< Jeremiæ 39 >

1 Anno nono Sedeciæ regis Juda, mense decimo, venit Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis, et omnis exercitus ejus, ad Jerusalem, et obsidebant eam.
In the nynethe yeer of Sedechie, kyng of Juda, in the tenthe monethe, Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, and al his oost cam to Jerusalem, and thei bisegiden it.
2 Undecimo autem anno Sedeciæ, mense quarto, quinta mensis, aperta est civitas:
Forsothe in the enleuenthe yeer of Sedechie, in the fourthe monethe, in the fyuethe day of the monethe, the citee was opened;
3 et ingressi sunt omnes principes regis Babylonis, et sederunt in porta media: Neregel, Sereser, Semegarnabu, Sarsachim, Rabsares, Neregel, Sereser, Rebmag, et omnes reliqui principes regis Babylonis.
and alle the princes of the kyng of Babiloyne entriden, and saten in the myddil yate, Veregel, Fererer, Semegar, Nabusarrachym, Rapsaces, Neregel, Sereser, Rebynag, and alle othere princes of the kyng of Babiloyne.
4 Cumque vidisset eos Sedecias rex Juda, et omnes viri bellatores, fugerunt: et egressi sunt nocte de civitate per viam horti regis, et per portam quæ erat inter duos muros, et egressi sunt ad viam deserti.
And whanne Sedechie, the kyng of Juda, and alle the men werriouris hadden seien hem, thei fledden, and yeden out bi niyt fro the citee, bi the weie of the gardyn of the kyng, and bi the yate that was bitwixe twei wallis; and thei yeden out to the weie of desert.
5 Persecutus est autem eos exercitus Chaldæorum, et comprehenderunt Sedeciam in campo solitudinis Jerichontinæ, et captum adduxerunt ad Nabuchodonosor regem Babylonis, in Reblatha, quæ est in terra Emath: et locutus est ad eum judicia.
Forsothe the oost of Caldeis pursueden hem, and thei token Sedechie in the feeld of wildirnesse of Jericho; and thei token hym, and brouyten to Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, in Reblatha, which is in the lond of Emath; and Nabugodonosor spak domes to hym.
6 Et occidit rex Babylonis filios Sedeciæ in Reblatha, in oculis ejus: et omnes nobiles Juda occidit rex Babylonis.
And the kyng of Babiloyne killide the sones of Sedechye in Reblatha, bifor hise iyen; and the kyng of Babyloyne killide alle the noble men of Juda.
7 Oculos quoque Sedeciæ eruit, et vinxit eum compedibus ut duceretur in Babylonem.
Also he puttide out the iyen of Sedechie, and boond hym in feteris, that he schulde be led in to Babiloyne.
8 Domum quoque regis et domum vulgi succenderunt Chaldæi igni, et murum Jerusalem subverterunt.
And Caldeis brenten with fier the hous of the kyng, and the hous of the comun puple, and distrieden the wal of Jerusalem.
9 Et reliquias populi qui remanserant in civitate, et perfugas qui transfugerant ad eum, et superfluos vulgi qui remanserant, transtulit Nabuzardan, magister militum, in Babylonem.
And Nabusardan, the maister of knyytis, translatide in to Babiloyne the residues of the puple, that dwelliden in the citee, and the fleeris awei, that hadden fled ouer to hym, and the superflue men of the comyn puple, that weren left.
10 Et de plebe pauperum, qui nihil penitus habebant, dimisit Nabuzardan magister militum in terra Juda, et dedit eis vineas et cisternas in die illa.
And Nabusardan, the maistir of knyytis, lefte in the lond of Juda, of the puple of pore men, and yaf to hem vyneris and cisternes in that dai.
11 Præceperat autem Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis de Jeremia Nabuzardan magistro militum, dicens:
Forsothe Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, hadde comaundid of Jeremye to Nabusardan, maister of chyualrie, and seide,
12 Tolle illum, et pone super eum oculos tuos, nihilque ei mali facias: sed ut voluerit, sic facias ei.
Take thou him, and sette thin iyen on hym, and do thou no thing of yuel to him; but as he wole, so do thou to hym.
13 Misit ergo Nabuzardan princeps militiæ, et Nabusezban, et Rabsares, et Neregel, et Sereser, et Rebmag, et omnes optimates regis Babylonis,
Therfor Nabusardan, the prynce of chyualrie, sente Nabu, and Lesban, and Rapsases, and Veregel, and Sereser, and Rebynag, and alle the principal men of the kyng of Babiloyne,
14 miserunt, et tulerunt Jeremiam de vestibulo carceris, et tradiderunt eum Godoliæ filio Ahicam filii Saphan, ut intraret in domum, et habitaret in populo.
senten, and token Jeremye fro the porche of the prisoun, and bitokun hym to Godolie, the sone of Aicham, sone of Saphan, that he schulde entre in to the hous, and dwelle among the puple.
15 Ad Jeremiam autem factus fuerat sermo Domini, cum clausus esset in vestibulo carceris, dicens:
Forsothe the word of the Lord was maad to Jeremye, whanne he was closid in the porche of the prisoun, and seide,
16 Vade, et dic Abdemelech Æthiopi, dicens: Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Ecce ego inducam sermones meos super civitatem hanc in malum, et non in bonum, et erunt in conspectu tuo in die illa.
Go thou, and seie to Abdemelech Ethiopien, and speke thou, The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge my wordis on this citee in to yuel, and not in to good; and tho schulen be in thi siyt in that dai.
17 Et liberabo te in die illa, ait Dominus, et non traderis in manus virorum quos tu formidas:
And Y schal delyuere thee in that day, seith the Lord, and thou schalt not be bitakun in to the hondis of men, whiche thou dreddist;
18 sed eruens liberabo te, et gladio non cades, sed erit tibi anima tua in salutem, quia in me habuisti fiduciam, ait Dominus.
but Y delyuerynge schal delyuere thee, and thou schalt not falle doun bi swerd; but thi soule schal be in to helthe to thee, for thou haddist trist in me, seith the Lord.

< Jeremiæ 39 >