeremye, the profete.
2 [Annuntiate in gentibus, et auditum facite: levate signum, prædicate, et nolite celare: dicite: Capta est Babylon, confusus est Bel, victus est Merodach, confusa sunt sculptilia ejus, superata sunt idola eorum.
Telle ye among hethene men, and make ye herd; reise ye a signe; preche ye, and nyle ye holde stille; seie ye, Babiloyne is takun, Bel is schent, Maradach is ouer comun; the grauun ymagis therof ben schent, the idols of hem ben ouer comun.
3 Quoniam ascendit contra eam gens ab aquilone, quæ ponet terram ejus in solitudinem, et non erit qui habitet in ea ab homine usque ad pecus: et moti sunt, et abierunt.
For a folk schal stie fro the north ayenus it, which folk schal sette the lond therof in to wildirnesse; and noon schal be that schal dwelle therynne, fro man `til to beeste; and thei ben moued, and yeden a wei.
4 In diebus illis, et in tempore illo, ait Dominus, venient filii Israël ipsi et filii Juda simul: ambulantes et flentes properabunt, et Dominum Deum suum quærent:
In tho daies, and in that tyme, seith the Lord, the sones of Israel schulen come, thei and the sones of Juda togidere, goynge and wepynge; thei schulen haaste, and seke her Lord God in Sion,
5 in Sion interrogabunt viam, huc facies eorum: venient, et apponentur ad Dominum fœdere sempiterno, quod nulla oblivione delebitur.
and thei schulen axe the weie. Hidur the faces of hem schulen come, and thei schulen be set to the Lord with boond of pees euerlastynge, which schal not be don awei by ony foryetyng.
6 Grex perditus factus est populus meus: pastores eorum seduxerunt eos, feceruntque vagari in montibus: de monte in collem transierunt; obliti sunt cubilis sui.
My puple is maad a lost floc, the scheepherdis of hem disseyueden hem, and maden to go vnstabli in hillis; thei passiden fro mounteyn in to a litil hil, thei foryaten her bed.
7 Omnes qui invenerunt comederunt eos, et hostes eorum dixerunt: Non peccavimus: pro eo quod peccaverunt Domino decori justitiæ, et exspectationi patrum eorum Domino.
Alle men that founden, eeten hem, and the enemyes of hem seiden, We synneden not, for that thei synneden to the Lord, the fairnesse of riytfulnesse, and to the Lord, the abidyng of her fadris.
8 Recedite de medio Babylonis, et de terra Chaldæorum egredimini, et estote quasi hædi ante gregem.
Go ye awei fro the myddis of Babiloyne, and go ye out of the lond of Caldeis, and be ye as kydis bifore the floc.
9 Quoniam ecce ego suscito, et adducam in Babylonem congregationem gentium magnarum de terra aquilonis, et præparabuntur adversus eam, et inde capietur: sagitta ejus quasi viri fortis interfectoris: non revertetur vacua.
For lo! Y schal reise, and brynge in to Babiloyne the gaderyng togidere of grete folkis, fro the lond of the north; and thei schulen be maad redi ayens it, and it schal be takun in the dai; the arowe therof as of a strong man a sleere, schal not turne ayen voide.
10 Et erit Chaldæa in prædam: omnes vastantes eam replebuntur, ait Dominus.
And Caldee schal be in to prey, alle that distrien it, schulen be fillid, seith the Lord.
11 Quoniam exsultatis, et magna loquimini, diripientes hæreditatem meam: quoniam effusi estis sicut vituli super herbam, et mugistis sicut tauri:
For ye maken ful out ioye, and speken grete thingis, and rauyschen myn eritage; for ye ben sched out as caluys on erbe, and lowiden as bolis.
12 confusa est mater vestra nimis, et adæquata pulveri, quæ genuit vos: ecce novissima erit in gentibus, deserta, invia, et arens.
Youre modir is schent greetli, and sche that gendride you, is maad euene to dust; lo! sche schal be the last among folkis, and forsakun, with out weie, and drie.
13 Ab ira Domini non habitabitur, sed redigetur tota in solitudinem: omnis qui transibit per Babylonem stupebit, et sibilabit super universis plagis ejus.
For the wraththe of the Lord it schal not be enhabitid, but it schal be dryuun al in to wildirnesse; ech that schal passe bi Babiloyne, schal wondre, and schal hisse on alle the woundis therof.
14 Præparamini contra Babylonem per circuitum, omnes qui tenditis arcum: debellate eam, non parcatis jaculis, quia Domino peccavit.
Alle ye that beenden bowe, be maad redi ayens Babiloyne bi cumpas; ouercome ye it, spare ye not arowis, for it synnede to the Lord.
15 Clamate adversus eam, ubique dedit manum: ceciderunt fundamenta ejus, destructi sunt muri ejus, quoniam ultio Domini est: ultionem accipite de ea: sicut fecit, facite ei.
Crye ye ayens it, euery where it yaf hond; the foundementis therof fellen doun, and the wallis therof ben distried; for it is the veniaunce of the Lord. Take ye veniaunce of it; as it dide, do ye to it.
