< Jeremiæ 47 >

1 Quod factum est verbum Domini ad Jeremiam prophetam contra Palæstinos, antequam percuteret Pharao Gazam.
The word of the Lord, that was maad to Jeremye, the profete, ayens Palestyns, bifor that Farao smoot Gaza.
2 [Hæc dicit Dominus: Ecce aquæ ascendunt ab aquilone, et erunt quasi torrens inundans, et operient terram et plenitudinem ejus, urbem et habitatores ejus. Clamabunt homines, et ululabunt omnes habitatores terræ,
The Lord seith these thingis, Lo! watris schulen stie fro the north, and tho schulen be as a stronde flowynge, and tho schulen hile the lond, and the fulnesse therof, the citee, and the dwelleris therof. Men schulen crie, and alle the dwelleris of the lond schulen yelle,
3 a strepitu pompæ armorum, et bellatorum ejus, a commotione quadrigarum ejus, et multitudine rotarum illius. Non respexerunt patres filios manibus dissolutis,
for the noise of boost of armed men, and of werriours of hym, and for mouyng of hise cartis, and multitude of hise wheelis. Fadris bihelden not sones with clumsid hondis,
4 pro adventu diei in quo vastabuntur omnes Philisthiim, et dissipabitur Tyrus et Sidon cum omnibus reliquis auxiliis suis: depopulatus est enim Dominus Palæstinos, reliquias insulæ Cappadociæ.
for the comyng of the dai in which alle Filisteis schulen be destried; and Tirus schal be destried, and Sidon with alle her othere helpis. For the Lord hath destried Palestyns, the remenauntis of the ile of Capadocie.
5 Venit calvitium super Gazam; conticuit Ascalon, et reliquiæ vallis earum: usquequo concideris?
Ballidnesse cam on Gaza; Ascolon was stille, and the remenauntis of the valei of tho.
6 O mucro Domini, usquequo non quiesces? ingredere in vaginam tuam, refrigerare, et sile.
Hou longe schalt thou falle doun, O! swerd of the Lord, hou long schalt thou not reste? Entre thou in to thi schethe, be thou refreischid, and be stille.
7 Quomodo quiescet, cum Dominus præceperit ei adversus Ascalonem, et adversus maritimas ejus regiones, ibique condixerit illi?]
Hou schal it reste, whanne the Lord comaundide to it ayens Ascalon, and ayens the see coostis therof, and there hath seide to it?

< Jeremiæ 47 >