< Jeremiæ 26 >

1 In principio regni Joakim filii Josiæ regis Juda, factum est verbum istud a Domino, dicens:
In the bigynnyng of the rewme of Joachym, the sone of Josie, kyng of Juda, this word was maad of the Lord, and seide,
2 Hæc dicit Dominus: Sta in atrio domus Domini, et loqueris ad omnes civitates Juda, de quibus veniunt ut adorent in domo Domini universos sermones quos ego mandavi tibi ut loquaris ad eos: noli subtrahere verbum,
The Lord seide these thingis, Stonde thou in the porche of the hous of the Lord, and thou schalt speke to alle the citees of Juda, fro whiche thei comen for to worschipe in the hous of the Lord, alle the wordis whiche Y comaundide to thee, that thou speke to hem; nyle thou withdrawe a word;
3 si forte audiant, et convertantur unusquisque a via sua mala, et pœniteat me mali quod cogito facere eis propter malitiam studiorum eorum.
if perauenture thei heren, and ben conuertid, ech man fro his yuele weie, and it repente me of the yuel which Y thouyte to do to hem for the malices of her studies.
4 Et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus: Si non audieritis me, ut ambuletis in lege mea quam dedi vobis,
And thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord seith these thingis, If ye heren not me, that ye go in my lawe which Y yaf to you,
5 ut audiatis sermones servorum meorum prophetarum quos ego misi ad vos, de nocte consurgens, et dirigens, et non audistis:
that ye here the wordis of my seruauntis, profetis, whiche Y risynge bi niyte, and dressynge, sente to you, and ye herden not;
6 dabo domum istam sicut Silo, et urbem hanc dabo in maledictionem cunctis gentibus terræ.
Y schal yyue this hous as Silo, and Y schal yyue this citee in to cursyng to alle folkis of erthe.
7 Et audierunt sacerdotes, et prophetæ, et omnis populus, Jeremiam loquentem verba hæc in domo Domini.
And the prestis, and profetis, and al the puple herden Jeremye spekynge these wordis in the hous of the Lord.
8 Cumque complesset Jeremias, loquens omnia quæ præceperat ei Dominus ut loqueretur ad universum populum, apprehenderunt eum sacerdotes, et prophetæ, et omnis populus, dicens: Morte moriatur.
And whanne Jeremye hadde fillid spekynge alle thingis, whiche the Lord hadde comaundid to hym, that he schulde speke to al the puple, the prestis, and profetis, and al the puple token hym, and seiden, Die he bi deeth;
9 Quare prophetavit in nomine Domini, dicens: Sicut Silo erit domus hæc, et urbs ista desolabitur eo quod non sit habitator? Et congregatus est omnis populus adversus Jeremiam in domo Domini.
whi profesiede he in the name of the Lord, and seide, This hous schal be as Silo, and this citee schal be desolat, for no dwellere is? And al the puple was gaderid togidere ayens Jeremye, in the hous of the Lord.
10 Et audierunt principes Juda verba hæc, et ascenderunt de domo regis in domum Domini, et sederunt in introitu portæ domus Domini novæ.
And the princes of Juda herden alle these wordis; and thei stieden fro the kyngis hous in to the hous of the Lord, and saten in the entryng of the newe yate of the hous of the Lord.
11 Et locuti sunt sacerdotes et prophetæ ad principes, et ad omnem populum, dicentes: Judicium mortis est viro huic, quia prophetavit adversus civitatem istam, sicut audistis auribus vestris.
And the prestis and profetis spaken to the princes, and to al the puple, and seiden, Doom of deth is to this man, for he profesiede ayens this citee, as ye herden with youre eeris.
12 Et ait Jeremias ad omnes principes, et ad universum populum, dicens: Dominus misit me ut prophetarem ad domum istam, et ad civitatem hanc, omnia verba quæ audistis.
And Jeremye seide to alle the princes, and to al the puple, `and seide, The Lord sente me, that Y schulde prophesie to this hous, and to this citee, alle the wordis whiche ye herden.
13 Nunc ergo bonas facite vias vestras et studia vestra, et audite vocem Domini Dei vestri, et pœnitebit Dominum mali quod locutus est adversum vos.