16 Disperdite satorem de Babylone, et tenentem falcem in tempore messis: a facie gladii columbæ unusquisque ad populum suum convertetur, et singuli ad terram suam fugient.
Leese ye a sowere of Babiloyne, and hym that holdith a sikil in the tyme of heruest, fro the face of swerd of the culuer; ech man schal be turned to his puple, and ech man schal flee to his lond.
17 Grex dispersus Israël: leones ejecerunt eum. Primus comedit eum rex Assur: iste novissimus exossavit eum Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis.
Israel is a scaterid flok, liouns castiden out it; first kyng Assur eete it, this laste Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, dide awei the bonys therof.
18 Propterea hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Ecce ego visitabo regem Babylonis et terram ejus, sicut visitavi regem Assur:
Therfor the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal visite the kyng of Babiloyne, and his lond, as Y visitide the kyng of Assur;
19 et reducam Israël ad habitaculum suum: et pascetur Carmelum et Basan, et in monte Ephraim et Galaad saturabitur anima ejus.
and Y schal brynge ayen Israel to his dwellyng place. Carmele and Baasan schal be fed, and his soule schal be fillid in the hil of Effraym, and of Galaad.
20 In diebus illis, et in tempore illo, ait Dominus, quæretur iniquitas Israël, et non erit, et peccatum Juda, et non invenietur: quoniam propitius ero eis quos reliquero.
In tho daies, and in that tyme, seith the Lord, the wickidnesse of Israel schal be souyt, and it schal not be; and the synne of Juda schal be souyt, and it schal not be foundun; for Y schal be merciful to hem, whiche Y schal forsake.
21 Super terram dominantium ascende, et super habitatores ejus visita: dissipa, et interfice quæ post eos sunt, ait Dominus, et fac juxta omnia quæ præcepi tibi.
Stie thou on the lond of lordis, and visite thou on the dwelleris therof; scatere thou, and sle tho thingis, that ben aftir hem, seith the Lord; and do thou bi alle thingis which Y comaundide to thee.
22 Vox belli in terra, et contritio magna.
The vois of batel and greet sorewe in the lond.
23 Quomodo confractus est et contritus malleus universæ terræ? quomodo versa est in desertum Babylon in gentibus?
Hou is the hamer of al erthe brokun and al defoulid? hou is Babiloyne turned in to desert, among hethene men?
24 Illaqueavi te, et capta es, Babylon, et nesciebas: inventa es et apprehensa, quoniam Dominum provocasti.
Babiloyne, Y haue snarid thee, and thou art takun, and thou wistist not; thou art foundun, and takun, for thou terridist the Lord to wraththe.
25 Aperuit Dominus thesaurum suum, et protulit vasa iræ suæ, quoniam opus est Domino Deo exercituum, in terra Chaldæorum.
The Lord openide his tresour, and brouyte forth the vessels of his wraththe; for whi a werk is to the Lord God of oostis in the lond of Caldeis.
26 Venite ad eam ab extremis finibus; aperite ut exeant qui conculcent eam: tollite de via lapides, et redigite in acervos: et interficite eam, nec sit quidquam reliquum.
Come ye to it fro the fertheste endis, opene ye, that thei go out, that schulen defoule it; take ye awei stoonys fro the weie, and dryue ye in to heepis, and sle ye it, and nothing be residue.
27 Dissipate universos fortes ejus: descendant in occisionem: væ eis, quia venit dies eorum, tempus visitationis eorum!
Distrie ye alle the stronge men therof, go thei doun in to sleynge; wo to hem, for the dai of hem cometh, the tyme of visityng of hem.
28 Vox fugientium, et eorum qui evaserunt de terra Babylonis, ut annuntient in Sion ultionem Domini Dei nostri, ultionem templi ejus.
The vois of fleeris, and of hem that ascapiden fro the lond of Babiloyne, that thei telle in Sion the veniaunce of oure Lord God, the veniaunce of his temple.
29 Annuntiate in Babylonem plurimis, omnibus qui tendunt arcum: consistite adversus eam per gyrum, et nullus evadat: reddite ei secundum opus suum: juxta omnia quæ fecit, facite illi, quia contra Dominum erecta est, adversum Sanctum Israël.
Telle ye ayens Babiloyne to ful many men, to alle that beenden bowe. Stonde ye togidere ayens it bi cumpas, and noon ascape; yelde ye to it aftir his werk, aftir alle thingis whiche it dide, do ye to it; for it was reisid ayens the Lord, ayens the hooli of Israel.
30 Idcirco cadent juvenes ejus in plateis ejus, et omnes viri bellatores ejus conticescent in die illa, ait Dominus.
Therfor yonge men therof schulen falle doun in the stretis therof, and alle men werriours therof schulen be stille in that dai, seith the Lord.
31 Ecce ego ad te, superbe! dicit Dominus Deus exercituum: quia venit dies tuus, tempus visitationis tuæ.
Lo! thou proude, Y to thee, seith the Lord God of oostis, for thi dai is comun, the tyme of thi visitacioun.