Now therfor make ye good youre weies, and youre studies, and here ye the vois of youre Lord God; and it schal repente the Lord of the yuel which he spak ayens you.
14 Ego autem ecce in manibus vestris sum: facite mihi quod bonum et rectum est in oculis vestris.
Lo! forsothe Y am in youre hondis; do ye to me, as it is good and riytful bifore youre iyen.
15 Verumtamen scitote et cognoscite quod, si occideritis me, sanguinem innocentem tradetis contra vosmetipsos, et contra civitatem istam, et habitatores ejus: in veritate enim misit me Dominus ad vos, ut loquerer in auribus vestris omnia verba hæc.
Netheles wite ye, and knowe, that if ye sleen me, ye schulen bitraie innocent blood ayens you silf, and ayens this citee, and the dwelleris therof; for in trewthe the Lord sente me to you, that Y schulde speke in youre eeris alle these wordis.
16 Et dixerunt principes et omnis populus ad sacerdotes et ad prophetas: Non est viro huic judicium mortis, quia in nomine Domini Dei nostri locutus est ad nos.
And the princes and al the puple seiden to the preestis and profetis, Doom of deth is not to this man; for he spak to vs in the name of oure Lord God.
17 Surrexerunt ergo viri de senioribus terræ, et dixerunt ad omnem cœtum populi, loquentes:
Therfor men of the eldere men of the lond rysiden vp, and seiden to al the cumpanye of the puple,
18 Michæas de Morasthi fuit propheta in diebus Ezechiæ regis Juda, et ait ad omnem populum Juda, dicens: [Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Sion quasi ager arabitur, et Jerusalem in acervum lapidum erit, et mons domus in excelsa silvarum.]
and spaken, Mychee of Morasten was a profete in the daies of Ezechie, king of Juda; and he seide to al the puple of Juda, and seide, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Sion schal be erid as a feeld, and Jerusalem schal be in to an heep of stoonys, and the hil of the hous of the Lord schal be in to hiy thingis of woodis.
19 Numquid morte condemnavit eum Ezechias rex Juda, et omnis Juda? numquid non timuerunt Dominum, et deprecati sunt faciem Domini, et pœnituit Dominum mali quod locutus fuerat adversum eos? Itaque nos facimus malum grande contra animas nostras.
Whether Ezechie, kyng of Juda, and al Juda condempnede hym bi deth? Whether thei dredden not the Lord, and bisouyten the face of the Lord? and it repentide the Lord of the yuel which he spak ayens hem. Therfor do we not greet yuel ayens oure soulis.
20 Fuit quoque vir prophetans in nomine Domini, Urias filius Semei de Cariathiarim, et prophetavit adversus civitatem istam, et adversus terram hanc, juxta omnia verba Jeremiæ.
Also Vrye, the sone of Semey, of Cariathiarym, was a man profesiynge in the name of the Lord; and he profesiede ayens this citee, and ayens this lond, bi alle the wordis of Jeremye.
21 Et audivit rex Joakim, et omnes potentes et principes ejus, verba hæc, et quæsivit rex interficere eum: et audivit Urias, et timuit, fugitque, et ingressus est Ægyptum.
And kyng Joachym, and alle the myyti men, and princes of hem, herden these wordis; and the kyng souyte to sle hym; and Vrye herde, and dredde, and he fledde, and entride in to Egipt.
22 Et misit rex Joakim viros in Ægyptum, Elnathan filium Achobor, et viros cum eo, in Ægyptum,
And kyng Joachym sente men in to Egipt, Elnathan, the sone of Achobor, and men with hym, in to Egipt;
23 et eduxerunt Uriam de Ægypto, et adduxerunt eum ad regem Joakim, et percussit eum gladio, et projecit cadaver ejus in sepulchris vulgi ignobilis.
and thei ledden Vrye out of Egipt, and brouyten hym to kyng Joachym; and the kyng killide hym bi swerd, and castide forth his careyn in the sepulcris of the comyn puple vnnoble.
24 Igitur manus Ahicam filii Saphan fuit cum Jeremia, ut non traderetur in manus populi, et interficerent eum.
Therfor the hond of Aicham, sone of Saphan, was with Jeremye, that he was not bitakun in to the hondis of the puple, and that it killide not hym.

< Jeremiæ 26 >