32 Et cadet superbus, et corruet, et non erit qui suscitet eum: et succendam ignem in urbibus ejus, et devorabit omnia in circuitu ejus.
And the proude schal falle, and schal falle doun togidere, and noon schal be, that schal reise hym; and Y schal kyndle fier in the citees of hym, and it schal deuoure alle thingis in cumpas of it.
33 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Calumniam sustinent filii Israël, et filii Juda simul: omnes qui ceperunt eos, tenent: nolunt dimittere eos.
The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, The sones of Israel and the sones of Juda togidere suffren fals caleng; alle that token hem, holden, thei nylen delyuere hem.
34 Redemptor eorum fortis, Dominus exercituum nomen ejus: judicio defendet causam eorum, ut exterreat terram, et commoveat habitatores Babylonis.
The ayenbyere of hem is strong, the Lord of oostis is his name; bi dom he schal defende the cause of hem, that he make the lond aferd, and stire togidere the dwelleris of Babiloyne.
35 Gladius ad Chaldæos, ait Dominus, et ad habitatores Babylonis, et ad principes, et ad sapientes ejus.
A swerd to Caldeis, seith the Lord, and to the dwelleris of Babiloyne, and to the princes, and to the wise men therof.
36 Gladius ad divinos ejus, qui stulti erunt: gladius ad fortes illius, qui timebunt.
A swerd to the false dyuynours therof, that schulen be foolis; a swerd to the stronge men therof, that schulen drede.
37 Gladius ad equos ejus, et ad currus ejus, et ad omne vulgus quod est in medio ejus: et erunt quasi mulieres: gladius ad thesauros ejus, qui diripientur.
Swerd to the horsis therof, and to the charis therof, and to al the comyn puple whiche is in the myddis therof, and thei schulen be as wymmen; a swerd to the tresours therof, that schulen be rauyschid.
38 Siccitas super aquas ejus erit, et arescent, quia terra sculptilium est, et in portentis gloriantur.
Drynesse schal be on the watris therof, and tho schulen be drye; for it is the lond of grauun ymagis, and hath glorie in false feynyngis.
39 Propterea habitabunt dracones cum faunis ficariis, et habitabunt in ea struthiones: et non inhabitabitur ultra usque in sempiternum, nec exstruetur usque ad generationem et generationem.
Therfor dragouns schulen dwelle with fonned wielde men, and ostrigis schulen dwelle therynne; and it schal no more be enhabitid `til in to with outen ende, and it schal not be bildid `til to generacioun and generacioun;
40 Sicut subvertit Dominus Sodomam et Gomorrham, et vicinas ejus, ait Dominus, non habitabit ibi vir, et non incolet eam filius hominis.
as the Lord distriede Sodom and Gomorre, and the niy citees therof, seith the Lord. A man schal not dwelle there, and the sone of man schal not dwelle in it.
41 Ecce populus venit ab aquilone, et gens magna, et reges multi consurgent a finibus terræ.
Lo! a puple cometh fro the north, and a greet folc, and many kyngis schulen rise togidere fro the endis of erthe.
42 Arcum et scutum apprehendent: crudeles sunt, et immisericordes: vox eorum quasi mare sonabit, et super equos ascendent, sicut vir paratus ad prælium contra te, filia Babylon.
Thei schulen take bowe and swerd, thei ben cruel and vnmerciful; the vois of hem schal sowne as the see, and thei schulen stie on horsis as a man maad redi to batel, ayens thee, thou douyter of Babiloyne.
43 Audivit rex Babylonis famam eorum, et dissolutæ sunt manus ejus: angustia apprehendit eum, dolor quasi parturientem.
The kyng of Babiloyne herde the fame of hem, and hise hondis ben aclumsid; angwisch took hym, sorewe took hym, as a womman trauelynge of child.
44 Ecce quasi leo ascendet, de superbia Jordanis ad pulchritudinem robustam, quia subito currere faciam eum ad illam. Et quis erit electus, quem præponam ei? quis est enim similis mei? et quis sustinebit me? et quis est iste pastor, qui resistat vultui meo?
Lo! as a lioun he schal stie fro the pride of Jordan to the stronge fairnesse, for Y schal make hym to renne sudenli to it; and who schal be the chosun man, whom Y schal sette bifore him? For who is lijk me? and who schal suffre me? and who is this scheepherde, that schal ayenstonde my cheer?
45 Propterea audite consilium Domini quod mente concepit adversum Babylonem, et cogitationes ejus quas cogitavit super terram Chaldæorum: nisi detraxerint eos parvuli gregum, nisi dissipatum fuerit cum ipsis habitaculum eorum.
Therfore here ye the councel of the Lord, which he conseyuede in mynde ayens Babiloyne, and hise thouytis, whiche he thouyte on the lond of Caldeis, no but the litle of the flockis drawen hem doun, no but the dwellyng place of hem be destried with hem, ellis no man yyue credence to me.
46 A voce captivitatis Babylonis commota est terra, et clamor inter gentes auditus est.]
The erthe is mouyd of the vois of caitiftee of Babiloyne, and cry is herd among hethene men.

< Jeremiæ 50 >